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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. if it's the package by Do-335, that's basicly the correct terrain (Korea3) IIRC, he made a few small changes. It's the one to use
  2. This pack contains data inis for Cocas' Gloster Gladiator and Sea Gladiator ( Yes, the SeaGlad is carrier operational. Be aware, the cat's on the RN CVs are a little strong, and the aircraft will pitch up violently, but will remain under control (tested aboard HMS EAGLE) sf2_eto_caf_gladiator-seagladiator.7z
  3. Here's the data ini for Veltro's H.P. Hamden light bomber sf2_ww2_eto_hampden_v2k.7z
  4. and a camel will go through the eye of a needle ... just saying...
  5. be sure to make sure the model is broken into enough meshes .. nose, fuselage, tail, r/l vert fins, r/l stabs and most important, inner and outer wing meshes. Vitally imperative for damage modeling (and decaling)
  6. you should see the whole series -- Hunters, Merlin Spits, Meteor,, 2 for the Bf-109, Beaufighter .. and so on. I just wish some of the scans were "sharper". Sometimes hard to read the factory diagrams included in the books
  7. This is for Russo's Tiger Moth. I like this one a lot; it's just a fun little bird! sf2_ww2_tiger-moth.7z
  8. Modlers Data file, Supermarine Spitfire Part 2, Griffon Powered. Covers all the late marks It's available on pdf from several sites on the net. just have to hunt it down.
  9. View File SF2 Upgrade Pack For Soviet Transports,Airliners and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K SF2 Upgrade Pack For Soviet Transports,Airliners and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K 5/23/2018 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is a remod pack for Veltro2k's Soviet/WarPac Transport, Airliner and AWAC aircraft. This package =ONLY= contains the data inis for the aircraft listed below. You will still need to locate the original aircraft. It is highly suggested (read: REQUIRED) that you have SF2NA as part of your merged installs, as several of these reference the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12 destroyed model as well. All New Data Inis Included in the pack are for: A-50 Mainstay (AWAC) An-22 Cock IL-38 May (ASW/Martime Patrol) IL-76 Candid IL-78 Midas Tu-95A Bear-A Tu-95MS Bear-H Tu-104 Camel (Aeroflot Airliner Tu-144 Cleat (Aeroflot Airliner) Tu-126 Moss (AWAC) All aircraft have had their data inis reworked to correct, add, move or generally "fix" all the hit boxes, relocate components (ie: fuel tanks, as best as possible inside the airframe) and in general clean up many things that simply escaped notice. The exception here is the Tu-104, which get a partly repainted skin, with all new 100% accurate civil registration number decals (18), and an avionics upgrade (GM radar). As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 05/29/2018 Category ini File Edits  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 Upgrade Pack For Soviet Transports,Airliners and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K 5/23/2018 = For SF2, Any/All (Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) = This is a remod pack for Veltro2k's Soviet/WarPac Transport, Airliner and AWAC aircraft. This package =ONLY= contains the data inis for the aircraft listed below. You will still need to locate the original aircraft. It is highly suggested (read: REQUIRED) that you have SF2NA as part of your merged installs, as several of these reference the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12 destroyed model as well. All New Data Inis Included in the pack are for: A-50 Mainstay (AWAC) An-22 Cock IL-38 May (ASW/Martime Patrol) IL-76 Candid IL-78 Midas Tu-95A Bear-A Tu-95MS Bear-H Tu-104 Camel (Aeroflot Airliner Tu-144 Cleat (Aeroflot Airliner) Tu-126 Moss (AWAC) All aircraft have had their data inis reworked to correct, add, move or generally "fix" all the hit boxes, relocate components (ie: fuel tanks, as best as possible inside the airframe) and in general clean up many things that simply escaped notice. The exception here is the Tu-104, which get a partly repainted skin, with all new 100% accurate civil registration number decals (18), and an avionics upgrade (GM radar). As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. fault of the shaders. we've seen in SF/SF2 before. I don't remember the fix, other than going back to stock. Hopefully, somebody else will remember!
