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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Oh, that'd be SUPER Rene!!! Many thanks! I can do the left side, since that just regular oblique, but can't quite get the right!!
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  4. seriously? the last post is from almost 10 years ago. I would give that a definate "No"
  5. View File SF2 A-4E (67) Skyhawk VA-45 Skin/Decals Pack SF2 A-4E (67) Skyhawk VA-45 Skin/Decals Pack 1/25/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4E_67* A new skin for the A-4E (67) Skyhawk. Also included, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking, loadouts, Player operated manual canopy, and the landing light. Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer Sidewinder rails. The skin included is for: VA-45, Det.1 embarked aboard USS INTREPID circa 1972-73, in the North Atlantic & Mediterranean as part of CVSG-56. Skins remain in their "as issued via 3W" stock bmp format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the rudder. These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. There are 18 Modex numbers and serial numbers (BuNums). VA-45's BuNums are historiclly correct; unfortunately, they could not be matched to their corresponding Modex. Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons, as is correct for all 5-hard-pointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through various magical transformations and incantations. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions. These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later models. A lightened and brightened gunsight tga is also included for those of us with weaker eyes. Historically speaking, these A-4 squadrons (and/or detachments) were assigned to the Essex class carriers that had been convered to "CVS" or anti-submarine warfare carriers. The Skyhawks embarked were not only tasked with light strike, but Combat Air Patrols to protect the ship and the ASW assets. The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see VA-45 Blackbirds Det 1 (CVS-11 1972-3) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :) Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/27/2018 Category A-4  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 A-4E (67) Skyhawk VA-45 Skin/Decals Pack 1/25/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4E_67* A new skin for the A-4E (67) Skyhawk. Also included, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking, loadouts, Player operated manual canopy, and the landing light. Several new parts are included that correct and add the missing outer Sidewinder rails. The skin included is for: VA-45, Det.1 embarked aboard USS INTREPID circa 1972-73, in the North Atlantic & Mediterranean as part of CVSG-56. Skins remain in their "as issued via 3W" stock bmp format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain squadron tags on the rudder. These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. There are 18 Modex numbers and serial numbers (BuNums). VA-45's BuNums are historiclly correct; unfortunately, they could not be matched to their corresponding Modex. Also added, via Magical Ini Dancing (tm) are missile rails for the OUTBOARD pylons, as is correct for all 5-hard-pointed Skyhawks. These are added via the loadout ini through various magical transformations and incantations. They are only used in the "Air-to-Air" tasking (and Recon), and will/do not effect any Strike, CAS, Auntie-Ship or other attack missions. These modification can also be added, using the same data ini edits, to all the A-4E and later models. A lightened and brightened gunsight tga is also included for those of us with weaker eyes. Historically speaking, these A-4 squadrons (and/or detachments) were assigned to the Essex class carriers that had been convered to "CVS" or anti-submarine warfare carriers. The Skyhawks embarked were not only tasked with light strike, but Combat Air Patrols to protect the ship and the ASW assets. The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. When on the Loadout screen, for skin/squadron selection, on the Dropdown menu you'll see VA-45 Blackbirds Det 1 (CVS-11 1972-3) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Also, DO give the Notes section a read as well, for enlightenments, illuminations, and general ramblings. With MANY thanks to Nyghtfall for his invaluable assistance!!! :) Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  7. it a model hasn't been mapped, then the lod has no texture statements within (just the applied materials). Without having the max file you'll NOT be able to skin it in any way, as decal statement must also be added to the lod (has decals=true). Just saying ... experimentation will most likely to be true as to the 47's pylons, ever thought of just using decals on them, since the mapping is fucked up? You just need to coordinates and have them facing left or right. Using the fake pilot method "fixes" them in place for all time, all galaxies and all loadouts (been there, done that with Wolf's P-47 Thunderbolts and several other WW2 birds that have mapping issue or missing pylons)
