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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. squadron color markings (matching modex number sequence -100, 200, etc) didn't come into play until 1948-ish or so. However, the 100, 200, etc squadron numbering would be correct for July 45. Oddly, in early 46 the Navy went back to the old pre-war numbering -- *squadron number* -type of squadron- *plane-in-squadron* example: 20-F-5 or 19-B-12 BT2Ds would definately be equiped with the AN/APS-4 radar pods, as seen on nearly all period strike birds (TBM, SB2C, some twins like PBJ) Also lets us use Dels superb radar equipped cockpit!!! not to self: change the C code letter back to the EE, correct for August 45 on the Dauntlas II what's also missing on ALL Skyraiders is the water injection (WEP) statements, as they had it from the very beginning, so the "current" power statements are fairly correct. The only thing that isn't correct, are the additional antennas on the spine, found only on A-1H/J models. Unfortunately, these are part of the fuselage mesh, and not removable via the ini trick in the very near future, I'll be releasing the entire BT2D Dauntless II, with several other decals for other CVGs
  2. how about a Bearcat with the correct (Aug 1945) markings?? VF-3, aboard the new CVB, USS Coral Sea (also corrected guns back to 50 cals, --still researching the correct lighting-- It's doubtful that VF-19 on board USS LANGLEY (CVL-27), enroute to the war zone in the Real Historical world, would have have used the older "G" system markings, as depicted on this aircraft since it was released in 2006. More than likely, they would have started using the new numbering system (as still used today) and the new code letters, as per a BuAir directive of July 45
  3. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  4. each is a "seperate"* game, requiring a shortcut for each exe this should help: http://combatace.com/topic/62302-what-is-the-mod-folder/ * = while using the same core files, allows for 4 seperate game "mods folders". You do NOT need to run the exes, after installation of Expansion Packs 1 & 2, as those mods folders would be more than redundat.
  5. you can add each individual unit if you want, but if their Data ini states "AAA" of any kind, they'll still randomly generate. the only reason you'd want to list them in the types ini, is if you want to rebuild any target areas, and have specific guns show up
  6. I already have a 3W BT2D-1; it appears that I'd neglected to release it. this skin carriers Coral Sea markings, circa 1946, but ... well ya know....
  7. the American ones are http://combatace.com/files/file/16196-usaf-a-37b-pack/
  8. Version


    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 1 1/13/2016 = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! = *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!* This is part 1 of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know. These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects. Part 1 contains the following items: Effects Flight Menu Missions Sounds As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. I've tried, as best as possible, to keep each part a managable size. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base. Good Luck! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. you're talking to THE terrain guru, one of the loadout gurus, so this is all old news. when adding a loadout, one must also add the mission type tasking to the data ini, does one not? :). Make sure the aircraft carries BOTH. btw, are you forgetting that even in 1stGen WoI, the IsrealME map has limited nations = TRUE on it??? If it ain't Arab or Israeli (as defined by the "local" map) additional nations may not work, or work properly. You'll have to check the decelrations in the IsrealME_Nations.ini. Even in single missions
  10. no, the files are specific to each terrain. if there's no shipping routes, you can't load anti-shipping weapons (or use the A-S loadout specs), as there's nothing to drop it on. to be blunt, you really aren't giving us much of anything to go on to assist you. We'd need all the information .. what plane, what year, what terrain, etc and so forth. Otherwise, we're just guessing.
  11. soundlist.ini

    it can
  12. the BT2D-1 already exists, based on the 3rd Wire A-1H
  13. have you check OTHER skins for this bird, and are ALL the skin maps named the same??? (in SF2 bmp or jpg makes no difference. DDS is only used on certain 3rd party aircraft, and their lods are "speced" only for DDS)
  14. or not supported on that TERRAIN usually, defaults to the RECON loadout
  15. same for all 3W games.. HUDData.ini, 2nd section down. extract, and place in the /Flight folder
  16. doesn't FE/FE2 use more of the "Static_AAA" types entry, as opposed to "Mobile_AAA"?? as to the targets list for a terrain, any object slot listed as "AAA" in they data ini (of any type) can have any number of guns show up. They'll show up as long as their in service years and nations match the time frame and countries on any given terrain. While FE/FE2 isn't as sophisticated in air defense units, as say SF/SF2, using the generic tag of "AAA" will give a nice totally random generation of AD units
  17. ww2 weapons pack, located someplace in the downloads section
  18. the mk.4 rails from Raven's Hurricane also work exceedingly well for HVAR racks
  19. might want to double check ALL the TMF Corsairs, and the skins I've done --- VBF-83 (Essess) is one of them but it do look a bit better
  20. Wrong forum, if you're asking about 1stGen WoE. This is the SF2 Forum. However, having said that, let's see what we can do... 1) on Win7 do NOT use the default to usual C/ProgramFiles...blab balh balh location for install Use the ROOT of the C/ drive for 1stGens (C:/Wings Over Europe) (this is covered in the 1stGen Knowledge Base somewhere) 2) 1stGens to NOT create mods folders -- only the SF2 series does, so all your files will be INSIDE you main install (C:\Wings over Europe 3) From this point, assuming no difficulties in installing or moving the game to the root of C, and adjusting the shortcut accordingly, and the game does run (don't forget to reinstall DX9, and it'll probably be needed), you can now start adding mods as described in the readme of your downloads
  21. the ones as released are supposed to have the "worn, not really maintained look" so common on all USN aircraft of the time (and the orignal skins were by Sundowner, with -very- little help by me <grin> That is my actual only objecrtion == too clean and not weathered enough. But it you want to, you've got my permission! other than that, perhaps some of the other units could be done?? The bitch is, running down the individual carrier's air groups, finding out with squadron used the Corsairs (and and which sub-variant) and then do up the "G" system marking. (interesting to note on the chard below, the "single with dot" for HORNET is not listed...)
  22. Spanish Skies

    NO NO!! don't do that!!! It could case a catastrophie of biblical proprotions!!! I like that little one-span bridge, too. If I may make a suggestion, perhaps have it in sections. center arch span(s), end(s) that way they can be used to reach both sides of a "stream", if "standard" TK tile size, approx 100m in width (allowing for gentle up-and-down slope to the road deck Great stuff Geezer!!
  23. templates have long been available ... if you follow my drift ------------------------- the existing Candairs' (by the GMG modder group) have NOT had the FM upgrades like all the others I've released. That INCLUDES the Mk.4 and Mk.6 I've done for the RAF, RCAF, AMI, Paki
  24. since I've done more work on our Corsair than anyone, I'd so go for it btw, the VF-84 (Bunker Hill "arrow") has already been done for the -1D, and should be in the uploaded package here. vF-17 has also been done, both for the -1A and Birdcage the VBF-84 (Shangra-la "lightning bolt") is also availabe, in -1C

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