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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I totally agree; let's give him a chance. the video is excellent, and a huge help to beginners (ok, and old timers too). Best thing for him to do, is edit his YT post, and remove the offending link.
  2. so, at this point, how should we handle THIS thread? since the video creator seems to be advocating piracy ... which is our #1 site no-no.. close this? allow the thief to explain himself?
  3. i think those trees are growing in Cavorite!!
  4. don't fly bombers in single missions. you only get 2 planes, and giving orders to the wingman causes the game to crash. but ALL turrets will work on bombers FM usually on WHO built them -- I've seen many that don't come close to anectdotal and actual references. so, yes, some consistency issues.
  5. Please, enlighten us to that "original" statement, if you would
  6. Freespace 2 for FREE on GOG

    Yes, in both the Freespace 1 and Freespace 2! I'll have to give it a go again. Thanks brudda!
  7. Capun locking out and banning 98.6% of the WW2 modders (well, actually just about anyone that had 'words to say"). (considering that I carried, ALONE, WW2 modding on this site for MANY years ... I just got tired of not having many of the aircraft required for the various theaters. One of the reasons I never finished the CBI map, that covers almost 20% of the planet, is most of the IJAAF aircraft are either so old they're shit, or many are not longer available to the 'general pubiic' It can still be done, it there were enough people (modelers, FM gurus, etc). Some of the terrains DO need reworking or complete replacements; it's just a matter of interest.
  8. Freespace 2 for FREE on GOG

    pretty wild! it shows I'm a crappy space pilot! Been stuck on some of the last mission (trying to take out the launcher/gun thingys of the enemy super ship before it jumps) also played the BSG mod "Diaspora/Aerilon is burning -actually the same". pretty damn good! Need more BSG!!!
  9. any eye candy that enhances the visual airbase experience is VERY welcomed!! (like, yah! we want it!!! )
  10. Pretty sure this is covered in our ever ignored Knowledge Base (tm) AI planes made user flyable will always be rewritten back to AI-only as a matter of course when the game starts. You just simply have to make the main ini (ie: MiG-21MF.ini) read only. Of course, that is after adding all the cockpit bits and listing the inis..OTH, you won't be able to add any further skins to it, as it can't write to a read only (duh!)
  11. Yawn ya just need to rebuild the VietnamSEA map, making everything friendly (cities) then add "hidden" Viet Minh camps in the jungle.
  12. Nope new installs will wipe it clean. there's a section about it in the Knowledge base. Condensed down: rename ALL mod folders (ie: xStrikeFighters2) uninstall all previous versions of the game. really run the installer for each (ALL) this must be done for all game exes, AND any DLCs start each game individually, to allow the engine to build the seperate mod folders Then, you can copy/paste any and all mods from your 'backed up' mods folders to the new ones. if you've done it right, all should work (excepting perhaps, the campaign cusomizer, unless it IS the July 2013 version. if not, you'll have to get the latest/last one)
  13. I've been having sound issues in NA -and ONLY in NA - for several years now (and I"m not alone in this, irrc). Oddly, Mod Folders (ww2) built from the NA exe, and using the same sounds (like the AvHistory R-1820x4 sound or RazBamn's Skyraider sound) are fine. The same 2 wavs (and others ) in the STOCK NA (ok, with addon aircraft and such) they sound like wind up toys or Testors 0.49 gas engines. This is an interesting thread .. lets see if we can't run this down
  14. Well, portions of Canada are in the what-if "Mid-West USA" terrain (CenUS)
  15. You cannot install 1stGen games to the C:/ProgramFilesx86 folder. ALL 1stGen games, from windows 7 and up, MUST be installed at the ROOT of C/ drive. This will allow them to still be accessable for modding. This is a well know thing, and has been covered in the past.. If you install to the C/ProgramFilesx86, you've put it in a protected region of the HD, and have lost the ability to "mess with it". As your instant action ini issue, have you tried simply renaming the ODS one (back it up), and testing if the STOCK one works??? (basic diagnostics - common to one, or common to all??). YOu'll be flying with stock WoE birds, over GermanyCE, obviously, but that should have been the first test. Also, remember, ODS for 1stGens is old. All the people that built it have moved on, and is not (really) supported anymore.
  16. Only if Veltro wants to, and he still has the Max files. It's totally up to him
  17. Why must you insist on carrying...

    I forget you never played the CoC RPG. He's immune to everything!!! The game manual's distinctly don't reccomend using nuclear weapons; it only makes him mad, and he comes back, "but now he's radioactive"
  18. Why must you insist on carrying...

    I didn't know that zombie elephants were a thing ...
  19. I'm not even going to go there....this is a family site!!!
  20. don't think so .. iirc, there's more for the differing "late model" radars in A-A modes, and the TEWS style RWR
  21. true, that "cross shape' does look like one of those wonderful 3W tree shapes. Try turning off "Show TOD Objects" or whatever it is, and see if it goes away. If it does, that's what it is. Then you'll have to load the terrain up in the 3W Terrain editor, figure out what tile that is, and edit the Solid & Alpha objects (if the tile's ini is available; if not, you'll have to build a new one)
  22. missing texture for object in the terrain's folder, or object uses no textures, but colored materials (one of the oil tankers does this same thing)
  23. make sure you ask first! I'll need to see exactly what's been changed before approval. But only if you plan on sharing with the community. Unfortunately, the map has a lot of issues. (not the least is the shape of Naha harbor) or lack of proper hills on Okinawa, and the Karama Reto region. I'm not even going to mention the faults in the Home Islands (some of which might actually be mine!!! Oh no!!! <gr>)

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