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Everything posted by Crusader

  1. 20

  2. Furthermore, the WEAPON_SHOOT_CUE function is also "tied" to the weapons max launch G value. If there is too much G on the ac = no cue The shoot cue can be hidden with other function types to have the cue displayed for certain weapons only ~
  3. The 30 mil 60° segments centered vertically - heres how Im interpreting the description: - remove red-marke dlines - add the 2 orange-marked segments, for 30 mil they are positioned halfway between the pipper and the outer 60 mil circle each segment covers a 60° arc Regarding colors: some sights installed in night fighters have had a red-colored filter. Another method was to turn the filament lighting way down for a very faint illumination of the reticle.
  4. https://www.il2-korea.com/news/dd_14 Jak-9P Fighter
  5. This F-105D (stock TW ac ) sight mod I made some years ago has revised sight settings for gun/bomb/rockets. For dive bombing from 12k ft .. iirc. Rocket settings - I dont remember anymore. Sight reticle has accurate shape
  6. See also The depression values need to be adjusted for the specific aircraft type and are generally valid for one delivery profile only
  7. They are at devblog #13 now https://www.il2-korea.com/news
  8. Yep no function for it in SF2, and podded ECM isnt functioning for AI planes anyway.
  9. Block 10 - check tailplane size, the enlarged version that came with Block 15 has more area on the leading edge too and not only the bigger trailing edge This (large-area leading edge) is wrong on the TW F-16A, iirc - fuselage pylon, there are two - 1 for tank/bombs, a shorter and shallower pylon for ECM pods (missing on all F-16's iirc) - wing weapons pylons - only 1 type (size/shape) for all 4 wing positions (the short one on the model is correct) The longer pylon presently on the innermost position is for large 600 370 Gal tanks - both tank and pylon are jettisoned as one unit EDIT large 600 Gal tanks have their own pylon, its a export F-16C thing - Block 10/15 have only the 2 rearmost C/F dispeners, not the 2 extra on the LH side
  10. IIRC the TMF ac have the wingtip launchers OK but the wing launchers are at 0 angle.. dont know about the wing pylons (tanks/bombs) And the 370 Gal tanks should have their own integral pylons
  11. But its good to see you again kreelin !
  12. Gate: Thus the JSDF fought here

    "Fox 3" is the old teminology for "firing guns", from the time before active homing missiles entered service.
  13. Cuban MiG's with strange camo

    Happens when the Hurricane hits the paint shop - a big mess
  14. Good place for research: https://www.sipri.org/databases/armstransfers The data is not 100% accurate but gives a very good overview.
  15. AIM-9B was still the "export standard" item back then. AIM-9E and AIM-9J (the original variant, often offered as rebuild/upgrade of B and E) for few customers. E.g. Iran got E and J, Saudi Arabia as well.
  16. Another Website Down

    web.archive is your friend. Not always.. but very often https://web.archive.org/web/20240000000000*/http://www.sharpshooter-maj.com
  17. My next book released

    Congratulations for the new release!
  18. SF2 TMF K'fir C2 & C7 (IDF) Upgrade/Remod Pack

    EDIT Intake cones fix moved to main support thread
  19. A lesser known source for older files is the Checksix library https://www.checksix-fr.com/bibliotheque/index.php Categorie - select S.F. Project 1 or WOE / WOV Type - select Avion (aircraft) or Skin etc to narrow down your search. Or leave it at "all" and click through the pages Most of the TMF releases up to a certain date should be available, and also the two official TW stand-alone releases - the F-104G and A-4F.
  20. Falcon BMS 4.37 Update 3 released

    Yaa its happening... all the changes to F-15C (many), some to the Hornet and even a few to the Tornado

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