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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    I was hoping you'd add the pylons for the Bat
  2. keep the US insignia on the intake, that'll free the nose mesh for Modex numbers. Simplest and easiest (read: lazy man's way!!! )
  3. 3w has (sort of) discontinued support, in the fact nothing new or expanded will be released. Outside of the 'mobile games'. OTH, TK has put together an "all is one" package for 100 USD (approx) that is all 5 game, both expansions, and all 29 DLCs. I know you said in the first post that were issues with international ordering, but it might be worth investigating further. Simply put, a disproportinate number of all SF2 mods require a full 5 merged install with SF2NA. NA is most assuredly required for those aftermarket terrains that are "Naval Maps" (for carrier operations - no matter what anyone else says, its been proven - not all the CVBG coding is in the the other 4) And, also, we do NOT discuss pirate sites. Ever. I know you've been away for a while, but there's been some issue with that in the last few years, and those that espoused it have been removed (which I know YOU'D never do!! ) And welcome back! (any terrain with my name on it is one to get -- shameless plug)
  4. View File SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack SF2 F-4G(B) USN Pack 8/28/2019 -For SF2, Any and All (Full Merged Reccomended) This is a NEW aircraft, the F-4G(B) for the US Navy. There were F-4Bs modified with a automatic carrier landing system during their Oct 1965-June 1966 deployment in South East Asia aboard USS Kitty Hawk. They were painted in an experimental green camoflauge, as were many other aircraft of CVW-11 in this time frame. Once upon a time, I know we had this aircraft for 1stGen SF, but have been unable to locate it. So, I rebuilt it, and now present it you all to enjoy. This is a complete aircraft, based off the F-4B_65, so make use you have this bird in your inventory. This aircraft uses all stock 3w items. The skin is in jpg format, in 2048x, from Sundowner's templates. 12 100% historically accurate Bunum decals are included. Decal randomization is TRUE. This aircraft is given a full year's operational time frame, "1965-1966" in the data ini, even if not historically correct (read: easier). New, aircraft specific hangar and loading screens are provided. Is should be noted, this mod was started in 2011, and got lost. I do NOT remember who created the original skin I worked from, or the decals (which have been refreshed to remove ghosting around the edges), So I cannot take full credit for this mod (see "Notes" for more speculations). When in-game, on the aircraft selection drop down, you'll see: F-4G(B) Phantom II (USN) This will differentiate it from the USAF F-4G Wild Weasel, and make sure you know it's a Navy bird. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 08/30/2019 Category F-4  
  5. use lod viewer to plot x/y positions on flight deck record numbers and compass heading (0 to boward, 180, sternward, 270, port side, 90, starborad) add to data ini, save
  6. if and when it ever gets done, of course. I don't hang on to things. I build for the community Of course, we're missing a great number of aircraft for the theatre; from the beginning to the end. Need a lot of RAF/RAAF and IJAAF aircraft that are no longer available to the general populace, or a bunch that need serious replacements (re: wolf's Oscars for example; need total replacements)
  7. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    when the Privateer is finished, I hope you release the template
  8. I never finished it. the level of detail in the cities set a standard...
  9. You're answering an 6 year old post ... the OP probably isn't even around any more lets try NOT necrothreading for a change, shall we?
