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About Dornil

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    Russia, Volzhsky


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  1. Whirlwind over Vietnam..

    I vaguely remember solving the same problem by putting the attached dll into game's folder (where WV.exe is). But I am using Win7, so no idea whether it will work with Win10. msvcr71.dll
  2. Thanks for the infor guys! One question, unrelated to FM: the F-86K available here, in downloads, has its aelirons and flaps somewhat misaligned in-game. However, their positioning is just fine when viewed in LODviewer. I tried tweaking some values in data.ini, but did not succeed. Is it even possible to fix this in data, or does this require access to original 3D model?
  3. So, does this mean that the 3D model somehow influence the flight model? Thanks! But what do they do exactly? I mean, does EmptyMass have to be a sum of MassFraction values of all hte components? If the [AircraftData] values contradict those in specific components sections, the what takes priority?
  4. Thanks' VonS! That was comprehensive! Strange thing happenned yesterday, btw: I took everything related to FM from KAW Sabre and put into Capun's data.ini. And it still spinned, while original KAW 86F-30 did not... Some kind of magic involved?:) A little unrelated note: what do MinExtentPosition/MaxExtentPosition values do? Also, values from [AircraftData] section (EmptyMass, EmptyInertia, ReferenceArea, ReferenceSpan, ReferenceChord, DragArea, CGPosition) - how do they influence the flight behavior of AI or player? Is there some sort of "data.ini for dummies" somewhere?
  5. I trust you all the way, but still, spin makes flying much more interesting:) That's why I'm trying to understand how to add this "function".
  6. Thank you for clarifying this for me! But I still can't understand the "spin technology"... For one, this is the extract from KAW F-86F-30 data.ini (LeftWing section): This one does not spin when stalled. And this is from Capun's F-86F (same section): This one spins. What is the difference between them?! Or should there be an assymetry between some post-stall values in left and right surface to produce a spin?
  7. What I mean is: for example I have data.ini's of, say, F-4 and F-86. If I just copy [FlightControl] section (and everything under AI data) from F-86 to F-4's data, does this mean that AI Phantoms will fly exactly as AI Sabres? Or do they take other airframe/engine figures into account as well? Another question: some of the modded aircraft have spin and spin recovery modelled. How was this done? I mean, what sections of data.ini are responsible for spin behaviour?
  8. I have a question: What defines AI's flight behavoir? Only the parameters from [FlightControl] section? Or do the aerodynamics values from the rest of data.ini play their role too?
  9. Wow, this method really works, and I even managed to do it right, being first time in the HEX editor:) Does anyone know the code to make specular and glossiness higher? Say, by 50-100% compared to Wingwiner's values?

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