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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. open the terrain ini this is madagasgar sea.ini [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Madagascar, Southeast Africa (1977-2018) DataFile=MadagascarSEA_DATA.INI TargetFile=MadagascarSEA_TARGETS.INI TargetTypeFile=MadagascarSEA_TYPES.INI MovementFile=MadagascarSEA_MOVEMENT.INI NationsFile=MadagascarSEA_NATIONS.INI LocationMap=MadagascarSEA_LOCATION.bmp WaterMap=MadagascarSEA_WATER.bmp BriefingText=MadagascarSEA_BRIEFING.INI DogfightFile=MadagascarSEA_DOGFIGHT.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE LimitedNations=TRUE Longitude=35.00 Latitude=-10.00 MagneticVariation=-11 GroundObjectTexture=Green NavalMap=TRUE TerrainType=TILE_BASED CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat
  2. not sure...maybe remove it and redo and might fix it....sounds like its missing summat.
  3. yeah..H3 pit..but more or less same as H6 and H6T
  4. not sure if double entry is cause...try CatFile=GermanyCE.cat
  5. why I never did a tonka...its a busy model...lots to make etc...lol...looking good G
  6. make sure korean terrain ini is looking for the proper .cat file... like so.. this is my Korea3 entry ignore commented out lines. //CatFile=..\Desert\Desert.cat CatFile=GermanyCE.cat //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\VietnamSEA.cat
  7. Mystery job..NOT 110 obviously....awaiting permissions....gauges to do next....
  8. new bits in red...new gears...new mg`s....and various....just got to do starboard stuff,then cockpit area....then link em up and its not far off done...ahh also fix mapping \ texture up... also some other things to wrap up and release.... ;)
  9. Its not hardcore sim but its good enough....the modders have made it so much better...some terrains ,effects ,etc...sometimes it looks as good as dcs....plenty of stuff \ add ons to make ur enjoyment of it complete...it lacks some things that fsx \ dcs do but nevertheless its still a capable sim..... I run em all on win10 no problem...we are also expecting a new dx version update...but no sign yet...but it is coming.....this is because we had problems with dx and unlimited effects were porked...nvidia that is...but funny enough nvidia drivers now work with it....lol plus...look in downloads...we have 1000`s of files to add.....also a lot of a\c you wont find anywhere else.
  10. usually a sign that some required item isnt found....make sure you have everything and in right places and retry..others who know more might respond...
  11. I know its a bit early but...

    Lest we forget...just bought mine for this year...will donate more to the appeal for our ex servicemen and our glorious dead heroes,of wars gone by...Salute.
  12. Bits in red new.... TBF = to be fixed... gaps in slats...fixed....fuselage mapped in 8 bits....fixed...now left \ right \ middlowerwing... antennaes...replaced \moved to correct place.. tail section meshes were squiffy....fixed.... canopy front for the zestrorer...TBF cannon ports....redone...had lumpy surrounding meshes...fixed... whole a\c apart from pilot and glass on one texture...fuse will have seperate...allowing for better mapping \ texture. will post as gets along.
  13. 110 is a pain a lot to make good as its a gappy model and badly mapped...bits all over shop....to save me some time...any one got an MG 15 as used by rear gunner model to donate save me making one?...
  14. send dimensions and some piicys and will make you some.
  15. only way I know is to make the light a radar and self illuminate parts to make effect of strobe...
  16. Kev can you move my bits to ww2 wips as dont want to mess up Gep`s post ?...ty
  17. They indicate to pilot that military thrust is working \ selected.and so he can see theat its in use if he forgets lol...
  18. Ive a 110 G that can convert...not much different...and its totally freeware.... quote"....LEGAL: ====== The project is released as freeware. You may modify it and repaint it. You may upload this file to another website as long as it is not for profit. You need the written permission of the original authors to use any of these files for commercial purposes, otherwise a simple credit would be nice. Non commercial repaints-remakes are welcome but I would appreciate very much receiving a copy of your model. This file should not cause any problems with your computer, but I accept no responsibility if you think it does" Unquote.
  19. Hopefully will finish mine by xmas if I can...
  20. Remapped...was left right top and bottom...now its left,Right.(.like they map fsx a\c...usually,but here hopefully no stretching :)....)..as too many areas to try to match up...easier to edit top and bottom only....remapped intake but forgot to export b4 pics...bit more to do on fuse camo then wing colours to do... click to enlarge.
  21. I assume you placed it in mod folder not main flight folder ?
  22. Early doors wip of ....

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