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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. It is said that "All Things Done In Darkness, Must Come To Light"..... "Let There Be Light".....
  2. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    I'm off to look for Bison, myself..........
  3. I couldn't do that in 8 months without asking for help, and then lying about why I didn't get it done. That's some seriously nice work. However............. There are 2 screws missing on the cockpit canopy rail that just ruins the whole model.... Well, somebody's gotta count them rivets!!!!
  4. A splash of color on an otherwise gray morning....... Someone is about to have their day ruined.........
  5. A well-camouflaged Type 625E will RUIN your day..........
  6. Mighty nice piece of aluminum & composites ya got there. Be a shame to catch them on the ground (like this place) and just turn them into scrap metal.....
  7. Ahhh, the siren promise of HD Destructiveness. If they are anything like your A-7's, we're gonna be cooking with fusion power!!! Can't wait to turn some baddies into nuclear flash-fried nuggies with new sh*t!!! (Whoa, I'm gonna need a cigarette, and I don't even smoke!!) As we used to say in SAC, "Nuke Em Till They Glow, Then Shoot Em In The Dark"!!!
  8. You both make good distractions while the rest of us Attack Pilots get on with the dirty work.......
  9. You'd think they would be more appreciative: I wasn't using nukes on this missile strike.
  10. I might have spent some time in those locales................
  11. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    Targets of Opportunity..........
  12. Cruddy Mondays

    It was supposed to be a Bear Hunt.... Turned out to be more of a Snipe Hunt. Never saw a thing, and after turning fuel into contrails for about 30 minutes, headed home.
  13. You never know where Tigers will be found.. Guess the leisurely roll & snap into a dive caught my wingman off-guard..
  14. Scooters

    The escort fighters saving my butt on the way home............

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