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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Got a couple of questions concerning Atlantic Fleet.. Finally started playing the campaign (yes, after having the game for QUITE some time!), and several of my ships have taken hits, either torpedo or shell damage. the question is -- between missions is the damage (assumed to be) repaired? also, what is the meaning of the stars and colored bar as seen in the image below? Are these 'battle stars' or ?? What is the meaning of the green bar as well? I've check the game maunal, and it don't say nothing about them! thanks!
  2. Mue's LOD Viewer will do the trick nicely!! if the diameter is LESS than the distance allowed on the hardpoint, the item should move UP closer to the pylon (or IN depending on the mounting angle) if greater, it should move away also, you've never told us WHICH aircraft is giving the issue. This, too, is of great help in assisting
  3. I have a vague recollection of someone making a 'coal mountain'; basicly, a large pile of coal as one would see near a power station or harbor (like ore that's been brought in and just dumped there). was I imagining this, or is it still one someone's HD someplace? The reason I ask, is i need it for use on a terrain rework I've been doing, and the power plant (a very large coal fired unit) has the pile nearby on a quay where it's been offloaded thanks in advance!
  4. it's called 'cloning the station'. we've been doing it since the early 2000s with the original SF/Wo* games. It's a HUGE help sometimes!! but like Crusader said, I'd double check the actual diameter values of the pods in question
  5. Pity. It's exceedingly easy. this link in the SF2 WW2 Forum has another link inside it, that leads back to the SF2 KB, where the instructions on "how to.." reside. For some reason, the direct link in the SF1 KB is not working. I've already notified Erik, and hope he figures out what went south. Perhaps you might like to give it read?
  6. screen shot of the issue?
  7. that screenie of cruiser stuck in the ground looks like it came right from the animie!! great shot!!
  8. ever thought that perhaps, NO one has an answer to the question?? Or they're going over their notes to try and find one??
  9. that's what I wanted! Kalundborg, Denmark again, thanks!!
  10. that's them!!! my problem was, I was only thinking in english!! thanks gents!!
  11. um.... you know you need to build the KAW game folder FROM an 08 level WoE, right??? (ie: era specific install)
  12. the 4A & 4B are NOT nukes; in fact none of the 4 series are nuclear capable. way too small a missile! conventional explosive, contact detonated only you're confusing the AIM-26 with the AIM-4s and yes, you should see a spherical fire ball. I used to have a screenshot if it, but can't find it!! with a little bit of searching, you should find the effect, and all the images (tga, etc) in one of the weapons pack.
  13. yes, there is a limit, but I don't remember what it is/was. I know I hit it doing the first ODS mod. However... remember the game only spawns GroundObjects withing a 50km "bubble of reality" around the player's aircraft
  14. 1) no - hard coded into the game 2) yes - requires rebuilding the terrain's _targets.ini to add them
  15. Version 1.0.0


