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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. "Fixed tanks" as you say need the tanks names in the data entry of the aircraft you are having trouble with...like so This is for my mig29K then add them to the loadout and you can drop them when u need to.. Pylon entry FuelTankName=Mig29WFT < tank name in its ini. FuelTankNodeName=Mig-29_WFT_R <actual 3d model mesh name. and also in weapons folder the model data.ini which shows both tank 3d names mig29wft_data.ini in mig29WFT folder [WeaponData001] TypeName=Mig29WFT FullName=1500 Litre Drop Tank ModelName=Mig-29_WFT_L left 3d model name Mass=1950.000000 Diameter=0.543000 Length=6.304000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.200000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.770000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1450.000000 Asymmetrical=TRUE RightModelName=Mig-29_WFT_R right 3dmodel name HideStationPylon=FALSE and Mig29WFT.ini [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=1500 Litre Drop Tank ObjectDataFile=Mig29WFT_data.INI some aircraft with 2 loadouts on same pylon... make sure you empty pylon 1st then reselect..1 weapon type...or create new loadout id
  2. Them there is the fsx skysim cockpit which im following.. panel done...mostly,,,,,,, starting on main cockpit soon...as its easiest bit lol done more on panel...shroud etc etc but not able to post the present wip till on other pc..
  3. Ok I have a lot of pics from the net and not a lot really show that much detail...Ie close up or side front views etc..anybody have any diagrams of the hawk pit about,I will be grateful here are some pics of the sort I know about.. I also have the FSX Skysim hawks and using them for some reference..
  4. yep.3 views are a pain...canopies eg sometimes look fine from sides then you look at top view and its no right...so widen it and from side its too far over...hmmm look from front...too low...so then back to side now its too high lol..a pain indeed.
  5. seen mig 25 and they are fekkin huuuuuuuuuuge 2 engines with a bit of skin around em lol
  6. DCS: World 1.2.8

    bit the bullet and decided to buy the FC3 etc...and im impressed farrrr better than fc2 etc
  7. Faked I would say...0.04 747 nose suddenly shadowed...but look at 757 left wing as it enters cam...aileron quickly moves in right way for sharp turn,but I think the shadow the 747 enters into gives game away...faked.
  8. MiG-21UM infos

    hmmm forgot this....will add to list lol..
  9. jpeg and bitmap only IIRC Allowed: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, tiff, flv, f4v, mp4, mov, m4a, m4v, 3gp, avi, wmv, mpg, mpeg, mkv
  10. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    My point is...if armed russian "citizens" .(.I dont think so) took over a police station in london,and British army or SAS stormed it and removed them,would putin defend his countrymen then and invade the UK?..no! Putin is on thin ice,here.
  11. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    If ukranians over ran a police station in Russia...russians wouldnt take it back in an assault? but hold back in case the ukranians invaded russia in defence of their fellow countrymen...yeah right...putin needs a kick up the arse pronto...he needs to wake up to reality I bet the crew of the su-24 were wondering if they would get a missile up the ass?....wonder if they were ordered to do the buzzes?...bet they were,and bet they didnt enjoy it...thinking they may get a burnt ass..
  12. ha ha good luck m8...I know the feeling
  13. Nice... add this to Ludo's flyable Mirage 5F.ini [TextureSet008] Directory=Desert13-2 Name=EC 2/13 Alpes Desert Camo Nation=France Squadron=13-2FAF StartDefaultDate=1977 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=15 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=14 [TextureSet009] Directory=Desert13-3 Name=EC 3/13 Auvergne Desert Camo Nation=France Squadron=13-3FAF StartDefaultDate=1975 Specular=0.300000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.000000 DecalNumberRandomize=TRUE DecalNumberBlockSize=15 DecalNumberStart=0 DecalNumberEnd=14
  14. emailed skysim to ask if I may use their gauge textures etc for making a cockpit...if able to,will make pit ..
  15. nice tiffie...few things.. shadows... looks like some meshes have double sided applied to texture...see shadow main and shadow of ehauts reversed...because of it.. otherwise nice model.. I sharpened up the skin a tad.. too..last 2 shots upper one after and lower one before sharpening
  16. IL 2 Skyhawk Promo

    nice terrains and water ...thats all...in sf2 would be nice tho..
  17. you need to run israel exe first to create its mod folder
  18. anyone have actual 3ds max file of mk10 seat?
  19. do you mean era specific?...like ww2 in sf2...as any era is possible really.
  20. I liked the flanker aggressor scheme they used.. damn...im gonna have to start doing pits...one for the hawk at least..
  21. New pylons...new bits added..removed outer burners as it only used it on inner engines for takoff...some bits to make a tad more detailed....having day or two off hawks,so inspiration wont die lol anyone know why 5th contrail appears from just aft of cockpit?...weird
  22. Rends work is a MUST have...we should have a thread entitled ...Must haves...and keep new stuff thats far superior to stock...and maybe have a time limit of items in thread so it doesnt get old.?

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