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Everything posted by russouk2004

  1. GTX 1060

    no m8,ive ordered 1 thyo
  2. yes m8 if it has something missing that its trying to load
  3. I dont bother saving space/....I just got extra drives...3x ssd and 1x hdd ....lol but thats me :)
  4. are you deleting the actual objects folder?...if so make sure it is intact with all subfolders....easy to miss
  5. Mig Madness over Kamkatcha,Some Hawks get some summer sun....and An undesirable is escorted off the premises...
  6. latest for me is fine ...EVGA SUPERCLOCKED GTX980 card using gforce experience to auto update em WORK FINE ON MY 970 TOO DRIVER VERSION 372.20 IIRC
  7. well bit longer than a wee time....back after a busy few months....not yet able to be commited 100% to models...but will try to resume what and where I can....miss much?....did the new fitter get out yet?
  8. Photo Real UK Terrain V2.

    nice one m8.....have the uphill rivers and sea tiles been fixed ...?
  9. Fitter = yipee....thnx guys....hope to start getting some stuff out by next week....need to see whats what 1st
  10. I like the nevada map....area 51 too....hmmmm wonder if we cn spot any ufos..they have hidden there.?...
  11. Mig-29C_Czech.7z



    Mig-29C of Czech air force. BY Me Russouk2004 extract folder,open objects folder and drag contents to your mod folder C:\Users\XXX\Saved Games\ThirdWire\whatever rgameyouusethisin.\objects make sure the folders are in correct order Modified and updated 3dmodel by me of the original mig29c by TMF Contains cockpit files etc compiled by Dast uses files in my Mig29C Ukraine package released a while ago sounds etc.so I recommend you get it 1st http://combatace.com/files/file/13792-mig29c-ukrainerar/ enjoy. THIS PACK IS FREEWARE AND SHALL NOT BE USED OTHERWISE. DO NOT DISTRUBUTE ANY PART THEREOF UNLESS HAVING PRIOR PERMISSION OF SAID CREATORS\MODDERS
  12. Mig-29A.7z



    Brake chute and afterburner effect for the Mirage Factory Mig29 series A,G,S and N models...and\or any that use the Mig29A LOD. Add the items in data.ini supplied...DONT just replace yours with this one because it only has entries needed to add the chute and effect Drop Mig-29A.LOD in the folder you want the chute enabled in.Backup the original first. Put the tga`s in main mig29 folder. I moved some anims to get the chute anim operating on its own,only operates on ground... keys.... Dragchute on ground....S key. Airbrake in air......S Canopy.....shift + 0 enjoy stopping easier lol.
  13. BF109E-3



    Messerschmitt BF109E-3 For strike fighters .....1 in a line of 3 models...E4 and 7 to follow. This a\c is an all time fave of mine and her lines are still nice to see....I hope its enjoyed as much as i enjoyed making this model... cheers Russo
  14. F-7B MB Series

    Version V1.0


    F7-MB Bangladesh AF ............. 35 sqdn has old sqd Tail insignia (Yellow Hawk) and later 36 sqdn "TigerCats" ive set them to share number decals as numbers were used on older and newer a\c...but differed with the sqd crests. F7-B Bangladesh AF and Pakistan AF.............. F7-B-IRAQ AF........ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chengdu F7 Original Release by Mirage Factory TMF --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3d model and skins further Modded by me Russouk2004 Thanks TMF team....nice job guys.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes. --------------- Added brake chutes bumpmapping.... few skin tweaks...such as new textures,redone details,ie,new panel lines and rivets etc.moved some items about.....may not work on other F7 LODS Added starys fine mig21 pit to IRAQI F7,feel free to get it for the others. still need to add the afterburner animation as it disapperas when any mapping is done...so will update it asap. hope to complete this in next few days INSTALL. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Extract folder to destop..... copy and paste these folders Objects Effects Sounds to your mod folder....usually c:\users\saved games\your name here\Thirdwire\SF2\ If you already have the a\c folder with same name,suggest you rename one or the other. for other files just click ok to overwrite as these files are latest and should be fine. Animation keys..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brake chute opens on ground only with airbrake key =S canopy opens with SHIFT +0 supplied.folders ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sounds effects most weapons...suggest you have all latest weapons packs. Pilots -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- some loadouts may not be correct.....If you find alterations needed,and can do it,send me any files and I will update the pack... takes a lot of time checking stuff and modeling so if missed things,it happens...sorry lol Disclaimer... ----------------------- If any file within causes any loss of your files due to incorrect installation,overwriting wrong files Its at users own discression. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This pack is subject to the CombatAce freeware conditions and may only be used for non comercial use,any alterations to 3d model etc will require previous permission,I have been granted full scope of modding this tmf model,so any permissions must be authorised by me. Thank you. hope you enjoy the mod. Russ
  15. Sukhois

    This got spec maps too m8?....cant wait to get my grubby hands on this and some templates.... spec and bump maps will give the fuselage look in this pic....that lumpy sheen it has...
  16. Before I switched to a gtx 980ti I used the latest beta catalyst and the tears had gone and game seemed fine...m8
  17. Set the pylons as a weapon like kyghtfall did with his A4 pylons he added....then they should move with the wing and proper statements in the data.ini ?
  18. All we need is a solid yes from TK allowing us to mod what we want as he suggested....he doesnt care if we opn the locked cats....as long as we dont make money from it....thats all we need...his definitive ok...
  19. Im doing some checks for Nyghtfall on his A4F pylons....some reason they wont show shadows.... I thought it may be reversed polys...nope...all fine....did xform reset...nothing....set parameters in user section of mesh properties tab..to recieve and cast shadows ..nothing....checked the ini ....ok....still no go....any ideas? im dumbfounded... see pics....polys fine....settings fine....ini fine [WeaponData] ObjectFullName=Pylon+LAU117 (for Maverick) ObjectDataFile=_A-4_OuterPylon_LAU117_HV_data.INI [LOD001] Filename=OuterPylon_LAU117.lod Distance=1000 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowCastDist=2000 MaxVisibleDistance=500
  20. hmmmm I didnt spot the mismatch....thnx sd a svet
  21. research real life tanks....then its added to the tanks ini file in weapons folder in the tanks data.ini this is the Tank370_F16_PAK [WeaponData001] TypeName=Tank370_F16_PAK FullName=370-gal Drop Tank PAK ModelName=Tank370_F16_PAK Mass=1500.000000 Diameter=0.580000 Length=4.300000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.147000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.279000 AttachmentType= SpecificStationCode= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=1410.000000 Asymmetrical=FALSE
  22. The way things are going....how long for?....maybe we need them in dl section...if not already there in sf1

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