    SF2 NAA F-100G & F-100H Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co. 11/15/2017 = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) = *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many stock items, most importantly, various cockpits from the F-105 Thunderchief from SF2V/E. Therefore, it's =vitally= important that your game version(s) have access to these cockpits. Many decals used herein also reference the stock 3W F-100s. Make sure you have them as well!!* The is the release of a new "What If..." aircraft for USAF and Export users, the F-100G and F- 100H Super Sabre. Like the F2J Super Fury, these are expansions of the F-100 series, adding more capabilites for air-to-air and air-to-ground. This package includes both aircraft, with skins for various Export customers. It should be noted that each skin has a set date to "turn on", using the SF2 default start date switch. The package is broken down into... = F-100G, single seater: USAF NMF, 417th TFS, USAFE (Hahn AFB) SEA 3 tone Camoflague, USAFE (Bitburg AFB) Spain NMF, Ala 12, 161 Esc. Denmark: NMF Overall Greeen Camo, Esk 727 (skin changes from NMF to Green in 1971) Japan: NMF, 1 Hikotai also a "Plane Jane" NMF skin for those wishing to create other users. = F-100H, 2 seater: USAF NMF, 510th TFS, PACAF (Clark AFB, PI) SEA 3 tone, 90th TFS, PACAF (Bien Hoa Air Base, RVN) Portugal NMF, Esq.51 Greece 3 tone camo, 335 Mira Japan NMF, 10 Hikotai The JASDF skins (F-100G & H) include several other squadron badges, for those wishing to switch or expand that air force. Those from the G should also work on the H, and vice versa, with a little ini editing. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are supplied. Each skin has it own specific hangar screen. With the fact all markings are decals, other users can be created quite easily. The Standard Animation Keystrokes (tm) is used for the Caonpy (Shift/0). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory --
  16. View File SF2 NAA F-100G & F-100H Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co. SF2 NAA F-100G & F-100H Pack (What If...) by Cocas & Co. 11/15/2017 = For SF2 (Full-4/5 Merged Reccomended) = *Note: you =MUST= have, as stated above have, at minimum, a Full-4 merged install, as this mod makes use of many stock items, most importantly, various cockpits from the F-105 Thunderchief from SF2V/E. Therefore, it's =vitally= important that your game version(s) have access to these cockpits. Many decals used herein also reference the stock 3W F-100s. Make sure you have them as well!!* The is the release of a new "What If..." aircraft for USAF and Export users, the F-100G and F- 100H Super Sabre. Like the F2J Super Fury, these are expansions of the F-100 series, adding more capabilites for air-to-air and air-to-ground. This package includes both aircraft, with skins for various Export customers. It should be noted that each skin has a set date to "turn on", using the SF2 default start date switch. The package is broken down into... = F-100G, single seater: USAF NMF, 417th TFS, USAFE (Hahn AFB) SEA 3 tone Camoflague, USAFE (Bitburg AFB) Spain NMF, Ala 12, 161 Esc. Denmark: NMF Overall Greeen Camo, Esk 727 (skin changes from NMF to Green in 1971) Japan: NMF, 1 Hikotai also a "Plane Jane" NMF skin for those wishing to create other users. = F-100H, 2 seater: USAF NMF, 510th TFS, PACAF (Clark AFB, PI) SEA 3 tone, 90th TFS, PACAF (Bien Hoa Air Base, RVN) Portugal NMF, Esq.51 Greece 3 tone camo, 335 Mira Japan NMF, 10 Hikotai The JASDF skins (F-100G & H) include several other squadron badges, for those wishing to switch or expand that air force. Those from the G should also work on the H, and vice versa, with a little ini editing. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Weapons used are all stock 3W items. Skins are in jpg format, and damage textures are DDS. All other parts (pilots, seats) are supplied. Each skin has it own specific hangar screen. With the fact all markings are decals, other users can be created quite easily. The Standard Animation Keystrokes (tm) is used for the Caonpy (Shift/0). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein -- for Cocas Aircraft Factory -- Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/10/2017 Category What If Hangar  
  17. just to add to this, if one is flying BEFORE the start date of Red Side CVs, at least in my experience, you can get land strike missions while flying from a Blue Side CV.
  18. View File SF2:I Vautour IIN Upgrade Pack SF2:I Vautour IIN Upgrade Pack 11/27/2017 = For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = Extensive modifications and upgrades to Veltro2k's S.O.4050 Vautour IIN Night/All Weather fighter-bomber as used by the IDF/AF. As seen on the CombatAce message boards, a major revamp adds 2 skins for ealy service in the IDF/AF. This mod is designed to replace all other versions, in toto, of the Vautour IIN. This package contains the full, entire aircraft. Many modification have been performed, and all are listed in the "Notes" section of this readme. Loadouts have been adjusted, as have several other important statements in the data ini. All weapons used are stock 3W items, meaning they still use the UK bombs. End Users (tm) that wish to swap out to the various French bombs available in weapons packs may do. Be advised, I did =NOT= test with those, so their attachment positions -may- not match. All new, historical "plane-in-squadron/serial numbers" for IDF usage. All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. However, due to the low number of aircraft (6-7) the randomization (for some reason) seems not to be working. Even though there isn't another Vautour IIN, I've added a statement to the "displayed name", so it now reads: Vautour IIN (V2K) This is just one of my usual "things", when more than one of the type exists. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them ... after unzipping but before installling! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/04/2017 Category Other  
  19. Wait. Thirdwire made a space game?

    Indeed! don't leave us hanging!
  20. View File SF2:I Boeing C-97 "Anak", IDF/AF Pack SF2:I Boeing C-97 "Anak", IDF/AF Pack 11/27/2017 = For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Please note, as there is no B-337 Stratcruiser, the C-97 is standing in for all the civilian versions used by the IDF/AF. Also, this represents ONLY the cargo versions, not the air refueling tankers* This is a mod of Veltro2k's C-97G Stratofreighter depicting those as used by the Israeli Defense Force/Air Force in the mid-1960s through the late 1970s. This is the full aircraft "nationalized" for IDF/AF usage only. Serial numbers are 100% historical for aicraft(s) depicted (both B337 & C-97). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Pilot figures, various sounds are supplied. The new, updated/upgraded template IS included for other skinners to use. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them ... after unzipping but before installling, of course!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 12/09/2017 Category Other  
  21. Version 2.0.0


    SF2:I Boeing C-97 "Anak", IDF/AF Pack 11/27/2017 = For SF2:I (or Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = *Please note, as there is no B-337 Stratcruiser, the C-97 is standing in for all the civilian versions used by the IDF/AF. Also, this represents ONLY the cargo versions, not the air refueling tankers* This is a mod of Veltro2k's C-97G Stratofreighter depicting those as used by the Israeli Defense Force/Air Force in the mid-1960s through the late 1970s. This is the full aircraft "nationalized" for IDF/AF usage only. Serial numbers are 100% historical for aicraft(s) depicted (both B337 & C-97). All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. Pilot figures, various sounds are supplied. The new, updated/upgraded template IS included for other skinners to use. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please READ them ... after unzipping but before installling, of course!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  22. in the DAT PTO mod, so good luck with that
  23. but will it still randomley generate attacks (NAVAL_STRIKE) against the enemy surface fleet? (NOT anti-ship, which is seperate),

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