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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. that's horseshit 90+% of us are on that last patch level. all mods made in the last 3+ years are for that patch level. what does that tell you?
  2. I check all my zipped archived, and can't find the whole airplane. Sorry, brother! maybe check with Crusader? He might have the entire package somewheres!
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  4. yah, it's TMF. I may have it archived ... have to dig deep to find it. EDIT: found the rotodome in an old WoE intall. It's called "EC-130V". There's several parts; 5 to be exact. Did you want just the rotodome or the whole aircraft?
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  9. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    "2 weeks"
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  11. Happy Birthday, USMC!!

    Keep going, Devil Dogs!!
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  13. 1.6 gig tga!! Yeah, that'll go over well!! ------- the info was needed for one of our planned "what if.." birds
  14. does anyone know in what (approx) year the RDAF went from NMF to the 'overall green' on their Super Sabres?? TIA!!
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  16. thank you gents!! so, it looks like i'll need 2 skins, one nmf and then use the 'date switch' for the green!
  17. F9F-6 is a Cougar omg, that's funny!! On that one, I have to point the finger at my friend, Geary. Should have, even in 1stGens, divided up the mod into its various folder (yes, we all know 08 levels can use sub-folders in the /Weapons folder) Objects/ /Aircraft/F9F-5 /Decals/F9F-5 (yes!!! that works very well. it's the pathway that makes it work) /Weapons/tankpanther but, hey as long as you got it working....
  18. good catch! must have been a modified or outdated version!! glad you got it fixed!
  19. Is this a stupid idea?

    lack of collision meshes on TOD objects, would be my guess. None of them are "really there" on any map in any of the games. as to the lighthouse, I know Stary built the "beam" as a self illuminating tga,
  20. the -2 is only available for SF2 KAW, as it's a unicode LOD with DDS textures. These reference books might be of some help. You can find them "in dark places on net" in downloadable PDF Detail & Scale #15: Grumman F9F Panther Osprey Korean Air War In Color Squad/Signal #6035: Air War Over Korea Squad/Signal #6082: Air War Over Korea Squad/Signal #1051 F9F Panther In Action Osprey Combat Aircraft #103: F9F Panther units of the Korean War The decal bleen issue Geary mentions is almost epidemic in nature on Pasko's models. Sorry to say. Even in 1stGens it's all over the place. When you add the improved graphics in SF2 ... well... having the MAX files for the Panther (well, all of his works, actually!) would be a great thing as I"m sure we could find a volunteer to fix them. *don't even mess with the wingfold on his Couger; they flap like a birds wing!!
  21. um, folks... only the 5P used underwing drop tanks. none of the fighter bomber variants ever did in service. nothing in any of my books (like the Detail & Scale) mention or show photos of underwing tanks on any but the photo recce birds. all the pylons were needed for ordanance. the tip tanks, and internal fuel tanks gave the -5 an 1100 one-way range. so, figure 500 mile operation radius, with reserves. so, those tanks aren't needed.
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  23. FS25042 semi-gloss sea blue R/G/B values: 53/63/60 FS15042 glossy sea blue 45/55/61 use those numbers to create the new color swatches, and add to your palette. --------------- required screenshot -----------------
  24. not sure if this is the right soviet one .. it's listed as "russian medium" RUSSIAN_0.TTF

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