  10. Version 2 uploaded -- many changes, see Change Log in the Read Me!! happy landings!!
  11. View File Douglas EB-66C Destroyer (Ver 2) Douglas EB-66C Destroyer Update Pak (Ver.2) 8/16/2019 = For SF2, Any & All = This is an update/upgrade/Remod of my 2013 pack. This is considered to be "version 2.0" of the EB-66C Destroyer ELINT/Escort Jammer aircraft. It it designed to replace, in total the earlier package from August 2013. If you have the original pack, you are instructed to delete it completly (aircraft, decals, and all), as this one has some major imporvements. This remod pack contains 2 skins: 41st TEWS, 355th TFW, PACAF, Takhli RTAFB, mid-60s thru 1974-ish (RC tail code) 39th TEWS, 36th TFW, USAFE, Spangdahelm AB 1969-73 (JN tail code) Both are new, and are (hopefully!) in the correct SEA 3-tone camoflague colors. All NEW replacement serial number decals were created. Both skins use a pool of 36 100% historical serial numbers. As only 36 of these aircraft were built (in one block of 30 and a second of 6) it was a easy job. While totaly accurate in nature, the 36 numbers are not representative of individual aircraft of any unit or squadrons that used the EB-66C (other than by random happenstance). Decal randomization is TRUE. As with the other B-66 mods, a heavily edited cockpit designed to 'fit' within the existing canopy framing is included. Avionics have been upgraded with new jammers, chaff dispensers, and so forth. This aircraft carries =NO= offensive weapons, or defensive guns. FLY ACCORDINGLY!!! A small modification to the data ini also allows for carrying external jammer pods & chaff dispensers in place of the drop tanks. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! See "Change Log" in the Notes section for a full-ish list of what's been, well, changed! Happy SAM Dodging!! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/29/2012 Category B-66  
  12. nothing to do with it ... it's caused by fucked up meshes in model itself. Even the 08 level uses the main lod to cast shadows Just get Paulo's and the issue is resolved
  13. Russo's Emil* should work in both, as it's an "ansi" coded model. Templates are around here someplace, iirc. (if not I should have a copy) MontyCZ has a C/D 109, but I don't know if its ansi or unicode Lods, as it's for SF2 *btw, his Emil works in both SF1 and 2
  14. that's NOT an airplane issue, but one on the boat. Nothing to do with the Tomcat. Maybe complain about it to the ship builder?
  15. For some reason, I'd always thought you were on 10. NP! Works great in 7 for me. I'll get one of my setup to you over the next day or so
  16. As a test, I can send you one of my full TE set ups, and see if you can get it work on your W10 machine. Just install (means: unzip and drop it as there's NO install program) to the C drive (ie: C:/Terrain Editors/*name of editor*). THEN you get the fun on figuring out it's workings
  17. Early 111s??? We could sure use a new H model (or whatever variant letter it is, for BoB and later!!)
  18. sure, why not?? (although my preferance is always Pacific War , like china?)
  19. yes, we know!! I've always been curious as to WHY the TE's never worked for you Jordi. It should have no problems in 7 or 10 (but as I don't have or have access to 10, I can't really test this). It is, as we all know, one of the worst programs around ... but we make it work
  20. actually, that's EXACTLY what you're doing. New TODs are always generated at the "Save" in the TE.
  21. Hey, it happens to all of us, eventually!!
  22. You know, if you'd have posted this in the SF2 Forums, INSTEAD of The Pub, the people that could help you might actually see it. So, it's been moved to the correct Forum, to try and give you the assistance you require. Remember, SF2 questions GO in the SF2 Forums!
  23. View File SF2 Douglas RB-66C & WB-66D Destroyer Update Pak Douglas RB-66C & WB-66D Destroyer Update Pak 8/12/2019 = For SF2, Any & All = This package contains 2 of Bunyap's 1stGen aircraft brought up to a more SF2-ish standard. Also, they seemed to be missing from the SF2 downloads, and I thought it was time to bring them back. They are the: RB-66C Destroyer (Recon & ELINT) aircraft WB-66D Destroyer (Weather Recon, ELINT) aircraft The units/skins provided herein are: RB-66C: 42nd TRS, 10th TRW (USAFE) 19th TRS, 66th TRW (USAFE) WB-66D: 9th TRS, 363rd TRW (ConUS+) All markings are decals, excepting the 42nd tailfin flash. All serial and buzz number decals (30 for the RB & 36 for the WB) are 100% historicaly correct. They represent the full production runs for =BOTH= aircraft. The 2 skins for the RB use the same pool of decals. A new Hi-Rez replacement skins were created from HGBN's templates. The skins are in jpg format. As with the B-66 and EB-66, a highly modified cockpit is supplied to 'fit' within the visible model. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please read them! See "change List" in Notes for what's been modified/changed/adjusted. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 08/16/2019 Category B-66  

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