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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I know, I did a lot of work on it for Veltro!!
  2. I see Lake Toba!!! pity we can't have "working" volcanos....
  3. lock up you daughters! After a 6 year absence, the American Air Force in back in Britain!!!
  4. those almost look like XF-109 engine pods....
  5. WIP for 116th FIS, F-86A (yeah, did the easy part first ... tail will be more diffucult)
  6. no problem! Glad (iator) that it worked out1
  7. File Name: SF2 F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Part 1 Fix-It Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 February 2016 File Category: F-86 SF2 F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Part 1 Fix-It Skin Pak 2/9/16 This pack contains replacement "1" maps for the aircraft recently released in the SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak (Part 1), avaliable at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/16039-sf2e-f-86f-40-sabre-usafe-skin-pak/ It has been brought to my attention that I was in error in leaving on the anti-glare panel on the nose. This will replace them with 1 maps that don't have the A-G panel. My apologies! Simply unzip, and drop the supplied /Objects folder into the mods folder where you installed the original pak. Allow the overwrite. The Part 1 Package will also be getting updated with these corrected skins, for those that have not downloaded it yet. In other words, if you have them already, you won't need to download the whole package again, but should use THIS package Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. Version


    SF2 F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Part 1 Fix-It Skin Pak 2/9/16 This pack contains replacement "1" maps for the aircraft recently released in the SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak (Part 1), avaliable at the following URL: http://combatace.com/files/file/16039-sf2e-f-86f-40-sabre-usafe-skin-pak/ It has been brought to my attention that I was in error in leaving on the anti-glare panel on the nose. This will replace them with 1 maps that don't have the A-G panel. My apologies! Simply unzip, and drop the supplied /Objects folder into the mods folder where you installed the original pak. Allow the overwrite. The Part 1 Package will also be getting updated with these corrected skins, for those that have not downloaded it yet. In other words, if you have them already, you won't need to download the whole package again, but should use THIS package Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. File Name: SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 09 February 2016 File Category: F-86 SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak 2/7/16 -- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended -- This mod is to be applied to the "F-86F-40 Remod Pak", available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/13788-sf2-f-86f-40-sabre-remod-pak/ It is also advised, if/when installing both the original Remod Pak and these skins in SF2:E you =MUST= remove any/all other skins for non-European based users (such as JASDF, IIAF, EtAF). This will preclude any "oddites" that you might see over The Continent. See "Notes" below for more information on the included data and loadout inis. In other words, this is a European-centric skin/decals/ini package only!! In this package are skins for Sabres from the 50th FWB, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ... 10th FBS 81st FBS 417th FBS also a remoded/corrected version of the... 461st FDS, 36th FDW (corrected FDW) skin/decal ini with 'fixed' tail skin, and corrected Wing affiliation in the texture set ini. Also, a "Level 1 decal" has been added, activating the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen. When installing, just allow the overwrite for this skin. I've been unable to run down exactly WHICH F-86F version was used by these squadron, so simply chose to use the F-40, given the time frame they operated them (1953-58-ish). As all the Sabres are mapped the same, can be used for any of the F-86F variants. However, if NOT using this on the -40 model, do =NOT= use the included data ini!! (but you can copy the changes, which are the 1950s pilot figure and 'steerable nose gear' callouts) Almost all markings are decals, with the exceptions of the nose color bands for the 50th FBW birds. Tail bands are decals, at Level=1, and will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units, listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format. As well as a slightly tweeked data ini, a new "USAFE only" style loadout ini is included. . REMINDER -- this loadout ini is =ONLY= for use by American Sabres (this version) as used in the SF2:E mods folder!!! Don't use it anywhere else! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install, PLEASE read the "Notes" section for important information on the 2 inis included! It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game. Just so we're clear on everything, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Update 2/9/2016: Replaced "1.jpg" on all skins, removed anti-glare panel. Click here to download this file
  10. I forgot the mention in the readme, that now with the corrected Hit Boxes, the aircraft may be more vulnerable to enemy fire. as some point, I'll be updating the KAW Sabre Pack, and any others, with the new settings.
  11. here's the units I have completed, as of this second: 21st FBW 72nd FBS 416th FBS 531st FBS 36th FBW 22nd FBS 23rd FBS 53rd FBS 32nd FBS 461st FBS (in part 1 pack already) plus those released yesterday... 50th FBW 10th FBS 81st FBS 417th FBS just so's folks can keep track!
  12. is the question "what if, aircraft had landing gear"? (couldn't resist!!)
  13. you're forgetting one thing, though...2 words Flush Riveting same with the panels; they are all "butt joined", with a filler of some type (usually a felt or rubbery compound) to seal them joint to joint. One of the disadvantages of having been so close to the real birds in museums & flight lines that I've run my fingers along the joints and over the skins, seeing them taken apart, and reading the maintanence and erection manuals! (not for Sabres, but other ww2 birds) think of smoothness -- all these birds are exceedingly clean; anything sticking up even a millimeter induces drag. The last thing the engineers want. for rivets, I'd suggest a layer under the primary rivets, also in black, then hitting it with a " Gaussian blur" of 2-3 pixels width, then fading till it looks right (somewhere around 30-40% opacity - this is obviously for NM skins) simulates dirt accumulation in the rivets dimple. As we'll never get these bump and spec mapped, that's the best we can do one of the best examples I can give, is the actual test I did to myself, a couple of years ago a the Chino Museum -- I stood at the very wingtip of a P-47M (so, call it "half span", approx. 20.5 feet), and looked inward. I could barley make out the rivet lines on the fuselage, and the panels were literally just that - lines where they butted together. but, everyone does what they think 'look right' -- and that's the real trick. Does it LOOK right??
  14. Version


