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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. Fury

    The Navy always did have some nice paint schemes
  2. Gunfighter 2

    In Trail
  3. Gunfighter 1

    Close Flyby
  4. Right Behind You

    VA-105 A7
  5. Follow Me

    Cas Strike 1972
  6. Waiting For The Signal

    CAS mission in 1972
  7. Just Passing Thru

    Perfect opportunity to do some damage, but I had a rendezvous with a bridge further North..
  8. Carrier Strike

  9. Bridge Strike in Israel

    Israeli A-4
  10. Going To Thai Nguyen

    F-100's off to bomb the Steel Mills.
  11. Nukes

    You HAVE seen the SRAM that is available now, haven't you?
  12. Okay. I came, I saw, and I want my slice of pizza. I like this setup.
  13. I have no sims to play!

    Jeff, you have my sincerest apologies. I never thought of that, and really was only trying to be of some help. I'll be more careful in the future.
  14. I have no sims to play!

    On the IAF, did you install the INDEO files? I couln't get mine to run either, and the drivers wouldn't load from the disk on my new system (never did figure that one out), BUT, you can get them for free at www.ligos.com, or e-mail me and I will send you the program via email. (it's only about 2 megs) 8) 8) I can also burn you a copy of WW2 Fighters if you like.
  15. :?: Awhile back, was'nt there a download for putting tanks and missiles on Mig-17's? In among all the changes, mods, and a new computer, all I have on mine now are the missiles. Anyone have this file, or know where I can find it?
  16. Need Help!!

    :) At the bottom of the "Post A Reply" box, you will see a tab marked "Add an Attachment". Once you have finished your message, and are ready to attach your screenshot, press it. You'll see another section of the post that says "Browse". Use that to find the shot you want to put in. When the window opens, go to the :Screenshots" area in your S.F. directory, select the shot you want to attach, and click ok. When you get back to the post again, youll see the filename for the screenshot/photo, etc. Press submit. That oughta do it.
  17. sound problem

    :?: I'll try to help. What type of sound card are you using, and have you checked the sound setup on the options page? Also the soundlist .ini, and the sounds area of the program itself? If you need, I will send you the sound files I use. Let me know.
  18. :shock: Allow me to be 1st. These are outstanding. Thank You.
  19. For all those who haven't done so, trundle over to Check-6's site, and in their SFP1 area, they have some skin downloads I have not found elsewhere. I attached one just to give an example. It's a Turkish F4. I got 6 from there, for various aircraft.
  20. :? I use this mod. I have Deuce's terrain installed, and then I overlaid the Darksea files 1 at a time over the corresponding files. Works like a charm for me. Looks great at 1024x768 and 32bit color. Hope this helps.
  21. 100 year flying. Vote for: beautyfull, historic, best!

    8) Most Beautiful - The Concorde Most Historic - Bell X-1 BEST (All-Around) - F-4
  22. 8) To add onto Dagger's post, I add this: Have you checked your display/sound settings on the Options Tab? I run an Athlon XP1800 with W98SE and a Voodoo5 (Hey, I like the look) and that was my problem with a lot of CTD's. The patch fixed 99% of them, and all the right drivers and a good setup on these 2 items fixed the rest. Hope this helps.
  23. :shock: Wow. Wichita does'nt look THAT realistic.
  24. 8) Incredible. Those are extremely detailed, and smooth looking.

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