  12. Veltro's B-17. Reminder: these are ETO only!! B-17E B-17F B-17G Fortress IIA (RAF, CC) I've also taken the liberty of adding Crusader's bomb sight mod. While I'm not for having Player Flyable bombers (tm), we all do it. It's just that the game engine has serious issues with formations (2 A/C) and giving orders to wingmates (game lockup/crashing). But for girns and giggles, here it is. Cursader's readme is inside each of the aircraft's main folders. It gives "instruction on how to bomb". Good time to take them out and practice on the new WW2 Allied Bombing Range, eh?? It is easily de-activated by a few text edits ww2_v2k_b17_tweeks.7z
  13. I have the planes (didn't look in my archives for the zips/rars). Just didn't have the readme(s) Your download date would be right -- the LOD is dated Jaunary, 2009! this is what I wanted! Thanks Allen!! So, I guess after I do the "regular" dudes (simple ini uploads, excepting the Tu-104 which gets a partial repanting and NEW call number/registration decals), I'll take a jump on these other Bears
  14. While going over our Soviet Heavies, and updating/upgrading/correcting/fixing their various component names and hit boxes, I've come across 3 types of Bears that I can't ID the source creator. The base model (LOD) is obviously Velro's Tu-95MK (as called "Tu-95MK.LOD") as also used on his own Tu-95MS, but can't find who did these other Bears... Tu-95MS-6 Tu-95MS-16 Tu-95MSM I suspect they're old Lindr mods, but haven't found them in either SF1/Wo* or SF2 downloads (unless I'm Blinder* then usual). So, any help/confirmation would be appriciated! TIA! wrench (* see what I did there??? <grin>
  15. If one follows the other thread, PLEASE, add this (ie: replace) the DetectSystem section on the Beaufighter Mk.1 NF, early and late. The secitons defining the radar were left out! copy/paste the text below directly over the existing: [DetectSystem] RadarName= RadarType= RangeUnit=NM RadarAzimuthLimit=25 RadarElevationLimit=25 RadarSearchTime=3.0 RadarSearchRange=10 RadarSearchStrength=20 RadarTrackTime=7.0 RadarTrackRange=5 RadarTrackStrength=10 VisualBlindArc=5,6,7 VisualRestrictedArc=4L,8L,12L MaxVisibleDistance=9600.0 HasRWR=FALSE
  16. why not just use the one that Cocas and I did?? ------------------ BPF Over Takao harbor, Formosa
  17. Alan Bean passes away at 86

  18. For some reason, the Forum software won't let me move the existing posts to this thread. The link below, should if I'm lucky, lead you to the Tips and Tweeks Main Thread. I guess from there, just scroll down until you find the proper posts. CLICK on the Arrow in the upper right corner, and it'll jump the Do-17Z post. From there, you can scroll down to the others. The Aircraft you're looking for are: Do-17z Ju-88A1 RAF Mitchell II & III (B-25s) ETO Beaufighters FW-200
  19. View File SF2 C-97 & HC-97 Data Ini Upgrade Pack The package contains new data inis for the C-97 & HC-97 Stratofreighter. This new inis have all new adjusted hit boxes, the addition of missing or (previously) unnamed components, and the re-arrangement of systems to the new components. The aircraft package itself has also been updated for those that haven't downloaded these aircraft yet. Existing users will NOT have to re-download the entire package. THIS set is designed for that update/upgrade. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Simply unzip, as always reccomended, to a temp folder or your desktop. Then, copy/Paste, move, however you wish to, the included /Objects folder directly OVER the existing Objects folder in whichever SF2 mods folder you have these aircraft installed to. Allow the Overwrite. A back-up copy of the original data ini for both aircraft is included, so no need to back up you originals. Enjoy! Submitter Wrench Submitted 05/25/2018 Category ini File Edits  
  20. Version 1.0.0


    The package contains new data inis for the C-97 & HC-97 Stratofreighter. This new inis have all new adjusted hit boxes, the addition of missing or (previously) unnamed components, and the re-arrangement of systems to the new components. The aircraft package itself has also been updated for those that haven't downloaded these aircraft yet. Existing users will NOT have to re-download the entire package. THIS set is designed for that update/upgrade. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: Simply unzip, as always reccomended, to a temp folder or your desktop. Then, copy/Paste, move, however you wish to, the included /Objects folder directly OVER the existing Objects folder in whichever SF2 mods folder you have these aircraft installed to. Allow the Overwrite. A back-up copy of the original data ini for both aircraft is included, so no need to back up you originals. Enjoy!