    SF2:E F-86F-40 Sabre, USAFE Skin Pak 2/7/16 -- For SF-2, FULL-5 merged, Reccomended -- This mod is to be applied to the "F-86F-40 Remod Pak", available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/13788-sf2-f-86f-40-sabre-remod-pak/ It is also advised, if/when installing both the original Remod Pak and these skins in SF2:E you =MUST= remove any/all other skins for non-European based users (such as JASDF, IIAF, EtAF). This will preclude any "oddites" that you might see over The Continent. See "Notes" below for more information on the included data and loadout inis. In other words, this is a European-centric skin/decals/ini package only!! In this package are skins for Sabres from the 50th FWB, USAFE, in the mid-1950s ... 10th FBS 81st FBS 417th FBS also a remoded/corrected version of the... 461st FDS, 36th FDW (corrected FDW) skin/decal ini with 'fixed' tail skin, and corrected Wing affiliation in the texture set ini. Also, a "Level 1 decal" has been added, activating the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen. When installing, just allow the overwrite for this skin. I've been unable to run down exactly WHICH F-86F version was used by these squadron, so simply chose to use the F-40, given the time frame they operated them (1953-58-ish). As all the Sabres are mapped the same, can be used for any of the F-86F variants. However, if NOT using this on the -40 model, do =NOT= use the included data ini!! (but you can copy the changes, which are the 1950s pilot figure and 'steerable nose gear' callouts) Almost all markings are decals, with the exceptions of the nose color bands for the 50th FBW birds. Tail bands are decals, at Level=1, and will activate the Squadron Displayed Name on the Loadout Screen (these are stock units, listed in the game's SquadronList.ini). All skins use a "pool" of serial Serial and buzz numbers; while these should be considered 'generic' in nature, are for the variant depicted. Decal randomization is TRUE. All skins are in jpg format. As well as a slightly tweeked data ini, a new "USAFE only" style loadout ini is included. . REMINDER -- this loadout ini is =ONLY= for use by American Sabres (this version) as used in the SF2:E mods folder!!! Don't use it anywhere else! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! Also, as this mod pack is specificly designed for an SF2:E (Europe) install, PLEASE read the "Notes" section for important information on the 2 inis included! It is HIGHLY ADVISED you read this document through, after unzipping, but BEFORE installing to you game. Just so we're clear on everything, this is for use in Europe (SF2:E) ONLY!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Update 2/9/2016: Replaced "1.jpg" on all skins, removed anti-glare panel.
  15. you know you can save yourself a shitload of time by simply using Ravenclaw's templates that I upload last year. IIRC, there should be a 'clouds' layer already there
  16. Battlefront issue/problem

    no text files? no pdfs? not even a link to a manual??? that seems very odd!
  17. well, that came out a LOT better than I'd hoped for!!! Had to make the red a lot darker so it wouldn't fade under the clouds layer and the texture set's settings
  18. geary, can you point me to the original 21st FBW skins? (72nd FBS, with the red nose and with stars) Can't seem to find them want to try something... edit -- never mind! I found it. It was hiding in plane site (sort of)
  19. fast and low over the German countryside
  20. it's a GH *something*. Maybe just plane 3.0. Yes, it's obviously a VN tile set -- the tile names give that away right off. you should have seen the original set -- even worse, just awfull!! the problem is, there exists NO tile set by anyone that can accurately represent the nightmare forests of the SoWePac*. I know this from first hand stories from relatives and people that were there during the war (my main auto instructor at school was Pappy Gunn's mechanic in PNG, and Joe told us of that horrid jungle, with all it's ills. My Dad was in the Philipines in 44/45) The only things that come close would be the MS CFS series, and even that ain't perfect! *or most anywhere for that matter -- take Spain/Portugal at one end of the Med, and Greece/Turkey at the other for examples; the Germany tiles can't represent that properly at all. The closest would be the Israel set, and even those aren't perfect. We make due with the "best we have" Part of my (over)reacting is I've had my work, -well let's just call it what it is- stolen/pirated/misused by "other parties". I put hundreds of hours into the research* to try and get it as close to Reality ™ as possible. Within the (very) confined limits of the game and terrain engines. So, yeah, I'm a bit overprotective. *hundreds of megs of period maps/charts -real ww2 stuff!
  21. I don't want to take over the whole thing!!! After all, it was YOUR idea!!! tail is decals, unfortunately, I had to paint on the nose bands. The decals just stretched too oddly..
  22. tgas work on everything! Gimme a day or 2 I can also whip out a 'gerneric' set that won't exactly match the skin mapping -- in seconds! (yes, extract and rename stock ones!!)

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