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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. yes, find out WHICH tiles they are, and make new ones to match. I can tell you right now, they're ***50.tga, a just by looking at their positions. Might want to make see if they're city/sea or farm/sea. Zoom in on the missing tile, and hit (whichever key it is for "info" and it'll tell you what tile it is. you (usually) cannot simply copy/paste tile statments form one data ini to another, due to the differing naming conventions, and positions in data ini, which are writtein to the TFD. Which means, they should only be added via the TE. Which will require the full texture list ini for that terrain. terrain work is the single, hardest thing around (after cockpit modeling). It is NOT something the inexperienced should attempt. also, to lower the frustration index, you might want to get in contact with Gepard, who built it, and is working on a camaign mod. (see Missions and Campaigns Forum, "Panslavic Wars" thread. Perhaps he's updated the terrain?
  2. File Name: XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set: "The Shieldtech Resarch Project" File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 25 January 2016 File Category: Star Wars Games XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set: "The Shieldtech Resarch Project" 1/12/2016 (works with original CD version and new GoG version) For XvT =w/Bop= Addon, or GoG version (must have the BW available, hence the need for BoP) Imperial researchers have begun testing a newer, smaller shield generator for use on TIE class starfighters. It is up to YOU to begin field testing under actual combat conditions. You will fly your shielded TIE Interceptor (and other craft) in various real-world scenarios. But, as always, there are forces working against The Empire, conspiring to end the project... This 6 mission set is to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are used as in-game hints and information), and "eye candy" added. Some are QUITE difficult, but all are winnable. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" section a read too, for well, notes! Good Luck and Good Huntng! Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael 'Vyper' Stauber, 1995 Click here to download this file
  3. zip discs -from "back in the day"-, and a USB zip drive!! (thank the gods for USB!!) plus, countless hours scouring the net for any surviving mission sites. most of which, have all the same 10 or 12 sets I've already converted. not bad for a 4 door!! thanks for sharing! :)
  4. as said, the white border is an artifact of the game itself. long ago, you just needed the background and alpha (1stGens). at some point in time, in SF2, it began creating these artifacts -and not all the time either! best and quickest is the "tk fix", have a solid color surrounding the image, and let the alpha act as a "hold out mask" (examples below) left to right -- (serial numbers) full view, alpha & rgb channels rgb channels off alpha off
  5. yes. however...you may experience problems with NA and they will only run in dx9, so you'll be losing out on a lot of visuals that use the dx10 shaders
  6. if I may make a suggestion... the TFD tool is excellent for generating all 3 planning maps. That way, you don't have to use the ***.bmp the TE generates. Give all the relief (mountains, valleys, etc). And they LOOK really good.
  7. well, to make a long story short... yes. the finalization exporter is only for max. models can be built in other programs, but then need to be imported to MAX, EVERYTHING checked (meshes, animations, etc) then exported.
  8. yes, indeed! I trust your work!! :) If it fixed, just upload the data ini, saying it's a replacement
  9. yes, all taken care of in the data ini (cloned/duplicated bay) and the loadout ini -- Attack mission statement with rockets only [Attack] Loadout[01].WeaponType=HVAR Loadout[01].Quantity=8 at least, that's how I tested it. unless of course, just having the mount on the same "locations", and the rocket stubs hidden under the bombs when they're loaded. (normal statement) [bombBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,180.0 LoadLimit=5000 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT AttachmentType=USAF NumWeapons=8 AttachmentPosition001=0.503,4.921,-3.563 AttachmentPosition002=-0.494,4.921,-3.563 AttachmentPosition003=-0.002,3.059,-3.57 AttachmentPosition004=-0.494,3.059,-3.57 AttachmentPosition005=0.503,3.059,-3.57 AttachmentPosition006=-0.002,1.212,-3.549 AttachmentPosition007=0.503,1.212,-3.549 AttachmentPosition008=-0.494,1.212,-3.549 this will really mess with people's heads, huh, Ed? !!! LOL!!
  10. than you'll love this... I recently found a set called "New TIE Battles", originally for TFCD. it contains 147 missions, broken down into 20 battles averaging 6-8 missions each, covering the time frame from before Yavin to (shortly?) after the Fall of the Empire. Unfortunately, as having been built for TFCD, has things like T/D, MIS, Carracks, container transports, C3 liner -- in short, all the ships we DON'T have (without a ship patch for GOG XvT/BoP). I've started converting the first 5 battles, and will try and figure out something for the later ones. Some of them look REALLY interestering!
  11. my advice exactly... everything on C5's site has not been updated in at LEAST 6-8 years. all the newest and bestest is here at CA BUT.. sf2na is a requrement
  12. even their versions (Tsetse is the only 'new' one) are all Pasko's, albeit reskinned, but with all the original issues.
  13. Need Help With Bomb Data