  8. View File SF2 A-4B Skyhawk VA-95 Det Q Skin/Decals Pack SF2 A-4B Skyhawk VA-95 Det Q Skin/Decals Pack 2/15/2018 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Can be used in any install that has access to the A-4B* A new skin for the A-4B Skyhawk. Also included, are a modified Data and loadout inis, correcting/adding to the Mission tasking loadouts, Player operated manual canopy, and the landing light. The skin included is for: VA-95, Det.Q embarked aboard USS BENNINGTON (CVS-20) circa 1964/64, in the Western Pacific When in-game, on the skin selection dropdown panel, you'll see: VA-93 Det Q (CVS-20,1964) Skins remain in their "as issued via 3W" stock bmp format. Most markings are decals, excepting certain color tags or other markings on the rudder These had to be painted on due to number-of-decals-per-mesh restrictions. There are 10 Modex and serial numbers (BuNums). All BuAerNums ARE historiclly correct; but not all could be matched to their corresponding Modex. Historically speaking, these A-4 squadrons (and/or detachments) were assigned to the Essex class carriers that had been convered to "CVS" or anti-submarine warfare carriers. The Skyhawks embarked were not only tasked with light strike, but Combat Air Patrols to protect the ship and the ASW assets. The canopy uses the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. When in-game, on the skin selection dropdown panel, you'll see: VA-93 Det Q (CVS-20,1964) As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 02/22/2018 Category A-4  
  9. don't say such things on an open forum -- you could get banned from there!!! *** **sorry, the sarcasm don't come through in text!
  10. another thing overlooked... if you have SF2NA, and have the STOCK 3r Wire F-14, there may be a conflict existing between the one in ODS. Meaning: it may be the wrong aircraft looking for the wrong skins (or vice versa), because of 'same named folders'. iirc, didn't that mod pre-date SF2NA, so only the TMF Tomcat would be available? (somebody refresh me memory!)
  11. indeed, Ravenclaw sent me his US ww2 bombs to test, which I must admit, I have not been doing ....and they LOOK great too!
  12. Is that Alfie I see returning to us!! welcome back man!!
  13. A lot of that is left over from the early 2000s, when we first started building WW2 stuff. IIRC, it's the weight in pounds (obviously!), but the weight in the data ini should be the correct kgs. Those tagged "UK" are the stock 3W, post war (probably post 1955 or later) series; that's why there's no lod. They get referenced from weaponsdata.ini Here's a pdf you might find helpful. I've a full set (i think!) of these, covering German, Japanes, Italian, French Russian and other various explosive stuff OP 1665 British Explosive Ordnance 1946,1970 update.7z
  14. more of TK's hidden animations .. we've found a number of them in SF/SF2 as well! in the LOD Viewer, that bottom left panel lists the animations; use the up/down arrows to see them work
  15. ok then! and I was just going to zip up the wav, and attach it here!
  16. lo rez or lo viz??? lo rez we got already!!!
  17. don't forget, the original flagpole (from around 2005ish) was, and still is, set up as a windsock. That's why it reacts the way it does. It was also built with the one animation, and "animation time" (like the oil pump in SF). It's also a terrain object, and therefore NOT subject to the limitation imposed by the coding on aircraft and weapons.
  18. ALL lods are unavailable in ALL the SF2 game post 2012. They're locked away in ObjectCat.002. by chance, you on an OS other than Win7?? That might be the issue (but since i'm on win7....) Post a question to Mue, if you can't get it working, in his TooBox Thread. if you need coordinates for stuff, I can try and figure them out (right/left, fore/aft sort of thing.)
  19. (in Jon Travolta voice) Ain't it cool??!!!
  20. that's strange! it opened up for me right away! You did click on the main ini (E-2C.ini) right??? vstab_r1, rudder_r1, vstab_L1 (there is NO rudder on the left inner fin) engine_pod_R engine_pod_L

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