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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. this is what happens in high winds when you forget to REALLY cinch up those tie-down. (or drunk Russian pilots) (btw, anyone have a better fully update sf2 FM/data ini for the Colt?)
  2. wish I could be of more help .. but I'm on 7 and ain't changing!! it seems the new OS is more trouble than it's worth!
  3. disregard my last on the EA-6A. I DID do an SF2 upgrade pack for it!! Old age is creepin' in .... http://combatace.com/files/file/12762-ea-6a-electric-intruder-by-the-intruders/ I agree on 121 -- be nice to have the Navy and Air Force versions (that don't come with "issues")
  4. yes. your problem is Winblowze 10. see the other threads about SF2 & Win10
  5. CL, you're forgetting the J & H SPADs are stock 3W aircraft with SF2:V!!! the EA-6A exists as a mod of the stock Intruder, iirc for 1stGens. But it may lack the tail pod (easily added via fake pilot)
  6. you can do it with a bomb -- I did so for the RAZON and TARZON bombs. But, it's just a smoke trail (like for the manual guidance system). I have a vague recollection of someone doing an "air show" type of smoke generator -- something like a gun maybe? When fired, it left a smoke trail behind (like TBirds or Blue Angels kind of thing). I don't remember where it might be now...guess we'll have to search for it. I don't know if your #1 question is doable without building specific objects, or without editing of the existing hit boxes. That's for someone that know more about that than me! Nice turcks Gepard!!! here's the Guppy I mentioned before, just a very quick and dirty paint job. The orange color looks a bit too faded, but that's pretty easy (I hope!) to fix
  7. more than likely, something that was never implemented in the game engine
  8. File Name: SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 March 2014 File Category: F-104 SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2 3/15/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* The pack contains some remods of Daves skins/decals that were originally seen on Anjundair's F-104A. Now that we have a better model (DLC #28), it behooved me to update it. Included are USAF and Air National Guard skins. USAF: 56th FIS (ADC) 83rd FIS (ADC) (1st unit to recieve them, Hamilton AFB) 151st FIS (TN ANG) 157th FIS (SC ANG) 197th FIS (AZ ANG) 319th FIS 538th FIS RJAF: No 9 Squadron. This skin replaces the stock 3W with 100% hisorical serials, but is still named the same (from my 1stGen mod of Ajundairs) All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE. The inis included are: Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0) Loadout ini main ini Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G) Loadout image (bmp) Avionics. ini Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G) User list with corrected RJAF date. Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the F-104G's pit on your own. (these inis will replace those in the PAF F-104A skin pak. Allow the overwrite) *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.* For those that have the recently uploaded PAF A-Zipper, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with their order, to make them more user friendly. Also included is my (patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main ini' for when the game engine ™ rewirtes it. Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104As ported over to SF2, you are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or remove them BEFORE installing this package. There is a distinct possibility that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely foul things up! The same is equally valid for the upcoming mods for the DLC F-104Cs, that are now 'in the hangar'. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  9. what he said! although, iirc, the CF-104 were optimized for ground attack. But I wouldn't touch the avionics ini. Just use "as is"
  10. that should do it (but don't tell no one!!! )
  11. wouldn't be difficult to generate/create templates for Raz's A-1E. Just it's availability is the major question. OTH, I could do it using the AD-4W Guppy, if you don't mind single seat. Simple matter to remove the radome and extra fins (which might be left on for stability) OTH, yet again. I DO have MontyCZ's source files (MAX files) for his A-1H. Then, all is needed is some MAX Guru to rebuild it (and Monty's OK of course) into the -5. Which I've wanted someone to do for a LOOOOOOONG time (but we'd new a new, 2 seat pit for it......)
  12. if you have WOV, you just extract all the cockpit bits (lod, bmps, tga) and the cockpit ini, and put them in you Intruders.
  13. this one is more a "why not" then a what if !!
  14. CL: not exactly; I have the AT-6G Texan as a spotter. Just need to find working smoke marker rockets for it and the Bronco (as for some reason, none of the ones I have are working!) (also, not like FAC is working ....) That's a sharp looking paint job for BLM! Nyghtfall, I'll zip everything up and shoot it to you later today! Many Thanks!!
  15. Hello all

  16. I go the OV-10D from Allenjb, and while the skin is great (even with painted on numbers - a fairly easy fix), the model itself is ... how to put this kindly --- has problems. The entire fuselage, including the sponsons is one continuous mesh .. and bits can't be removed. Ain't that something? working on the OV-10A, trying to figure out mapping and having a difficult time (at best!). There are some oddities that I just can't figure out, with reference to the fuselage pod CDF striping (to say nothing of the mesh mis-matching issues on the right vert tail) I removed the 2 mass balance horns, as the lower unit casts a large shadow rope. The shadow rope generated from the nose gear disappears when the gear is retracted, so it's not a important (but still rather large!) so, I'm asking of someone can step up and give me a hand with the painting. I have created new templates for all 4 maps, and have started working on the decals (which is the best way to go, given the mesh issues) so, anyone?
  17. or use an existing cockpit that already HAS the moving map display (like the A-7, iirc)
  18. just to clarify something that many of you have mentioned: the source file(s) in question ARE freeware .. they were created by Cocas from scratch; I have all of them in my possession. But due to the usual Real Life ™ issues, he'd been "overcome by events", and is no longer in a position to carry on the work. The single model in question has already been exported, and is in game. It just needs a certain amount of refinement, clean up and the creation of distance lods (always a BIG help!) This IS the basic reason this discussion has been started. Carry on ...
  19. Nyghtfall sent me his Firehog...and it really looks GREAT!! I repositioned the tank higher to make it look more like part of the airframe. Might still move it up a tad
  20. I should think we need them! the Abrams we have now dates from 2008-ish. and your Patriots are much more detailed then those we now have
  21. repainted Badger. it almost has that USAF "Arctic Scheme" look!!! Figuring out marking is next ...
  22. the major question is: are there templates for Bucc?? Cause it's obviously gonna need a new paint job!! allen: you did the CDF OV10 didn't you?? Can you shoot that to me?
  23. well, with a modified paint job.... still WIP, as I have to build the template
  24. on the original DAT, iirc, Gramps. -------- here's an odd question: does it feel strange using one of your creations to shoot down another of your creations?? That's something that's always bothered me!!

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