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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. If you want to put it up kev...feel free m8y
  2. I made the E...whats wrong with rudder?
  3. The Emil drop tank I recall was used by the F and G..
  4. There is a post about this somewhere but...you will need a good few for them to show up.. because if an a\c serial number is randomly assigned...(which the game does) then a number higher than the decals supplied cant be found...so they dot show.. to be sure all numbers show up you may need at least 50 numbers...as game can assign 15 a\c to your mission...plus the static a\c etc...
  5. Try 1 of these its probably this > vertical_stab_ant or Box02 Box04 Box05
  6. Can never have too many terrains in my opinion...nice
  7. Julheim When I map my a\c I use a copy of the model and attach parts such as gear outer doors to the fwings etc...and map it then as a whole...unwrapping each part then to its proper place with alignment lines on a layer on the psd file... I just wish I could cylinder wrap ....I can do a fuselage such as an easy su 9 etc...but when im faced with a fuselage such as flanker for example im having to planar map and break segments of polys to achieve as little stretching as possible... I know im going off what you said...but thats the way I tend to do it..
  8. Speaking of the Skorpion...heres the other version
  9. have a look here http://knigaonline.net//BooksCatalog.aspx?category=Aviation
  10. F-94C

    you can shape the doors by arranging the polys when you make fuselage...you then detach a polygon or two to get the shape...pivot it\them at edge and animate it thus..and also create a new polygon in the same area\hole...extrude that inwards and back to make the rocket compartment....then use the auto bomb door entry in data.ini to open it before it fires the rockets...as they are doing with the Buccaneer bomb doors at the moment...
  11. New Build ( Hi-Res partly skinned) LA-15 model...in workshop...
  12. If you send some detail pics of the racks...will see what I can do...also the tanks are not a problem m8y
  13. Followed by a Big fast green one..... SU-9F ...German Air Force
  14. Gr7 yeahhh the best mk in my opinion...
  15. Just bumping this to push out the fflippin OFF posts..
  16. Did you add the new name to this line in the gun enrtry GunFireSound=GSH23 close\save the Gundata.ini .and then in Gun editor...open gundaata.ini...click edit the gun...then close \save the guneditor?
  17. Even the Experts gotta practise..."Off to West Wales Firing Ranges...""
  18. Modern Planes in Kubinka

    I must admit I like the Russian...."Scratch built" look of their a\c... they always look like??? ...but you cant just put your finger on it....its as if they are all prototypes.even tho they are the finished article....the aircraft all seem to me to look 10 years behind everyone else in their construction methods...not the actual a\c...I do like the blue white red stars too...they are cool.. all in all I do like Russkie a\c..a lot
  19. You can...if you look in gundata.ini see this you will see its sound ...GunFireSound=50cal you can either copy the gun...and copy the ini entry...and create a new sound and add the new name..via the gun editor.. easy [GunData001] TypeName=30CAL_M2 FullName=0.30-cal M2 Machinegun Caliber=7.620000 ROF=1200.000000 MuzzleVel=835.000000 AmmoWt=0.009730 WarheadWt=0.000000 Reliability=97.000000 Accuracy=70.000000 AddLight=FALSE MaxLightRange=1000.000000 FireColor=0.150000,0.150000,0.150000 GunFireEffect=LmgFireEffect GunFireSound=50cal EffectClassName=LmgEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE btw...you can do all the above with the gun editor...apart from making the new .wav file but thats easy too..
  20. Just Arrived, Failing to run

    I have heard on SFP1 forums that with vista...dont install some games in default path.....but install in a folder or such,somewhere other than say C:\Programme files\OFF try search on SFP1\WOE|WOV forum.. I assume you are running the exe as admin?
  21. Patrolling UK waters ,Offshore West of RAF Lossiemouth 2x AF2000-F`s...2x AF2000-SF`s
  22. what version of 3ds max....? send me the max file if max 9 and data.ini to russouk2004@ntlworld.com
  23. Simple,but I like it... "Up Into The Unknown" and....ready to sing? looking good amok m8y..
  24. Seeing we have a Britain map...I am thinking of doing RAF St Athan...well,a good portion of it...I have some pics of it and theres good views on google earth.. if some one who has made airbases could send me a txt file with tips I would be grateful.. I used to work on the base whan I was in school...on weekends..and after I left school for a while...so its a place I have good memories of too..

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