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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Actually, Gepard built the original terrain. I just retargeted it. OTH, it could use a better tile set (just my opinion)
  2. A Question

    it was posted in the sf2 screenshots forum not that long ago. As to quality of the product, ?? who can say??
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  4. no longer functional, or for sale
  5. yes, i think that's right. I have MAX 2009, never installed the exporter simply because I've never learned to use it (sad, huh?)
  6. 3DS Max is the program of choice, as the 3rd Wire exporter (to create the final LOD for in game use) only supports that program. HOWEVER... if one follows the Forums, we learn the the Inestimable Mue, is working at a 3W exporter for Blender, which is a free 3d program (and not zillions of dollars/yen/marks/francs/pounds/etc) like MAX is. IIRC poly counts for the average aircraft can be somewhere around 15-20K, for very highly detailed. IIRC, most of the stock birds are around 10K (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)
  7. hell, we've been doing that sort of thing since (at least) 2005, when the first weapons editor and cat extractor became available. Nothing new. Somewhere around here is a version of Hawk Hunters' F-16XL from "The Wingman" book series, with 6 M-61s in the nose, and 12 winders on the wingtips. Accuracy and Realism (tm), to the limit of the Game Engine ARE what most of us are about. Why else would we spend uncountable (insert monetary unit of country of origin) to get even the simplest things (serial numbers, squadron coding) as close to Real Life (tm) as possible? as to the Fantasy aspect, perhaps I should just move this Thread to the "What If..." forum? Not to quash original thinking, but there is a place for such dreamery. Also, as others have said making a blanket statement as the OP did, and not back it up with the int text AND in-game screen shots, has very little meaning
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  9. Moved to the proper Forum for 1stGen games ========== more information on what was happening, or you were doing, when the crash occured is required before anyone can even venture a guess as the fault
  10. Indeed! It would be great to be able to read the LOD based terrain! Not like there's much there, really, but I could refine the target placement of the upgrade I did a few years back
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  12. Getting Started

    Did you look in the /SavedGames folder??? for FE2, that's where you'll find the "mods folder". YOu'll need to create a /Terrains/***name-0f-terrain** sub folder. also, wasn't there a readme with the download? Should be, and it should have the install instructions
  13. AND... most importantly, YOU DO NOT EVER MERGE/INSTALL WW2 OBJECTS INTO A "STOCK" MODS FOLDER. You need to build a seperate, Era-specific mods folder for any and ALL WW2 gaming. Not doing so is a sure fire way to totally foul up that mods folder. See above, in the pinned posts for instructions on "How To". It should also be in the Knowledge Base.
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  15. Got a whale of a tale to tell ya, lads A whale of a tale or two 'Bout the flapping fish and girls I've loved On nights like this with the moon above A whale of a tale and it's all true, I swear by my tatoo
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  18. no even close. (seriously, the Imperial JAPANESE Army is using Nazi half-tracks?). Time to start researching Allied and IJA/IJN weapons and vehicles) Also, the trains don't do anything, but sit in the stations. here's a sample of what you'll be needing, some of which at only available "from The Other Place (tm)". Since I never finished the CBI terrain, and created a another mods folder for CBI and China, my PTO folder has things that aren't just SoWesPac and Central Pac.
  19. just a reminder, when asking for help about a specific problem, for a specific aircraft, one might want to name said aircraft, and where it came from. It makes getting "the fix" easier and sometimes quicker
  20. indeed, why would you need to???
  21. those are for use in WW2, PTO, era specific mods folders ONLY. Do NOT try and use them with or in anywhere else. make sure you have all the necessary ground objects, as well. All WW2 SoWesPac specific. other than that, I can't help you
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