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Everything posted by Sheriff

  1. Out of clear blue, ordnance started to show as slightly detached detached from aircraft. I suspected it was a corrupt LOD file. So I reconstructed the aircraft ( a modified F-5 with F-20 avionics and weapons capabilities) from the F-5 Sharknose download and that solved the problem. Was there an easier way to fix that problem?
  2. Thanks , Wrench. Yes I had changed weapons items in data ini. But only "AllowedWeaponClass " and"AttachmentType" entries. In any case, I'll keep your comments in mind when I make similar changes in future.
  3. I've been using Saitek Evo Cyborg series for several years. Many more programmable button options than other sticks. All those options are ideal for managing various view settings. Throttle is not offset to side but not that's not a problem. Price has gone up but still on Amazon under 100. Mad Katz stick looks like update to the Evo Cyborg.
  4. Looks like you put images of Super Hornet in here by accident.
  5. One moment SF2 WOI runs fine. Later in day clicking on shortcut opens SF2Vietnam. So I click SF2WOI in Root directory. Same thing happens. This happened after trying to install SFKAW. Short of reinstalling WOI and then moving all saved aircraft, terrains, missions etc. is there anything else I can check?
  6. That did it!! Changed ini path back to SF2Israel works fine. Thanks,All
  7. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Do335, Yes they are all where they should be.
  8. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Would really like to run this mod .So I did all that and when I launch game it shows un-modded SF Vietnam with SFV aircraft selection even though mod folder contains only KAW aircraft. Plus game freezes if Korea 3 terrain selected . What am I missing?
  9. SF2 Korea Terrain (V3)

    I placed this terrain in several different SF2 versions including North Atlantic 2. game freezes at 80% of mission loading. I never had this problem with any other terrain mod. Planes are great though.
  10. So to change AHM to SAHM you change the 'Guidance type " entry in the missile's data ini. file to "12"?
  11. F-4J Phantom II Early (1966-1974) TK

    Very Cool !!!
  12. Ken, Go with either SF2 Israel or Vietnam SF2 Israel is Day Fighter heaven but you do have the F-4 Phantom as well. You can add other terrains easily. SF2 Vietnam offers some tough missions over N Vietnam . Immersion factor seems to be stronger. Hit pause button and then f6 and see what is going on all around you. Pretty impressive.
  13. Over the past year .I've set up a lot of DACM engagements with me flying the outclassed bogey. I especially like going against F-14 /15/18 in a late model Mig-21 , F-5 B/C , A-4. Some are almost impossible. But when I do survive, it's due to all of the tactics and maneuvers mentioned above. Load up an F-5B with decoys and a jammer and you can bag just about anyone. A-4M loaded with decoys and Limas is a little Death Star . No jammers or decoys .....Good Luck!! Keep your speed up otherwise after one or two missile evasion breaks you will be out of energy and an easy target for anyone shooting anything. In one engagement ( Two F-8 against many Migs )I tried desperate move that was developed by "Hoser" Satrapa. I turned off engine . Atoll went blind, two Migs overshot , after dropping about 3 K feet I relit the engine , gained speed and was back in the fray. I noticed that in most engagements the closure rate ( Your velocity plus missile's velocity) is about one mile per second. IF and only IF you have good idea of range at that point, start counting and make a hard break at a count of two seconds before you think missile will hit. Works more often than not BUT you have to be good at determining who is firing and from what range. Obviously a lot easier if you see missile trail but that's usually too late. I try to avoid detection. Related to that use terrain to mask against radars . I often use an historical tactic that's really cool to try out. Split your RED flight of four or your two or three flight "squadron" by telling the4 ship flight or Flight 2 or 3 to "Engage Air" . Then you and your remaining flight turn radars off.( In early Migs they are worthless anyway and just give your position away. ) Break way out to the side and stay low as possible. You and your low, fast and quiet flight Come back in from abeam or behind the bandits who are busy engaging the others. Works almost every time.
  14. I don't think the Viggen is included in any of the SF series. An SF1 add-on used to be available from the Skunkworks site. Too bad because it is cool, mean looking aircraft.
  15. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    So I reloaded mod. Install and game look clean at first glance but game crashes when: 1.Korea selected in Create Mission and 2. I select "Campaign" on main screen. I noticed that Korea 3 file included in download is different from the one reached by link above. I suspect ther's a cat.file missing and that's causing problem.
  16. I'm running various versions of SF2 with no problem until now. When running SF2 Israel version, in action views both cockpit and exterior are blurry. Even menu screens are blurry. Other versions with same settings look fine. Examples Before, After of F-5 . Loadout menu. Any suggestions ?
  17. MigBuster, Thanks for note re anti-alias setting. That was not problem. But looking at graphics options I saw that resolution settings were way off!! All is good. Thanks.
  18. Graphics card settings are constant. Note: When first launched the menu screens are clear then within a minute or so image degrades.
  19. I recently installed SF2 Vietnam. When selecting missions that have me launching from carrier, the carrier is not under me at start. Rather I'm slowly sinking into ocean and explode, as I get "Mission Accomplished" message. What's missing /corrupted? Note. I have not added any additional or alternative terrain files such as "Greem Hell" etc. Thanks,
  20. Could be I was trying to launch some old Yanke Air Pirate Missions that may be mapped to terrain diffrently. Could that be it?
  21. Lately when save I save a track in IL-2 the replay shows me being shot down when I successfully complete mission. Frequently saved track shows me shooting at thin air instead of target. Any ideas what's happening?
  22. SF2_!991_Operation Nordic Storm.7z

    Super effort! Thanks. A side note-it made me aware of that Hornet pack that I somehow missed along the way. Hoooray!
  23. I'm running several versions of this great series but missed the missions and campaigns from SF Vietnam ,so I finally loaded SFV2 from Third Wire site. During install I was advised to apply July 13 update. I did and install went OK.SFV2 2 runs great BUT some of the other games won't launch now. For example, original SFNA loads O.K. but the SFNA2 does not. OTC and Formosa mods work but WW2 mods do not. I do see that some flyable aircraft had their ini files reloaded as non flyable. That's easy fix. But what has to be changed to get 2 running again ,short of a total new install? Thanks

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