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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. you can make them turn on earlier, by editing the cockpit ini. in fact, TK has be using "our" fix for several years... the color is also easily changed, if one knows what the RGB value of the color is, and then converts to (iirc) hex otherwise, one would need access to the MAX files for the cockpit and adjust via (i think this is right -- somebody correct me if not) self-illuminating meshes (or tga??)
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  3. streak, this has got the be one of the most hilairous posts I've read in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!!! as to the mytai skins, a know a number of us have converted them to SF2, albeit using the standard size, stock skins. It's just a matter of screwing around with the decal positionings, cleaning up some of the decals themselves, and (well, for me) simple small adjustments Aren't they already in the downloads section? Or have they not been fully converted? below, his VF-102 (2048x jpg skin maps, all his decals)
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  5. we are very well aware of the mapping issues. It will be handled (we are working of 4 different aircraft all at the same time, so keep your shirt on! )
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  8. in ObjectData 001 cat, there's a "AircraftAIData.ini" as well, that has each level listed, plus the various ground attack profiles (including cruise missile)
  9. hmmm... the only thing I've found wrong with the lights, are the landing lights. They should both be on the right wing. Other than that... and this is from the package as it stands right now.
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  11. Vogesen 2

    those forts REALLY dress up the landscape!!
  12. indeed, individual, tailored AI resides in ONLY that one aircraft's data ini. it should have no effect whatsoever on other aircraft, or flights of aircraft. why it would effect the E/A is completely beyond reason; but like Nick said, there's some very strange shit that goes on sometimes!! Perhaps the Game Engine ™ is reading the enhanced AI of said particular aircraft, and is bumping up the others to match? That would call for some rather sophisticated programing routines, that we've never seen or experienced before.
  13. it's being (re)worked on, be patient!
  14. Version


    SF2 Chengdu J-7 Fishbed Series Pak by Mod Mafia/TMF (v.2) 11/12/2023 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = An upgrade pack for the 3 J-7 Fishbeds built by The Mod Mafia/Mirage Factory. This is the full set as issued in 2012. This is EVERYTHING, all the aircraft, weapons, pilots etc. These aircraft have had their FM revised to something more SF2-ish, with all hit boxes and collision points also revised. It is designed to REPLACE, in total, all previous versions. Yes, you may just drop these over your originals. Backup copies of the data inis are all supplied as a "just in case CYA". === Some of several "newer models" that were never quite completed when Bpao passed away a few year back. I've been fortunate enough to be allowed to complete his work, as a member of the Mod Mafia. This pack contains 3 of the J-7 Fishbed series, as built and operated by the PLAAF (People's Repbulic of China), and exported to some other folks. They are: Chengdu J-7I Chengdu J-7II Chengdu J-7IIA The J-7I and II have only PLAAF skins. The J-7IIA (exported as F-7B) has skins for PLAAF Iraqi Air Force (folder called "Camo2") Islamic Republic of Iran AF (folder called "Camo1") All skins are in jpg format, Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are the older tga versions. All markings are decals,(excepting National Markings, which on some skins are painted on), and reference stock 3W items. The PLAAF Bort numbers may be incorrect; skinner/decal makers are !ENCOURAGED!! to create more correct ones. A user list is included for all, even for the I & II, which were NOT exported All sounds, pilot figure(s), seats, are included. Weapons, for the most part, reference those already "stock" in-game items. However, in the usual "CYA" effort, Chinese A-A missiles are included. These come from the GunnyPak. The Canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. The RWR.lst for the J-7IIA references many items from dtmdragon's Updated Threat Library; the url/download link I cannot find! So, I've just went ahead and included all the various RWR tgas that I had (in the /Flight folder included in this zip) When 'in game', you'll see on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown Menu, for each one... Chengdu J-7I (TMF) Chengdu J-7II (TMF) Chengdu J-7IIA (TMF) This will differentiate all these aircraft from any others you may have, either stock, user-made, imported from China, or whathaveyou. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too for futher explainations, clarifactions, illuminations and so forth. A full listing of credits, as always, is below the Install Instructions. Good Hunting! wrench Kevin Stein -for The Mod Mafia- For Oli =Changes: updated FM (3W based) revised hitboxes changed pilot for J-7I gunsight tgas 'brightened' minor 'hardening' of components -for The Mod Mafia-
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  18. just seem odd, seeing Viggen's over the Falklands!! LOL!! keep up the work, angel --------- enoc, I remember it took half a day to figure out how to add the sig banner, and looking at the "edit signature" in my profile, found this should be the code bit: ]sharedmedia=gallery:images:32034[ (turn the brackets around, so the image shows, when you go to edit your sig EDIT: never mind! It appears, as a site Admin, I have the rights to edit members! I add the code to your signature; hope that was ok!
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  21. right click, save the image, and you'll need someplace to store it and link too or maybe try this, link to mine http://combatace.com/gallery/image/32032-post-1-0-01188100-1454270327/ you'll have to edit your profile to add the signature image and, welcome to the club!!
  22. ain't that the truth ... I remember one time at the museam in Sacremento (CA), their Mig-17 had standard, garden variety hardware store bought sheet metal screws holding down some wing panels (I'm sure even the Russian AF didn't do that!!) --- back to the subject... feature creep is a major bug-a-boo. The "just this one more thing ... just need to do ____ (fill in blank). As difficult as aircraft are, terrains are, IMO even worse. One wants to make sure it (as accurately as possible) represents location XYZ in the Real World ™. Even if we all know that's impossible, not just with this game engine, but in general. Personally, i think ALL modders - for aircraft, skins, decals, terrains, what-have-yous - are all borderline OCDs. Having crossed that line more times than I'd like to think (both in gaming mods, and in my career), I'm pretty sure where the line is. Like Martin said above, and was pounded into my head by my instructors (as a mechanic, we WERE dealing with most likely the most deadly weapon ever designed by humans - automobiles!!), "Do it Right, Do it Once. People's Lives Are On the Line. And You Don't Get Paid To Do It Twice". Things like that. Fortunately in gaming, nobody really get hurt! But yes, there comes a point where "it IS good enough", and let it go.
  23. yes. and vice versa you just need the tarrain's cat file within the terrain folder. a bit useless, though, due to their smaller scale and lack of proper airfields

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