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Everything posted by Wrench

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  2. While trying to edit a couple of posts I inadvertently deleted the entirety of Del's "C-130 Upgrade Project" thread. I can't seem to restore it on my own, and have contacted Erik to see if he can pull my big dumb ass out of the fire on this one Please accept my apologies, and we're "working the problem". Again, I did a dumb thing and am sorry!
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  6. don't use the spoiler function to upload pictures. Just drag and drop the images into your post; there's space at the bottom for that labeled "Drag files here to attach or choose files" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do you have the TE set up properly? Do you have all the necessary bmp, inis and most importantly the terrain's texture list ini? Without that, it ain't gonna work. What terrain are you working on? And Why? The only way to generate TODs -adding the little buildings and tress- is with the 3W Terrain editor. Be it known, it is a tempermental POS at best, and WILL crash without warning or apparent cause. It is not for the faint hearted or easily frustrated to even start working with. It is a nightmare on wheels, so be advised!
  7. ok, what I've got is the transitions are now smooth, with no "strangeness", but the ocean is suspiciously "flat". Almost like the waternormal isn't working properly. What you all can do if you want, is try out different water normal bmps; there's some different ones in the downloads section -SOMEPLACE!!! you'll have to search- and test them out the S1 & S2 tiles don't need or get an _hm.bmp, but all other tiles with HasWater=1 (coastlines, rivers, etc) do. I've added a 2m statement to all those tiles. It seems to have helped them but did something to the ocean I'm attaching an down-dated data ini for Korea3, an un-modified original copy as a backup, so you don't need to backup your originals. Just unzip and drop in the folder. The header statements in the data ini come right from the 08 level GermanyCE's data ini. Just to let you all know, how long it took to finish and release this, it was started before SF2 came out, and was designed for the 08 GCE environment. Why it's acting stupid now, I don't understand. But, give this a try. At the worst, you have the original to revert back to. Korea3.7z
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  9. don't delete it yet (or just create a KAW instll from the WoE exe) ... let me "work the problem' a bit longer. I made a partial fix, but there are still some other issues I'm looking at. It may be related to the height field display, or missing HM bmp callouts on the transition tiles, or ??? I tested it in WoE, and got some "fading" on the sea-land transition tiles, like the alpha channels of the tgas weren't showing properly. Fixed that, but still some weirdness on the river turn tiles (G-RivS)
  10. can you give us a little more information, that explains the issue better? maybe screenshots from the TOD placement screens???
  11. that's part of your problem -- WoI lacks a lot of internal coding that WoE and WoV have. ONLY use WoE for this. your flickering may be caused by graphics card or drivers. Nothing at my end can be done about that. That terrain is VERY heavy and hard on low and mid range cards, so ...???
  12. as to the radar screen, you should be able to simply copy/paste the A-4F_radar.bmp into the /cockpit folder. It'll probably ask "Overwrite?" so allow it. I'll recheck my data inis ... it's just ODD!!!! as to why the wing disappeared (visible from outside!) **edit: I'll use the new ones instead! don't forget my hangar and loading screens for the straight-probe version!!
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  14. SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Fast FACs"

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Fast FACS" by 331Killerbee & Co. This is the full package (all necessary parts included), originally created by 331Killerbee in 2008. It has been fully updated to SF2 standards, with various small changes to the aircraft and the data ini. As with my other SF2 "fixes" for the TA-4 series, some components have been 'removed' to stop the shadow tractor beams. The FM is at the latest SF2 standard (latest patch level) Other changes include (but not limited too): resetting all hit boxes randomization of decals "fake insignia" decal to activate Nation displayed name. All weapons used are stock 3W. Killerbee's original readme (well, actually this document!) is included for historical purposes, and it's historical background on the Fast FACs. Have fun!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  15. yes! [AircraftData] AircraftFullName=TA-4F Skyhawk (Straight Probe) AircraftShortName=TA-4 AircraftDataFile=TA-4Fearly_data.ini CockpitDataFile=TA-4Fearly_cockpit.ini HangarScreen=TA-4F_hangar.jpg LoadingScreen=TA-4F_loading.jpg LoadoutImage=A-4F_loadout.tga LoadoutFile=TA-4Fearly_loadout.ini AvionicsDataFilename=TA-4Fearly_avionics.ini AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll <----- UserList=TA-4Fearly_UserList.ini mine had the "70", so I just changed it back!
  16. no problem! however, after grabbing Nyghtfall's new pack I noticed it points to the avionics 70 dll -- make sure you edit both your main inis (early & late) back to avionics 60, or the radar and rwr won't work!! also, with the new pack, the wings seem to have disappeared from the cockpit view!! (and yes, the ShowFromCockpit=TRUE is true!) I just dropped the 3 skin folders into the aircraft folder, dropped the decals into the /decals folder and it all worked!
  17. oh, sure NOW the real fixes come along, after I just uploaded the old set!! Rene, you rock in man!!!. Maybe I should just update the whole package??? But what I don't know is, if they Fast FACs had the straight or bent probe (not like it matter all that much!) yes, the cockpit in both mods references the stock A-4F cockpit, so that's a MUST have!! ps: I fixed/adjusted ALL the hit boxes on this "new" one
  18. View File SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Fast FACs" SF2 TA-4F Skyhawk "Fast FACS" by 331Killerbee & Co. This is the full package (all necessary parts included), originally created by 331Killerbee in 2008. It has been fully updated to SF2 standards, with various small changes to the aircraft and the data ini. As with my other SF2 "fixes" for the TA-4 series, some components have been 'removed' to stop the shadow tractor beams. The FM is at the latest SF2 standard (latest patch level) Other changes include (but not limited too): resetting all hit boxes randomization of decals "fake insignia" decal to activate Nation displayed name. All weapons used are stock 3W. Killerbee's original readme (well, actually this document!) is included for historical purposes, and it's historical background on the Fast FACs. Have fun!! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 10/31/2017 Category A-4  
  19. yeah, they sure do!! mostly, it the shader statements. Open a regular 1stGen terrain's data ini, and look for those with the ".fx" suffix.
  20. for those if us that still have a working Photoshop, any chance of a tutorial on "How To Make 3W style Planning Maps??? (pretty please????)
  21. I'm surprised that it wasn't in Eburgers SF2V expansion packs. It should be (almost) fully usable, but will need the usual editing for SF2; like moving the decals to a /Decals folder (and double check the decal pathways), and most importantly, the FM will need to be updated to SF2 standards. The lod is the question mark -- iirc, there were several shadow issues on the original. What would be needed to be done, is check Nyghtfall's newest TA-4 version, to see if the lod has been "repaired" or ??? If you want, I can get it set up for SF2 in fairly short time. It would probably be a good thing for the SF2V players.
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