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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Still, I believe a worthwhile investment. After having had an HD crash last December, and having to rebuild from the original release exes, and then running around like a lunatic trying to collect all the patches, finding out you've lost a few DLC exes... yeah, 100 bucks US; be good to have the whole set archived for such emergencies
  2. freeking hilarious!! Looks like a Meteor and Airacobra had a baby! definately be a post-44 bird, given jet tech of the day.
  3. when I ran the animations in Mue's Viewer, it seemed REALLY odd the gears each had their own. this is great Russ!! Many thanks! I also found hiding in my KAW mods folder, Fast Cargo's (uncompleted) F-84B/C Thunderjets from 2010. Seem like they just need skinning & FM work
  4. Midway 2019

    anyone else notice the TBD's parked on the US carrier? Even if only CGI might be the first time they've shown up in film since 1941's "Dive Bomber" (find it if you've never seen it -- it's in COLOR!!)
  5. that did the trick. like I said, i don't know how to work this thing!! Russ I'll send the whole thing along to you in a day or so thanks!
  6. View File SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt 36th FBS, KAW "What If" Skin Pack SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt 36th FBS, KAW "What If" Skins Pack 6/22/2019 -For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)- This is a 'What If' skin for the P-47N Thunderbolt by RussoUK. It represents the 36th FBS, 51st FG if said unit had been equipped with Jugs during the Korean War. It is to be applies to V.2 of Russ's Jug. If you don't have it, You can find Version 2.0 of Russ' P-47N at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/13202-p-47n-157z/ The aircraft is painted in "silver lacquer" and carries the same style of tail markings as seen on their Real Life (tm) F-80C Shooting Stars used in Korea. All new serial and buzz number decals were created. The serials, while generic in nature, are correct for the late model P-47Ns. Decal randomization is TRUE. Let it be known that the SF2 Date Switch is =NOT= used on this skin*. A new more "chewed up looking" damage tga is also included. When in-game, on the Loadout Screen's Skin Selection Dropdown window, you'll see: 36th FBS (What-If, KAW 1950) Remember, you'll have to change the skin for all members in your flight. Once upon a time, there was a 1stGen version of this aircraft/skin that I did (mid 2000s???) but it dosen't seem to exist in the CA downloads anymore. So, this is a full replacement. If any of you End Users (tm) still have it, you are instructed to delete both the original skin and decals. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Might want to give the "Notes & Other Nonsense" section a once over, as well! :) *=see 'Notes' for information on how to create a post-war F-47N Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 06/27/2019 Category What If Skins  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 P-47N Thunderbolt 36th FBS, KAW "What If" Skins Pack 6/22/2019 -For SF2, (Full 5 Merged Reccomended)- This is a 'What If' skin for the P-47N Thunderbolt by RussoUK. It represents the 36th FBS, 51st FG if said unit had been equipped with Jugs during the Korean War. It is to be applies to V.2 of Russ's Jug. If you don't have it, You can find Version 2.0 of Russ' P-47N at the following URL: https://combatace.com/files/file/13202-p-47n-157z/ The aircraft is painted in "silver lacquer" and carries the same style of tail markings as seen on their Real Life (tm) F-80C Shooting Stars used in Korea. All new serial and buzz number decals were created. The serials, while generic in nature, are correct for the late model P-47Ns. Decal randomization is TRUE. Let it be known that the SF2 Date Switch is =NOT= used on this skin*. A new more "chewed up looking" damage tga is also included. When in-game, on the Loadout Screen's Skin Selection Dropdown window, you'll see: 36th FBS (What-If, KAW 1950) Remember, you'll have to change the skin for all members in your flight. Once upon a time, there was a 1stGen version of this aircraft/skin that I did (mid 2000s???) but it dosen't seem to exist in the CA downloads anymore. So, this is a full replacement. If any of you End Users (tm) still have it, you are instructed to delete both the original skin and decals. As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Might want to give the "Notes & Other Nonsense" section a once over, as well! :) *=see 'Notes' for information on how to create a post-war F-47N Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. good enough! btw, I reinstalled Max 2009, and the max file I have may not be the full aircraft. Only parts show up. Mind you, I can barely work it enough to OPEN the file!! (yah, I suck at that!!)
  9. there's no drag chutes on any stock 3W aircraft. So... there you go ** ripple and interval are modeled (extract and look at the cockpit ini) for the "standard" Hun (no year suffix) it's: [CockpitData] Directory=cockpit HUDMode=CAGED,AA,AG RippleQuantity=1,2,4,6,8,10 RippleInterval=60,100,140 probably the same for the A, C and other Ds Check you key binding assignments, as they are set in the Default.ini (in the /Controls folder). Below is off of mine: NEXT_RIPPLE_QUANTITY=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON08 PREV_RIPPLE_QUANTITY=SHIFT+RBRACKET NEXT_RIPPLE_INTERVAL=JOYSTICK01_BUTTON06 PREV_RIPPLE_INTERVAL=SHIFT+LBRACKET (CH 568 CombatStick) To change or at least check ... ----> Options --> Controls ** oddly, there IS a key bind for it. So, maybe it was planned at some point????
  10. so quiet in here....