    this may be somewhat helpful, although mostly for later WW2....
  14. Version


    XvT/BoP Imperial Mission Set: "The Shieldtech Resarch Project" 1/12/2016 (works with original CD version and new GoG version) For XvT =w/Bop= Addon, or GoG version (must have the BW available, hence the need for BoP) Imperial researchers have begun testing a newer, smaller shield generator for use on TIE class starfighters. It is up to YOU to begin field testing under actual combat conditions. You will fly your shielded TIE Interceptor (and other craft) in various real-world scenarios. But, as always, there are forces working against The Empire, conspiring to end the project... This 6 mission set is to be used/placed into your ...Balence of Power/Combat folder. Many of these missions have additional goals, messages (which are used as in-game hints and information), and "eye candy" added. Some are QUITE difficult, but all are winnable. As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Notes" section a read too, for well, notes! Good Luck and Good Huntng! Wrench Kevin Stein original set for TFCD by Michael 'Vyper' Stauber, 1995
  15. Need Help With Bomb Data

    there's a few "It_***" bombs already available (plus a myriad of WW2 stuff on all side, in may sizes), I"ll be glad to pass on the data. what are the weight specs? looking at the images, I can assume (oh! that word!!) 100, 250, 500 kg, and smaller? 50kg?? 25?
  16. wolf never made an A5M Claude --- that DAT. those bullet holes look like my old damage tgas
  17. iirc, the DAT may have one which, of course, does almost no one any good. I know they also have a Sea Hornet one could make one out of pasko's, but the hook would exist as ini statements only. nor would there be folding wings, nor 4-bladded props and the other physical changes - most especially the NF30 style nose for the AI Mk.XV radar (source: modlers datafile: mosquito)
  18. Indeed All avenues should be pursued in acquiring the new Dragonfly!!
  19. File Name: SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 5B File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 23 January 2016 File Category: User Made Campaigns SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 5B 1/13/2016 = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! = *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!* This is part 5b of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know. These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects. Part 5B contains the following items: Objects/ Aircraft (please note this is the 2nd, and last half of the aircraft folder.) As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base. Good Luck! Wrench Kevin Stein this concludes the uploads! Have at it folks; make something of this or at the very least, HAVE SOME FUN!! Click here to download this file
  20. thanks. literally, several hundred hours on research for the aircraft, right down to serial numbers (although some are 'stand in' aircraft for those unavailable)
  21. actually the "Civil Mod" was Gepard's idea, from years ago. Stratos wanted to resurrect it, I worked as best as I could with it (and had some great help on some skins and stuff from some really good people!) I forgot to mention, some of the 1stGEn aircraft included (Twin Otter, OV-10 and, irrc, the Z-37 have updated SF2 compliant FMs)
  22. Version


    SF2 "Civil/Firefighter" Mod Part 2 1/13/2016 = For SF2, Full 4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED*! = *-SF2NA is NOT a requirement, but having SF2:E is, as the terrain references objects in the GermanyCE.cat, as well as several aircraft. There are no "naval units" needed for this. HOWEVER!!! SF2:V is REQUIRED, as the Skyraider is used in this mod. Hence, at minimum, a FUll-4 Merged install in required!!* This is part 2 of the incomplete "civil mod" as discussed on the CombatAce message boards. I've done, and gone, as far as I can, and instead of sitting on what I have, am uploading EVERYTHING in several parts in the hopes that someone will pick up the ball and run with it. A full civilian style flght sim may not even be possible, due to the game's central programing as a "combat flight sim", but you never know. These packages will be broken down into their various components, and will include the (incomplete) "Forest Bowl" terrain, aircraft, skins and decals, ground objects, what few "weapons" are needed, effects, sounds, and all. Basically, my entire "Civil" mods folder, minus the stock 3W combat aircraft and ground objects. Part 2 contains the following items: Objects/ GroundObject Guns Pilots Weapons As always, (hopefully!) easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! It is HIGHLY reccomended you download ALL the parts first, and then unzip them together in a temp folder to assemble. You WILL be creating a seperate, stand-alone mods folder for this. If unsure how to build one, consult the CombatAce SF2 Knowledge Base. Good Luck! Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. well, lets see how things go with my life, before I volenteer! as it stands, i'm probably not going to finish the ww2 CBI terrain...(i've done enough north Africa/Middle East/East Africa/Med Basin that something in the south might be interesting....) but, lets wait and see what the opthalmologist says on the 14th of Feb.....I KNOW more work will be required. <sigh> pity about Centurion moving on...that means we won't be getting a new, no-strings-attached, completely freeware A-37 Dragonfly. (unless he's willing to pass on his MAX files to another modeler...which ain't such a bad idea, eh?)
  24. remember, it's NOT complete -- there's a lot of unfinished stuff in all these also, I don't remember if I removed ALL the guns from the various aircraft ( I know I didn't on the A-1H), so each data ini needs to be checked

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