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Everything posted by Nightshade/PR

  1. :o I d/l his files normally, with no problems and they always work for me. Never got a corrupt one. And these new ones? Gotta give it to the man, He has some SERIOUS SKILLS!!
  2. Try this link. www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ac/f-5.htm
  3. That is an OUTSTANDING looking A-4. THAT'S the one I wished had shipped ORIGINALLY with the game. Very nice looking indeed.

    The F-18, or as it was known then, the F-17
  5. :shock: Came back to fly this today, and now I have 1 missile in the nose, none on the wings, guns that dont work, and no idea of what happened. It worked fine yesterday, and I made no changes. What gives?
  6. Get a GOOD LAUGH!!!!!! I'm on this intercept, and i'm out of missiles, so I go to guns , RIGHT??? Imagine my surprise. Rule #1. ALWAYS check your weapons loadout BEFORE TAKEOFF. Of course, I ran like a raped ape at that point.
  7. :D Personally, I like either 2000 pounders, or Cluster Bombs on AAA targets. Rockets I use on enemy columns; line em' up, and let fly!!
  8. :shock: Absolutely Outstanding Work!!
  9. :?: I admit to not having the talent to skin these, so is there someone out there yhat can do these? I am slowly but surely teaching myself, but you DON'T wanna know how my 1st efforts have been.
  10. AnyOne?

    and the rest of it
  11. AnyOne?

    OK, heres everything I found so far on this.
  12. :?: As an avid simmer, but lacking the skills to build my own flyable planes (as well as the time), who out there among you talented individuals (or at Third Wire) can build an F-106? Next to the Viggen, it was (to me) the most beautiful plane to ever fly.
  13. A Simple Request

    8) I saw the -102. But an F-106 is what the F-102 always wanted to be, when it grew up. And besides, I'm partial to the F-106, having worked with them in the 318th FIS, McChord AFB, Washington.
  14. I'm running a VooDoo5 with the patch on a Win98SE system, and CTD's are RARE now, since I got the patch. Even in HL.
  15. :?: Okay, I confess to having forgotten, and yes, it's due to Alzheimers!!! Anyway, how DO I turn it on, again?
  16. :D Definitely Armed Recon Missions in ANYTHING. They are HILARIOUS, and I never thought hitting a truck with guns from an F-104 would be so hard.
  17. Must be me, but I find landings smoother to fly now, and unless I goon it on touchdown, no bounces. This is also on Hard Settings.
  18. :shock: Here's one. I'm flying along on an anti-ship mission using the Euro tiles, and about 1/2 way to target, my plane and my wingmans plane canted 45 degrees left, and of the flight 2 guys, 1 was up on 1 wing, and the last guy disappeared. Any control movements made it worse, and then BLAMMO!! There's my icons!!! When I quit laughing, I wrote this post. If I can get it to duplicate, I'll get a screenshot and post it. Anyone else having this one?
  19. I figured that out to, with a BIG ASSIST from Dagger! I now have the same setup for all my sims, and it works great. Who said user forums never helped anyone? Thx guys.
  20. :!: No Go. Same effect. I'll deal with this tomorrow. Thx 4 all the help tho.
  21. wont hold my command settings in the game. No matter what I map my buttons to, or keyboard commands to, they dump as soon as i start the game, and i have no idea of what function is where. Also, on the setup page, every time i try to map my rudder commands to the rudder function on the stick, my settings inside the setup panel dump.
  22. Okay, I have just finished reloading my entire game, patch, joystick w/new drivers, and guess what? My joystick still doesnt work.

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