  21. Oh, almost forgot ... The B-17s and B-24s (all versions) will be getting the avionics upgrade adding Crusader's bomb sight mod. Be advised, however, the game engine (tm) treats them like crap! I've never gotten more than 2 for a Player Flown (tm) mission. Hence, as I've always said, "Let the game engines AI handle all heavy bombers -- it's not designed for player usage"
  22. As some have noted, I've started doing some small modifications and tweeks to some of our ww2 aircraft. It should be noted, that I'll -ONLY- be adjusting/modifying those aircraft that are available here at CombatAce. The first ones to be worked on will be those for the European Theatre. As noticed, instead of starting new threads, I'll be uploading them to the "Tips & Tweeks" thread pinned above. Most will be adjustments on hit boxes and adding "armor skin" (the thickness of the skin, as Baff once said "structure as armor"). Unfortunately, many, if not most of these aircraft, do not have the proper "cuts" to their meshes. Meaning, for example, wings are one piece from root to tip, with the "outer***wing" statement" defining a nonexistent mesh. Same is also true for fuselages lacking the nose, fuselage and tail statements. These will be adjusted to remove the missing meshes. Also unfortunately, some of these aircraft, no matter how exact you copy the min/max numbers simply don't take the changes. So, there will be aircraft that will remain in their "as issued" state. At note to 3d modlers -- it is vitally important that any new aircraft follow the 3W style, in creating the various named sections in the LOD. This not only helps for decals, but for flight and damage modeling. So, watch the Thread above for more packages as I get them finished. I'll try to remember and included the original, "already backed up" data inis
  23. that's just a simple text edit to the aircraft's release announcment/description in the download section. Same as if a newer version has been uploaded with changes. Like I did yesterday with the C-54 package (link below) Otherwise, any ini updates have, as in the past, simply been added to the "Object Mods / Ini Edits" download section. Like I just did with the Beau updates. In the long run, however, each and every individual aircraft, no matter what era it's for or from, will have to be updated to the latest version.
  24. I had a thought ... would it be better to create, and placed, the "new" data ini tweeks in their own pinned thread above? It might be better, simplier and easier for people to find them. Also, at some point I DO plan on adding, after End User (tm) feedback (if any), to the existing aircraft downloads. That way, anyone downloading the aircraft for the 1st time won't have to scramble around and try to find these corrections Thoughts?
  25. View File SF2 WW2 ETO Beaufighter Tweeks & Adjustment Pack For those not following the "Tips & Tweeks" Thread in the SF2 WW2 Forum, this is a package of data inis for the Bristol Beaufighter by Cocas Aircraft Factory This package contains data inis with adjusted hitboxes and some armor upgrades, but a new flight model for ALL the ETO (northern European used) Bristol Beaufighters that Cocas and I did. These are: Mk.1 (early and late) NF MK.1 (early and late) Mk.1C (ITF) Mk.VI (early) Mk. VIC, Mk.VIC, Mk.VIF (early and lates) TFX (early and late -with and withOUT thimble nose) the roll rate is still a little higher than as described, but it's improved over the original release Instructions For Use: Unzip, as always reccomended, to a temp folder or you desktop. Then, copy/paste the /Objects folder from the zip DIRECTLY over you /Objects folder in you WW2 ETO centric mods folder. Each of the above listed aircraft has, of course, their own folder within. Also provided is a backed up copy of the original data ini, for safety's sake. At some point in time, the MTO and PTO theatre specific versions will be uploaded. Eventually, I'll be trying to update each individual aircraft's package. But there's a LOT of Beaus, and only so much time.. Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 05/24/2018 Category ini File Edits  

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