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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. didn't I do that mod 10 years ago for Gen 1??? Your's looks better, though!
  3. targets ini is just a listing of "where" something is. Could you elaborate on the distance in the targets ini?? totally agree with adjusting the view distance in the _types ini. I know many as set rather close (or not far enough)
  4. you did remember to change the year spans in the Options, ini, too, right?? takes getting used to.. some of us have been doing it for so long, it's almost insticntual; we just do it without thinking about it.
  5. follow all the procedures for creating a seperate/new install, and you MUST have the ww2 nations ini
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  8. what I've got is an aircraft with a total fuel capacity of 464 gallons, split between 7 tanks 2 inner wing 2 outer wing (larger tanks) 2 tip tanks 1 fuselage tank (smallest) nothing I've searched out has any information on how much which tank holds. Other than the total this is what I have at the moment (and KNOW is wrong!)
  9. single nation only, with the year spans matching those in the data ini. That's for the "home user" export users year spans have to match the exported start and end years from the data ini for example, in data ini: in userlist ini: so, cannot have the same user with multiple entries with differing service year spans. Only one entry per nation
  10. can any of our Russian speaker help out in making some decals (or even a plain bmp) for me, in proper Cyrillic? I need 3 ship names Borodino Sevastopol Kinburn all caps (or whatever Cyrillic uses). The image should be 256x256, with black lettering on a white background. I've tried using my fonts, but it looks too "american" Many thanks, in advance!!
  11. they look good the boat! (just wish the model was better....)
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  14. 10 Cloverfield Lane

    isn't it supposed to be a sequel to "Cloverfield"?
  15. F-89 Scorpion Pack for SF2



    F-89 Scorpion Pak for SF2 6/4/2010 -- Version 2, 3/3/2016 -- This package includes the full set of F-89 Scorpions, from MontyCZ's original C & D version, PLUS the variant mods I'd created, giving the H, J (Early) and J (Late). The various readmes for the sub-variants are included in their specific aircraft folder, just for historical purposes. This package has been peaked and tweeked for use in SF2 =ONLY=, and is NOT designed for use on SF/Wo* series 1st Gen sims. It makes use of certain elements found ONLY, and usable ONLY, in SF2. Everything is included -aircraft, inis, skins, decals, weapons, pilots. =EXCEPT= a cockpit. Due to changes in SF2's internal coding, these aircraft now make use of the stock in-game F-4B via ini edits that through sorcery now reach back into the cat files, and create usable cockpits without the need of a cockpit folder. How this works, I don't know or care; but that it =does= is a wonderful thing!! On such aircraft that have operating canopies (those that use the F-89D lod), the canopy works via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™, shift/0. This package is designed to REPLACE the original set, and will drop right over it, providing you have it already. If you don't, no worries! Just install as normal. As always the standard, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Version 2: See "Change Log" in the readme
  16. the old 1stGen trick was similar, excepting you moved the ***.cat file into the terrain folder in question, and then renamed it to match the terrain's name. odd that Winge10 is now case sensitive to inis residing in particular folders, as I would more believe THAT to be more related to the game engine. But, hey, it can't hurt, right?? (and yet another reason for W7 users to NOT go the winge10)
  17. Bucket List

    thank you, kind sir!!
  18. but won't she get cold without the coat??? wouldn't want her .. ah...assets to freeze off!!
  19. Enough Rope

    karma's a BITCH!!!
  20. Bucket List

    If I might make a request (and/or) suggestion ... I know you have a boatload of various models; ships, aircraft, vehicles, figures, buildings and what not. If these items are not going to be entering the 3W game world, would it be too much to ask that the MAX files be uploaded to the Modders Depository for others to use, finish, play with? In this respect, other 3d folks can have access to them, and perhaps continue the work. Especially for some of those very cool 1930s items If so, you can upload them yourself, or I'll be happy to do so.

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