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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. iirc, the colors used, or defined by these 4 sets are in a hexidecimal (sp?) value*. One would need to find the RGB value (like in photoshop or other image program), then use a converter to get the hex values. I remember doing that for some lights (needed yellow, which at the time no aircraft had) I know there's on-line converters for that. A google or bing search will turn them up * all the 3W sims use these same type of numbers
  2. it looks like one of the "volcanic" islands on my Waterworld terrain
  3. that's righ! it was a 'blank' so it shows up, but not visible!!
  4. they were turned of on purpose, so as to keep enemy forces "unknown" until encountered. the icons are stored in one of the object cat, so you'll need to go through the various inis, like you've been doing, and find which one turns on the icon I don't remember which one, maybe huddata??
  5. we weren't the only ones with anti-aircraft rockets, several MiG-17 versions did that too (iirc, they kept at least 2 cannon) -17*somehthing* (SP16) with AA rockets. I remember there used to be 2 versions of it in the d/l section Also, didn't the Mystre have a rocket tray in the nose. which, fortunately, somebody got smart and got rid of it! indeed "stauration" rocket barrage -- I can't really see it working in the Real World, when millions of lives hang in the balance!
  6. I'd fixed the Razbam FM several years ago, just never released it, as it's payware, and has many LOD issues. ----------- yubba, you are a complete and utter moron....you dishonor and shit upon all the hard work the modders and model builders have done with you idiotic "fixes". You keep pushing all the wrong buttons, and don't listen to those of us that have been carrying this game on our shoulders for the last 14 years. didn't I say above that Dels had already DONE a 100% perfect single seater pit for the Skyraiders? For both early radar equipped, and later non radar equipped? this thread is done
  7. File Name: F-89 Scorpion Pack for SF2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 June 2010 File Category: Other F-89 Scorpion Pak for SF2 6/4/2010 -- Version 2, 3/3/2016 -- This package includes the full set of F-89 Scorpions, from MontyCZ's original C & D version, PLUS the variant mods I'd created, giving the H, J (Early) and J (Late). The various readmes for the sub-variants are included in their specific aircraft folder, just for historical purposes. This package has been peaked and tweeked for use in SF2 =ONLY=, and is NOT designed for use on SF/Wo* series 1st Gen sims. It makes use of certain elements found ONLY, and usable ONLY, in SF2. Everything is included -aircraft, inis, skins, decals, weapons, pilots. =EXCEPT= a cockpit. Due to changes in SF2's internal coding, these aircraft now make use of the stock in-game F-4B via ini edits that through sorcery now reach back into the cat files, and create usable cockpits without the need of a cockpit folder. How this works, I don't know or care; but that it =does= is a wonderful thing!! On such aircraft that have operating canopies (those that use the F-89D lod), the canopy works via the Standard Manual Animation Keystroke ™, shift/0. This package is designed to REPLACE the original set, and will drop right over it, providing you have it already. If you don't, no worries! Just install as normal. As always the standard, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. Please READ them! Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein Version 2: See "Change Log" in the readme Click here to download this file
  8. Updated to Version 2, this date please read the readme for full change log
  9. the tgas or the "statements" for the effects? the statements should be in the particlesystem.ini
  10. the only side-by-side pit available for the AD-5/A1-E is Razbams. the standard AD-1 thru AD-7 single seaters are by Dels. There are 2 versions - AD-1 thru 4 with radar, and AD-6/7 without. What's needed is a FREEWARE version of the AD-5/A1-E that's readily available to ALL people, not just those that bend over
  11. well, if that's the case (cockpit wise), I assume you'll be needing reference materials? let me know if and when you're ready.
  12. everywhere. (excepting the statements that define weapons, landing gear, lights, and crew)
  13. So my mother brought this home... heh

    I was thinking of you yesterday! El Rey Network was playing the original, 1954 version, In Japanese! (with subtitles). A MUCH better film than the Raymond Burr, US version!
  14. New Ghostbusters trailer

    when it comes to cable 3 months after release... and maybe not even then!!
  15. as yakarov said, other than building a completly new model, there's nothing to be done with the pod-mounted Falcons. Having looked over what we have... there's not much to be done with the missiles and rockets, but the bird needs an updated FM BADLY!! I was never happy with how it flew; could barely catch a TU-4, let alone a Tu-16. Also found some issues with node names mis-labled, and hit boxes missing or positioned off. Give me a few days to cobble together an better FM, and do some other tweeking (like randomizing decals, and other small items). Then, I'll update the "full Scorpion pack" to ver.2, and we'll go from there
  16. there would also be major clipping issues with the Falcons when retracted, as well. (unless they all retracted to approximately the center of the pod) Don't forget, they were loaded in "sets"; each set of 3 is a different missile - 3 IR 3 Radar. And as we all know, IRs won't even begin to track until they can "see" the target. As Streak mentioned above, there really hasn't been any way to do this type of mount properly. More than likely, a game engine ™ limitation. as stated in the readme, it was done "as best as is possible"
  17. unbelievable so many different ways of screwing things up, when the fastest and easiest fix has already been posted. must remind myself to stop supplying help and fixes...
  18. even if the mission is successful, and the target is destroyed, you can still buy it on the way out....
  19. don't forget, all them funky colors on the UV map helps you determine "what goes where"
  20. wouldn't that be one (or more) statements in the terrain's data ini??? Probably in the top sections?
  21. leave the AeroCoefficents ALONE!! those help determine how the aircraft fly... never touch them!!

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