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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. <cough> Mue's LOD viewer <cough>
  2. something you don't see everyday!! About 3/4 of a mile east of my house, there's this gas station. For the last several years they've been storing all sorts of trailers and oddities, probably for movie "stuff". I've been trying to catch this with the tarp off of it since December. It's your common or garden variety M5 Stuart light tank of WW2 vintage. What the car is, I still haven't found out. Couldn't see any badges. But, since this is a bit odd to see in (relatively) quite neighborhood, I thought I share with you all! Enjoy! Wrench
  3. wouldn't it be simpler to just get one of the weapons packs, that has all this already done??
  4. Fokker DII

    I can move it! where's it supposed to go?
  5. Colmack, let me know what you want, and I'll get it for you. I'd always thought you had Modder Status ???? A Skywarrior pit would be nice, but we need the aircraft, too. Since the only one is DAT, and not readily available to the General Population ™ (myself included)
  6. This: (C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2) is the wrong location. All modifications go in the MODS folder for example: C:\Users\Kevin\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NOTHING ever gets touched or added to the 'core install' in the /ProgramFiles/xx/xx/ folder. Unless it's an offical 3rd Wire patch or DLC
  7. I just got to scrap up the money...I DO want to give it a try!
  8. Seen at local gas station...

    Me too! I hear it'll be released around December this year.
  9. well, looks like he's been reading the CA boards!
  10. why not use Mue's Lod Viewer to locate the exact X/Y/Z points?? in the SF2 Forums: http://combatace.com/topic/85079-lod-viewer/
  11. Armed Observers for FE

    sort of like the Lewis gun I added to the Tiger Moth, 8-9 years ago??? (read: gun pod, with the Lewis as the "shape")
  12. Armed Observers for FE

    I don't see why it wouldn't !! :) easy to test (but I don't have those planes)
  13. Armed Observers for FE

    what about using the 'remove component' trick to eliminate the gun node? then, it's just an easy text edit to remove the gun from the data ini as to the other one, that would need a new model (trying to save Stephen some work!)
  14. Yes, but can it battle Martian tripods?

    I've seen that on cable, I LIKED it!! I thought it was pretty well done
  15. FE2 Mission Editor

    2 words... "niche market" (much to the detriment of the dedicated players and modders!)
  16. if there's an interest, I can pin this for others to easily find. just ask!
  17. so......what happens if one ain't got no sexbox controler, and only a joystick??? Would that person be SoL???
  18. For further notations, NONE of the decal positions on ANY 1st Gen skin mod are correct in SF2. The entire line of aircraft models (lods) were either rebuilt or reformated for SF2 use. Many aircraft had new meshes cut into their model, further complicating things. What was done, I think, was relocating the "world center" of the aircraft (iirc) more at the 0,0,0 position. This moved all the previous decals into all wrong positions. the easiest fix is to simply use the positions from a STOCK SF2 skin into the existing 1stGen decals ini (backup the original of course). Just extract the decals ini for a stock skin for whatever model, and just rewrite the pathways to fit the decals of the old one. This has been done hundreds of times; best example are the Mytai F-4 Phantom skins
  19. Yes, but can it battle Martian tripods?

    there is an English version, set in the proper 1898/99 time frame. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H._G._Wells%27_The_War_of_the_Worlds_(Timothy_Hines_film) iirc, it's a straight to DVD release. I own, and it's "OK"; the CGI leaves a lot to be desired...but, as a period piece,......
  20. doesn't look like it would. looks (to me) like a direct port from the mobile to PC, with the arcade style "outside only view". OTH, it does look interesting!
  21. Ok folks, as promised, this here a new thread JUST on "How To's" for using the Terrain Editor. This thread has several pruposes, first and foremost on the PROPER use of the TE, and what to do to make those necessary tweeks and twiddles to get things looking the way we want them to. This thread is NOT designed to be used for 'whats it the works' or questions NOT pertaining to the operation of the TE. Those posts WILL be deleted. I do not want this Thread to get derailed with unnecessary BS. Keep it tight, conscise, and focused. We have Gepard's excellent tutorials in the Knowledge Base that gets us started...now, lets focus on the more arcane rituals performed to get that map in-game and looking the way we want. We have some very learned Terrain Gurus here; let's get together and see what we can create. Once we've amassed the data and information, this entire thread will be moved into the Knowledge Base for all to make use of. Thank you one and all!! Wrench kevin stein
  22. Yes, but can it battle Martian tripods?

    something like this, perhaps?
  23. I don't have the DEM, unfortunately and don't know which field Major Lee used when he built it in the early 2000's. I'll zip everything up (TE included) and shoot it over in the next day or 2! thanks brudda!!
  24. this is simple because, in sf2, the drop tanks are part of the physical model (the aircraft's lod). Several of patches changed how the node names were stated.
  25. Yes, but can it battle Martian tripods?

    but what about weapons systems????

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