    but it 's winter in Australia
  11. I agree, weathering is the hardest. you know, you don't actually NEED to do the rivets ... think of the scale of the aircraft, the actual size of the rivet, and you'll figure out that beyond about 3 feet, you really wouldn't see them. (I've done that "scale check" on a real life P-47 and B-17, and trust me...all that really is visible is the dirt lines or divit shadows. as I'm sure the 25 isn't bump mapped ... well, you see where I'm going)
  12. and there's Ural's around here someplace, too
  13. and there's something wrong with the D-40 that Danial and I did?? the differences in the fin are so miniscule ... and why waste them on YAP??
  14. Moana says ... I like this airplane (albeit actually post-war, 1946)
  15. Cockpit Moving Map Delete Background

    how about explaining what the hell this is supposed to DO in the actual ANNOUNCEMENT?? That's how we do thing around here.
  16. What Wilches said, and you might need to add the cat pointer line to the main ini: [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Baltic Sea (Denmark) DataFile=Ostseeausgang_data.INI TargetFile=Ostseeausgang_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Ostseeausgang_types.INI MovementFile=Ostseeausgang_movement.INI NationsFile=Ostseeausgang_nations.INI BriefingText=GermanyCE_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Ostseeausgang_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat Longitude=55.8 Latitude=10.0 WaterMap=Baltic_Water.bmp LimitedNations=TRUE GroundObjectTexture=green
  17. it works in sf2. (at least standard tube artillery; rockets too iirc) the original American SouthWest has defense posts on the Blue (Texan) side with arty positions - watch a CAS mission against one of the forts; the arty engage the tanks. Also, Brownsville/Matamores batteries shoot at each other. one of the Israel maps (can't remember if it's IME or Isreal2) has Bar Lev fortress, with M-109s that engage Egyptian forces across the canal. They fire back with D-20s some WW2 PTO maps, I seem to recall working SCUDs in either the ODS or Iran/Iraq terrains (maybe both) We been doing this a while -- we do know how to make things work. I should know, I've done it
  18. it sure as hell does. Trust me on this ...I KNOW. There are terrains out there with fixed batteries, and they DO engage targets to the limit of the gun range. AND 800,000 years ago, Crusader added rockets to the stock 3W BM-21. we also have other surface to surface rockets that work, too.
  19. Humpday Heavies

    I remember now ... there are some mapping issues, and mesh issues (decal bleeds) that's why I never finished it. The image is from 2015. Uses the PB-1W lod.
  20. Version


    NAA FJ-3M Fury = For SF2, Any and All = This is the full, compiled package of Zur/Column5's FJ-3M Fury. I've assembled all theskin/decal sets I could find into one big lump. Skins included in the pak are: VF-53 from ?? VF-62 from USS Essex, ATG-201 during the Beirut Crisis VF-73 from USS Randolph, circa 1956/57 VF-84 from USS Forrestall, crica 1956/57 VF-142 from USS Hornet, 1956 VF-211 from USS BonHomme Richard, circa 1956 VMF-312 (actually an FJ-3 in Natural Metal, circa 1955ish) Some of the older decals have been replaced by new-builds, and all the positioning has been reset to match photographic and profile evidence. With a little luck, they're right! Decal randomization is also set to TRUE, so make sure you're at least at the July 2011 patch level (or whichever one gave that to us) Also included is a new drop tank (based off the original Sabre tank), as reskinned by C5 for the original release. I've just did some hex editing and renaming of the tank to create the "new" version just for the Fury. Other changes are the addition of the Userlist, a new avionics ini that adds the radar-ranging gunsight. And a revamped SF2 version of my 'artwork' hangar screen. Loadouts use all stock, in-game items. The aircraft is fully carrier-capable, via the addition of a 'virtual' arrestor hook. The 'destroyed model' callout has been added, using the closest shape (F-100D). Not perfect, but it works! As always, READ the enclosed readme for full,detailed, easy-to-follow install instructions. Of course, the usual 'Notes' section for the ravings of a madman!! Happy Landings! wrench kevin stein
  21. AND.. we do all out stuff for FREE!!! I'm always proud to see the level of dedication that this community puts into their work, wiether it's a skin/decal set, an add on ship or plane, or a utility like this one, and the others Mue's created for us. My hat is off!
  22. Humpday Heavies

    PB-1W, Early Warning Fortress, circa 1950 --- silberpfiel, I'm interested in where you got the lifeboat! (and is this Veltro's B-17? I don't remember releasing my PB-1G)
  23. just discovered an aircraft that is missing 2 100 gallon (internal) wing tanks. Going to add them but can't remember what the unit of measure is for their capacity Kg? Lbs?? liters?? somebody remind me!!??!!?? TIA!
  24. really? that seems odd! but, hey if that's how it works... esperto: every measurement in the game has ALWAYS been metric;

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