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Everything posted by Typhoid

  1. F-22 - Worth It?

    Granted that the NKAF is not exactly a world class threat, but you clearly have no clue what they do have, do you?
  2. F-22 - Worth It?

    And now, F-22's are being deployed to South Korea to face the NKAF air threat. I rather doubt another squadron of A-10's would do well against NKAF Mig-29's............ if the lunatic regime in the North does start something, the F-22's may be very important indeed.
  3. Full Ocean graphix! wow

    That makes sense.
  4. Full Ocean graphix! wow

    not so good. The spray from the bow of the ship coming down is considerably under done when compared to the funnel smoke. about a B minus.
  5. Tupolev Tu-16 Badger Collection

    Sweet! As often as I went Badger hunting, am looking forward to this!! :)
  6. F-22 - Worth It?

    Very well said. In a similar vein, tanks are useless against submarines - so lets mothball all the tanks! that's about as logical as some of the arguments against the F-22.
  7. F-22 - Worth It?

    irrelevant. It is what the future may hold that one plans forces for. And actually, the battleships were used in several engagements, particularly in the Solomons and PI invasion. That they were not used as originally intended does not mean they weren't useful and did not perform a vital service. Things do change and what one builds something for may not be how that something is eventually used. But if you need it and don't have it, you are SOL.
  8. F-22 - Worth It?

    How well wil the A-10 do against late model Flanker series fighter opposition? If you have a fantastic crystal ball that can determine for certain that we will never, ever face fighter opposition anywhere, then perhaps we don't the F-22, F-35's, F-15's, F-16's and F-18's. How well does your crystal ball work on stock picks.....................? So far as the Battleships in WWII - quite a lot of soldiers who were supported by or engaged by shore bombardment in amphibious landings might disagree with you! Not to mention all the aircraft the BB's shot down while screening the fast carrier task forces.
  9. F-22 - Worth It?

    Nothing is ever worth the co$t before the shooting starts. After the shooting starts, the cost is never too high. If you don't have it in place before the shooting starts, it's too late to go get it.
  10. WOV_Update_Oct2008b



  11. Upgrades and Such to CombatACE

    with the defense cutbacks my task went away. When SS kicks in a few months from now or I nail down something else to work on, I may be able to renew. For the moment, count me down but not yet out.
  12. very nice! played with this last night. Very good bit of work. The camo looks great!
  13. Personal Outsourcing? - good idea

    HAHAHA!!!!! Awesome! That's a keeper.
  14. Su-33 video - must see

    Not at all. Looks just fine.
  15. US shoots down Death Star superlaser petition

    great response!
  16. Dear pit builders...

    oh, got you. The throttle was there for launch ops (I think). The shuttle was not at max thrust until after Max Q. Recall the "go for throttle up" call to Challenger just prior to breakup on launch.
  17. Dear pit builders...

    lower left by the pilot and co-pilot's left hand.
  18. Let's All Give a Hand to Erik

    Erik, Most everyone here really appreciates what you have done here. Combat Ace is a great place to come to and enjoy flight sims. I want to extend my own personal thanks for what you have built here and the time, effort, and trea$ure you've put into this place. We all owe you and the others who have built this community into what it is a huge debt of gratitude. Some people simply can't get along with others and it sometimes is simply not worth the effort to try. I am a moderator on another board that occasionally gets "a bit heated" and occasionally is invaded by the deranged. I simply delete their posts and ask the site admin/owners to delete their accounts and block their IP's. This guy, or whatever, appears to be one those who simply can't be dealt with on a rational basis because he/she/it isn't. Don't waste your time, just delete/ban/lock him out everytime he shows up and just accept that you can't deal with deranged idiots who fabricate their imagined grievances. Then we can all just enjoy the community of flight simmers. My $.02 Andy
  19. Very nice! Is there, by any chance, an ME-262 in the works?
  20. Analogies

    and ECM is itself, an emitter. I always liked the following analogy. Put two football teams on the field with the stadium lights out. Each player gets a rifle and a flashlight. Who turns on their flashlight first.......?
  21. Analogies

    That is an old rule of thumb from pre-stealth days.
  22. Let's All Give a Hand to Erik

    Someone has missed their medications...........

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