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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I have no plans to do so. however, it works (as well as it can) in my SF2 PTO mods folder, with the "standard data ini edits" to add the SF2 shader statments. It does, however need the _water bmp for CV generations. I have one, if want it.
  2. DAT's Blackhawks, right? in the data ini, find the Rotor diameter spec, and reduce to 6 meters (iirc) it's a known issue (from the early 2000s)
  3. View File SF2 WW2 Bandidos FW-190A4 Tweeks Pack SF2 WW2 Bandidos FW-190A4 Tweeks Pack 9/23/2018 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = A series of modifications to the recently released Bandidos Team FW-190A4 WW2 Luftwaffe fighter. Included are: Data ini (many changes/corrections) "main ini" (rearranged skin sequence - JG.26 is now the first one) new damage tgas (that looks better) loadout ini (now carries belly tank always by default on A-A missions) "Box Art" hangar screen For a full list of changes, corrections and adjustments, see below in the "Notes" section. A backup copy of the original data ini is included, but I forgot to backup the 'main' ini. You might want to do so before installing this package. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 09/23/2018 Category ini File Edits  
  4. exhaust flare: see my post above (now on page one)
  5. Here's another one I found a few weeks back, it covers most of the variants. Has some great line drawings, too fw_190a_general-info.pdf
  6. I talked to Fubar, and he's going to look for it. Can't remember where he put (happens with us old folks!! ) Be paitent, and with luck we'll have it
  7. Pal, I suggest you cool the fuck down -- those comments were exceedingly uncalled for. Yes, the readme could have been more specific, and yes, the FakePilot (tm) was missing from the mods package. But your comments are way out of line. Without Jarek's work, we wouldn't have these birds, except for payware and (unavailable) memberware (DAT). So, take a step back and chill out. This thread is done.
  8. are we talking about exhaust flares? From the exhaust stacks? that's a been done thing -- was attempted around 2006 or so and it never quite worked out, so it was given up upon. now, if we're talking about the black powder ejection seat, that's a different story
  9. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 WW2 Bandidos FW-190A4 Tweeks Pack 9/23/2018 -- Something for the WW2 ETO players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = A series of modifications to the recently released Bandidos Team FW-190A4 WW2 Luftwaffe fighter. Included are: Data ini (many changes/corrections) "main ini" (rearranged skin sequence - JG.26 is now the first one) new damage tgas (that looks better) loadout ini (now carries belly tank always by default on A-A missions) "Box Art" hangar screen For a full list of changes, corrections and adjustments, see below in the "Notes" section. A backup copy of the original data ini is included, but I forgot to backup the 'main' ini. You might want to do so before installing this package. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please =READ= them BEFORE installing this mod!!!. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. be advised, I didn't change a whole lot when it was released a million year ago
  11. why not simplify matters, and just package it up (after checking the Freeware Listings), upload to the "What If" section. saves everyone a shitload of time and effort
  12. No, it can't be done. Period end of statement. (we're talking about apples and shrimp here. No comparision, no blending, no luck)
  13. That's what the Knowledge Base is for! (and MB is master of it !) A note to all the new folks: Always check the Knowledge Bases, both the SF2 and SF/Wo* (aka "1stGen") first!. I do admit the SF2 KB is not nearly as organized as the 1stGen one, so some digging may be required. If one can't find the subject, PLEASE post the questions! We'll try and help out as best we can!!!
  14. it's not likely to happen there are literally less than "the fingers on one hand" worth of MAX gurus making airplanes. More than likely, the Grippen will be "as it is" for the rest of time. And the MAX Gurus, they pretty much DO know how to research the shapes, capabilities and so forth The question to be asked is: Is there something majorly wrong with the Grippen we have??
  15. Fubar has/had been reworking it several (5-6) years ago. Fixing issues like the fuel consuption, landing gear/skid issues and FM stats. But he never finished it. I'll give him a poke, and see what's up with it
  16. nope. has nothing to do with terrains Min/Max is for damage (hit boxes) check your height data (HeightMapScale=) in the terrain's data ini, for each and every tile that has one, set it to 2 or 0.
  17. Maybe you should be telling us WHICH terrains have the issue? BTW, not all terrains have or use the "Allowed MIssions" statements. Therefore, ALL missions should be viable on those (if all the necessary AD units are present in the /GroundObjects folder)
  18. Air Strike (Bruce Willis)

    I'm sure it'll be direct to video/streaming I must say, it's nice to see Nells, Nates, and I-16s, even if all CGI
  19. it don't with radar only visual gives the target info should be stated in the manual (downloadable someplace on the 3rd Wire site, albeit for SF/Wo*, but the commands and operations are the same)
  20. you're going to make me go back to work on the Baltic map, aren't you? Those will come in REAL handy!!!
  21. Thanks Otto! I left the outboard guns '"not ejecting" Funny thing, the ETC centerline rack is covering the (not painted on) ports where the MG17's would drop their casing. Not a big deal, at any rate! (just aft of the wheel wells) I used: MG-151 -- 250 RPG MG-17 -- 900 RPG MG-FF -- 55 RPG digging through all by FW-190 books. The hardest thing was finding the fuel tankage. It also appears the A-4 did NOT have MW-50 boost?

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