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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Yes, anything and everything one adds to the game, goes into the "mods folders". have fun!!!
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  3. didn't Homefries do a loviz Prowler in his Intruder Mega Pack???
  4. It's been a long time, but after unzipping, is there a terrain folder called "VeitnamSEA" ??? that should go into the /name-of-games-mod-folder/Terrains if not, can you post a screenshot of the mod folder, with the terrain folder open/listed? Like my example below
  5. A3D-1 A3D-2 (early with pointy nose and turret) A3D-2/A-3B (snub nose, dove tail end) and hopefully some KA-3s but we're a long ways out still cockpits are problematic, but with some jiggery-pokery on the Rhino pit (as has been used for so long), it even shows the internals of the external model (B/N side) Below, the view is zoomed back some But, at lease we have a backward facing pilot figure, thanks to KJakker!
  6. It's 1960 -- time for a little training flight
  7. and always, ALWAYS read the enclosed read me text
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  9. View File SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack 3/2/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4C_65 & A-4F* 2 new skins for a couple of the stock 3W Skyhawks. These represent "local" A-4 units from Southern California; my home turf! :) They are either Reserve Squadron (VA-305) or a Service, Support, Training Unit (VC-7). Also included for the A-4F, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking loadouts. Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer Sidewinder rails. Both aircraft get the Player operated manual canopy, and landing light. The skins included are for: A-4C_65: VA-305 "Lobos" based at NAS (now JFB) Los Alamitos *-see notes-* A-4F: VC-7 "Tallyhoers" (or Redtails) based at NAS Miramar Skins are brand new, from Nyghtfall's templates, and are in jpg format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the tail fin & rudder (VC-7 and/or fuselage bands (VA-305). These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. All BuNums are historiclly correct for aircraft used by both squardrons; unfortunately, they could not all be matched to their corresponding Modex. On the Loadout screen's individual aircraft dropdown listing, those marked with a star (*) are matched. Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons on the A-4F, as is correct for all 5-hardpointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through various jiggery-pokery and at great expense. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions. These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later models. With some luck, they will =NOT= interfere with any of the Skyhawks released by Nyghtfall. If in doubt, back up your original data and loadout inis before installing. The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see A-4C_65: VA-305 Lobos (NAS Los Alamitos 70/71) A-4F: VC-7 Redtails (NAS Miramar 1973-80) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :) Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 03/11/2018 Category A-4  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 A-4 Skyhawk "Southland Scooters" Skin/Decals Pack 3/2/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4C_65 & A-4F* 2 new skins for a couple of the stock 3W Skyhawks. These represent "local" A-4 units from Southern California; my home turf! :) They are either Reserve Squadron (VA-305) or a Service, Support, Training Unit (VC-7). Also included for the A-4F, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking loadouts. Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer Sidewinder rails. Both aircraft get the Player operated manual canopy, and landing light. The skins included are for: A-4C_65: VA-305 "Lobos" based at NAS (now JFB) Los Alamitos *-see notes-* A-4F: VC-7 "Tallyhoers" (or Redtails) based at NAS Miramar Skins are brand new, from Nyghtfall's templates, and are in jpg format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the tail fin & rudder (VC-7 and/or fuselage bands (VA-305). These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. All BuNums are historiclly correct for aircraft used by both squardrons; unfortunately, they could not all be matched to their corresponding Modex. On the Loadout screen's individual aircraft dropdown listing, those marked with a star (*) are matched. Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons on the A-4F, as is correct for all 5-hardpointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through various jiggery-pokery and at great expense. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions. These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later models. With some luck, they will =NOT= interfere with any of the Skyhawks released by Nyghtfall. If in doubt, back up your original data and loadout inis before installing. The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see A-4C_65: VA-305 Lobos (NAS Los Alamitos 70/71) A-4F: VC-7 Redtails (NAS Miramar 1973-80) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :) Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  11. You'll have to extract it from (whichever -I can't remember exactly) ObjectData***.cat that its in. Then, place it in the Tomcat's folder. Make you edits from there, and save. To find out how use the cat extractor, check in the Knowledge Base -- I don't remember offhand which post it is EDIT: both Tomcats are in the ObjectData025.cat
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  13. NOT a WW2 style air gunner, but a 'standard' (mid-50s and later) pilot figure that faces backwards? or, is there a way to write the "where and how he sits" statement, to have him be facing aft? as you can see below (I've removed the cockpit framing for clarity) this aircraft requires the 3rd person to face his instrument panels. any and all assistance is GREATLY appreciated!
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  15. only as a sepreate seat, like for the pilot, will it eject. So, yes; the "old ways"
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  18. the pilot zip seems to be corrupted or something; WinRar gives me the following message "the archive is either in unknown format or damged" thanks for trying, anyway! kjakker's seems to be working now. A little repainting to remove the USAF helmet tag, and we're golden!
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  22. CL: right in one, my brother! Get to reuse all the decals from the "previous" mod, and with a blank slate skin, allow for skinners to make other units. guuruu: i'm putting enough pressure on our 3d guy as it is! (perfectionism has cost! )

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