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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. How true!!! When I was looking up the PanAM and BOAC birds, a LOT werent' -300s!!! That's a great suggestion; all I have to do now is write the readme, and take some screenies! Thanks DA!! You know how I HATE wasting work!!
  2. that's because of the collision meshes of the object. otherwise, you couldn't bomb them. specific hangers, with custom tailored specificly shaped collision meshes would be needed for that. just a note -- there IS a static 707 avilable if one knows where to look
  3. I revamped the original release skins for the TMF 707-300, (BOAC, ElAl, PanAm, TMA) with 100% historically correct registration numbers. The PanAm birds even have their matching Clipper names I just never released them, as they'd conflict with what DA has done with his Level2 tgas to change markings. Lot of other internal data ini changes, too, mostly minor. I mean, I could release it, just with the stipulation that there WILL be issues with combining the pack.
  4. one wonders, that for parked vehicles in a parking lot, if a single lod could be made for that. having various sizes and shapes from vans, light trucks, 2 door and 4 door vehicles. the mapping would be a nightmare, having to have all kinds of different colors for the various meshes. (like the piles/stack of containers we have already) just tossing that out
  5. it's not USN_Stencil? I know that's used for Modex, BuAirNum, and various squadron lettering
  6. quick question...

    Pity if that happens, be another lost sale for TK, and a pissoff customer. Great for the advertising for the whole family of sims. Pony: did you get a download link? Last time I bought something from 3W store (albeit a LONG time ago), I got the ability to download the item right way, and never needed an access code. Just downloded, and ran the installer
  7. I've found when looking for modex/bunum association (with each other!), this site is most helpfull http://www.gonavy.jp/
  8. don't forget people, you can always find the location by turning debug ON in the HUDData ini. Extract it from the FlightDataCat (iirc), drop it into the /Flight folder, and do this to the first section: [Debug] //DisplayDebug=FALSE DisplayDebug=TRUE you can easily turn it off in-game, by hitting alt-d twice (or is it 3 time???) you can also remove the annyoing background "box" round all text by scrolling down further and doing this: [InfoDisplay] //BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga BottomLeftPosition=0.01,0.985 BottomRightPosition=0.99,0.985 DisplayWidth=0.20 VerticalBorder=0.0015 HorizontalBorder=0.008 EnemyTargetColor=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 FriendlyTargetColor=0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0 UnknownTargetColor=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WaypointColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 TextFile=HUDText.str NormalColor=1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0 WarningColor1=1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0 WarningColor2=1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 AGLAltStart=609.6 AGLAltWarning=152.4 then, it's a simple matter to note down the area of interest. See the screenshot below for an example
  9. love the title of this thread!!! I never use the "ok" section, and it's always worked for me in the case below, the spinners on the new Beaufort, as the RAAF versions didn't have them [Remove1] ParentComponentName=fuselage ModelNodeName=spinner_L2 DestroyedNodeName=spinner_L2 DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE
  10. it would be, actually, fairly easy. A fairly small map (250km x 250), an airfield or 2, maybe some rock spires, etc. But I'm buried with stuff! (lots of ww2 birds, to say nothing of the North Cape clean up and the ever-dangling Veitnam48 maps)
  11. just to let you all know, no joy on the Air Race map. I went through all the CDs and zip discs. I know it was from the very early 2000s Sorry all!
  12. other than the terrain for Vietnam48* (which is a NIGHTMARE!!!) I tend to release everything I do. Unless it's pure shit. *btw, all the birds and most of the ground units are done. I could release those, but without the terrain .... pity too, the aircraft came out GREAT (if i say so myself!!! )
  13. Normally, I'd post these in the WW2 WIPs, but as only 7 or 8 of us are totally Prop Heads .... Some of the other projects from Coyote Aerospace, courtesey angelp. There ARE a host of others, too
  14. and lighten the exhaust stains. racing fuel, with a LOT of alcohol, burns very clean
  15. I'd say you're ok with that ... it's definately NOT a DAT bird. Just say, as DA said above "Leafjet form unknown model maker" I may steal use it myself on the North Cape rebuild I'm fiddling with
  16. oh, GOOD one!!! then again, sometimes one gets lucky, and the lettering matches your initials!!!
  17. they look like Lear 25s. Since I left (almost) next door Santa Monica Airport, we used to see them all the in the 60s and 70s. I remember at a display show, looking inside and being amazed as how small the interior is !!!
  18. I think it got lost eons ago, during one of the crashes the site had. (asteroid impact!!!). I used it as the basis for the "Mid West USA" map, highly modified!!!. I may have it archived, i'll have to go through my CDs and Zip Discs (yeah, it's that old!). I"ll see what I can find
  19. Happy Star Wars Day!!!!

    May the 4th Be with You!!! (I just love that!!!)
  20. Just had a funny thought about that ... It's a good thing the RAF and Commonwealth air forces used letters for the plane in squadron marking. Imagine if (someone) used numbers .... that means one of those birds would be labeled FU 2
  21. It's too bad we don't have multi player anymore. About a hundred year ago, Major Lee built a special "air race" terrain, with towering rock spires to be used as the pylons for turns and defining the route.
  22. Vought V-156s aboard PA Bearn
  23. Happy Star Wars Day!!!!

    I have spoken ...

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