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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. as a reminder, as seen in Allen's images in the screenshot's thread, don't forget to place the canopy tga into EVERY skin folder. That's one of SF2s quirks
  2. Nice job! it looks lilke only a few changes in the paint scheme on the fantail, and new decals of course, could possibly give is the long-missing BROOKLYN class cruisers for WW2!!! Thoughts? EDIT: never mind! It looks like I did it already, in 2015!! sorry for the hijack!!
  3. +1 on that!! You can always say that I said it was ok. (but check the Freeware listing to be safe!! ). But I'm sure she'd be OK with it!
  4. Ok. if you want, take one of each skin, nicely lit and composed, label for each, zip them up and pm them to me. Then, I can add them to their individual 'sections'. or whatever!
  5. To all Involved: A new, 'version 2', with repainted wings and fuselage for the "Early" skin has now been uploaded. There is also a seperate 'Fix It" package of the "Early" skin for those that have already downloaded the full aircraft package. The link is below:
  6. View File SF2 Atlas Impala Mk.II Early Skin "Fix It" SF2 Atlas Impala Mk.II Early Skin "Fix It" 3/7/2019 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is a "repair" package for the recently released ATlas Impala Mk.2 by Marcfighters. This kit ONLY contains the skin folder "Early". The fuselage and wings have been repainted and had the necessary panel lines redrawn to remove the painted on national markings. They are now all decals, which are stock in all 3W games (merged). The Entire Aircraft package, available below is also getting this patch applied, so if you've downloaded the aircraft already, this fix-it kit for YOU. If you haven't downloaded the aircraft, what's stopping you??? :) Below is the URL for the full aircraft package (updated) https://combatace.com/files/file/16939-sf2-atlas-impala-mkii-by-marcfighters-v2/ As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/07/2019 Category Other Origin  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Atlas Impala Mk.II Early Skin "Fix It" 3/7/2019 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is a "repair" package for the recently released ATlas Impala Mk.2 by Marcfighters. This kit ONLY contains the skin folder "Early". The fuselage and wings have been repainted and had the necessary panel lines redrawn to remove the painted on national markings. They are now all decals, which are stock in all 3W games (merged). The Entire Aircraft package, available below is also getting this patch applied, so if you've downloaded the aircraft already, this fix-it kit for YOU. If you haven't downloaded the aircraft, what's stopping you??? :) Below is the URL for the full aircraft package (updated) https://combatace.com/files/file/16939-sf2-atlas-impala-mkii-by-marcfighters-v2/ As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. Yeah, like WK said, it doesn't work on ground objects.
  9. work continues.. got some immeasurable help from ravenclaw. The Mb-326 series aramaments manual! Answered a myriad of questions screenie below show I'm getting closer to being done. All markings are decals, INCLUDING the card suites on the tail fin (level2)
  10. Syrinx is lady (one of our few female members) from the UK. I can fix the images; are they included in the zip files? If so, I can download them and just re-up the images. If not...well, .... == one wonders if those original F.3s have ever been updated for SF2 ....
  11. ArmorDave's mapping is completly different from the 3W F-105s. The only solution is to re-template them yourself
  12. I KNEW I should have painted them out, redrew the lines, and just used decals! Which wing map is that? thanks man!! Maybe I'll do a quick update for that skin map in a day or so
  13. Moved to correct Forum If you're asking about a specific GAME issue, please post in that game's Forum. ---
  14. Thanks! The rudnel site has been of great help; found that yesturday! Now, the next questions how many aircraft in the squadron/group? it seem each flight of 1/4 GAV have differeing card suites (heart, spade, diamond, club) on their tail fins. This is super easy to do with Level-2 decals (nobody does that better than me!). So, how many A/C in each flight?
  15. The image is just a screen cap of Mue's Lod Viewer. One of the best tools EVER invented for this game. and now to muddy the waters further....two words.. EmptyInertia how is THAT figured out, and what does it mean?
  16. Paulo, you should do this to the Fletchers we have here by Grinch!! Be a great addition!!
  17. iirc, jet thrust is in Newton Meters; not sure about prop planes --?. also, iirc, fuel weights are kg, for internal tanks. all other physical measurements are Metric. have been since day one. some speed statements MAY be in Meters/Sec (MPS). I think those are the ones in the -FlightData- section at the top. you're taking about individual meshes, and how the interact with each other. In the image below, for the Harrier 1, you can see the blue bounding box, with IS the actual mesh X/Y/Z parameters, and the green Hit box (and the fact they don't even match!! Seen this plenty of time of stock aircraft, too) IIRC this correctly, the Min/Max describes the extents of the bounding box, the actual size of the component. Obviously, the Hit Box (green) is where damage is taken (collision points) From the fuselage section of the 3W Harrier 1: MinExtentPosition=-0.74,-6.68,-1.00 MaxExtentPosition= 0.74, 1.26, 0.97 CollisionPoint[001]= 0.00,-6.67,-0.20 CollisionPoint[002]= 0.00,-2.61,-0.93 CollisionPoint[003]= 0.00, 1.25, 1.00 CollisionPoint[004]= 0.00,-6.68, 0.70 CollisionPoint[005]= 0.54,-4.98,-0.40 CollisionPoint[006]=-0.54,-4.98,-0.40 as you can see, there IS a tail mesh, but the Fuselage HB has been extended to cover it. Kinda weak, imho.
  18. my suggestion would be to keep the poly count as low as possible, IF even possible!
  19. bridges need to be placed on flat ground or they don't line up (see my original ASW Texas/Mexico terrain along the Rio Grande. Seriously messed up bridges) Adding objects like this isn't new -- Russ experimented with it in the 1stGen series, and my WW2 Hawaii terrain sports a Ford Island that's a single piece lod (courtesy of Geezer). It's a great way to add specific types of objects.
  20. Gents, FIRST & FINAL WARNING!! take discussions to the MAIN Forums, that's why they exist. This is for Screenshots =ONLY=. Next time this happens, the posts will be deleted, and you're personal warning levels will be raised. ------------ required screenshot
  21. one can assume several dozen faults like that! (just thinking the USAF/USMC/USN all changed national insignia in 1947, as an example)
  22. I'm just curious to know if these "non working" campaigns are designed for a stand-alone mods folder (like KAW or TSF or ODs or..or...or), and the end user is just dumping them into an "all is everything" mods folder. Which, 99.999999999999999999999% of the time simply don't work. And yes, there are massively varying levels of details in read mes. Always been my personal peeve. Tell the end user what the fuck it's for, if it's designed merging with **** game, or is a seperate, stand alone mods folder is required. AND the part about "having to edit the options ini" is flagging, to me at lease, said campaign mods REQUIRE seperate installs. Just thinking out loud. Of course
  23. re: underwing radar pod for SPADs... anyone bother to check the KAW mod for the AD-4N???? hint hint APS-31 -- requred screenshot
  24. delete the mods folder, NOT the exe!! (unless you used an exe other than the NA one) When you (re)start your ODS.exe, it'll rebuild a new mods folder. Then, you all the ODS stuff from you downloaded. Since they're carriers involved, I'd HIGHLY recomend building it from the SF2:NA executable. Better carrier coding in that exe

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