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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. only the terrain editor can import "solid objects" and "alpha objects" How that works, I've never found out either, but there is a function someplace If you're talking about terrain objects (warehouses, runways, hangars, etc). That's a compltely different story
  2. Hex editor is the easiest and simplest way to do it. We've been doing it since 2004, rename the lod, create (if needed) new skin, repaint skin (if needed), save an new unique name -this is the important part-- a name that has the exact number of characters as the original , open LOD with hex editor, "search" for the bmp's name, and edit each instance to match the new skin. How do you think we've created over 100 differing pilot figures, all from the same original 3W lod, but with different skins (most of which I did the hex editing for, while pappychksix did the artwork -- see SF1 downloads)?
  3. The Ultimate Paper Airplane

    this is amazing! I've done a few (very) easy paper models, but nothing even close to this!!
  4. <cough> copyright restrictions on other material?? <cough>
  5. Seriously?? From the Third Wire site, go the Store (iirc) http://www.thirdwire.com/index2.htm
  6. That dosen't work for Capun's (Dev A-Team) products. The only place you can get them, is FROM them.
  7. Merry Christmas!!

    To all my friends, to all our community members I wish you a very Merry Christmas and hope for a healthy, happy and excellent coming New Year! Cheers!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. That's because you can't. What you may find, as versions uploaded to so-called 'torrent' sites, and many of them are incomplete versions, that may come with several unwanted "enhancements" (read: virus). What you're asking for, it seems, it for someone to GIVE you the game. That's called piracy, and is absolutely forbidden here. Even the mention, hint or inclining of it has gotten people perma-banned from here. So, take this as a friendly warning. You want the game, it should still for sale at the Third Wire site. That's the only way you'll get it. ------ I'll leave this thread open for another 24 hours, so you can respond, if you wish, after that it'll be closed and locked.
  9. Yes, INDEED!!! Make sure you have ALL your original emails from 3W, with the download links and whatever else might be needed. I'm going through the same thing (HD died). Replaced the HD, and have been rebuilding the software for the last week. But, unfortunately, I can't access the email files on the old HD that have said links, so I've had to use my original SF2 downloads (from the original release), and patch everything up. Worse, is my subscription to ESET anti-virus, that I can't access the pasword to activate the new version I d/led. In short -- if you buy something ALWAYS print out the email, keep them in a safe, easily found place, and backup your machine (at least) montly. And yes, the 3W store IS open!! All the SF2 games and the DLCs are available for purchase. (I checked yesterday)
  10. Also, leave shadows on "HIGH". If run on Unlimited, it creates is "interesting" effects * *(and not in a good way)
  11. missile duration is how long it "lives" in the game world before self-destruction
  12. to be honest, datalink pods really don't do a thing (iirc) in either SF1 or SF2. They're just "eye candy"
  13. love the addition of the A/C units!!! Nice details!
  14. The problem with using the Hybrids is, their mind tends to wander off, and causes your computer to jump beyond the Red Line, getting Lost in Space
  15. Veltro's had a Blackjack (mostly) done for several years. It's just that no one stepped forward to assist him in bringing over the threshold. Don't know what's it's state is now, as he's been absent for some time (months)
  16. Bit the big one!

    was looking at something like this: https://www.dell.com/en-us/shop/dell-gaming-desktops/alienware-aurora/spd/alienware-aurora-r7-desktop/dpcwxtc03h right now, the older games. DCS is just too much money all the time. If newer flight sims or space game come out, definately want the availability to play them. I'd thought about building a system, but with my eyesight (minimal depth perception close up and "unfocusedness") I don't think I could. Definately NOT looking forward to learning Win10!
  17. only on "easy avionics". may require editing of the aircraft's main ini.
  18. yes, into Object Mods/Structures. it's actually pretty easy, just follow the on-screen steps. You "give it a name" section, then drag/drop the zip file, then there should be a section to upload the screen shots. That's also a drag/drop operation. Don't forget to write a description. And have a good read-me. (since this mod is mostly for terraformers, maybe add in the read-me the statements to add to a terrain's _types ini) If you run into any issues or problems, just let us know!
  19. I like it! nice color change from the one we've had since 2003!!
  20. the shape of collision boxes prohibit ski jumps. and neither engine (sf1 or sf2) is built for it
  21. I can send you the data ini we started working on when angelP was build one in the CAF Forums. Don't know it that'll help or not....obviously boatloads of things will be very different (hit boxes, min/maxs, etc -just don't use those statements? the Lod Viewer is great for setting those uP!)

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