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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. SF2 N1K1 Rex and N1K2-J George



    SF2 N1K1 "Rex" and N1K2-J 'George" -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment. Also, the DestroyedModel referenced for both aircraft 'looks' for the SF2V A-1 Skyraider, hence the Full 4/5 Merged reccomendation* Mods/reskins/redcals for Wolf257's IJN fighter, and Pasko's Rex Floatplane. This package contains BOTH full aircraft: N1K1 Kyofu "Rex" by Pasko, with both it's skins/decals "Black" - Ohtsu Kokutai, Lake Biwa, Japan, Sept. 1944 "Green" 22 Kokutai, Balikpapan, Borneo, 1945 N1K2-J Skinden-kai "George" by Wolf257, with 3 skins/decals "343" Genda's Squadron of Experts "IJN" 210 Kokutai, Phillipines, 1944 (real Ku used the early model mid-wing N1K1-J) "IJN2" Yokosuka Air Group, 1945, Home Islands Defense All George skins are in jpg format, the Rex keeps them in bmp as they are quite small (512x), and conveting them might loose some detailing (meaning: I didn't want to create new templates, and they look OK as they are). Decal Randomization is TRUE. Both get new SF2 versions of the original 'box art' hangar screens. All weapons, (ok a new drop tank), pilot figures, are included. A new (almost) SF2-compliant FM for bot was created. As always, since I'm really not an FM Guru, further tweeks/adjustments are necessary. Also, the physical models are quite old, and any flaws/defects/etc cannot be repaired/fixed/etc. It is as it is. The "FakePilot" method is used on the George to add the belly pylon. Outerpylons are still 'not there' for bombs. Damage textures are the 'original' tgas from Gen1. Stary was kind enough to revist and fiddle a new cockpit for the George; the Rex keeps it's original release version. Both have semi-compliant SF2 Flight Models, but they do need further fine tuning by experts. All lighting on both aircraft is 100% historically correct. For those wishing to create other serials, the "TNum.psd" can be found in the Decals folders for the proper skins. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes, when locatable, are included for historical purposes Good Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  2. in the /Objects/Aircraft/A-1H (or H-67, or A-1J or A-1J_67) folders Safe to assume you just downloaded the cockpit mod, that included an already pre-written (set up) main ini for the SPADs, and haven't actually done it individually?
  3. Stratos & Gepard: I've sent the terrain (as is) to you both via pm. let me know what you think, and so forth
  4. because, for sum unknowable reason, the Game Engine ™ rewrites the main ini every so often. You just have to re-add the lines to the main ini (example: A-1H.ini). Once that's done, save, and THEN do a "Save As..." and call it (example) xA-1H.ini. That's my pateneted "one click restore" trick. Or, if you don't plan on adding any new skins, you can right click and change the properties to "Read Only"
  5. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    thank you all. I didn't mean to highjack Devil's thread...but after (almost) 3 years -October will be 3, that's when it started- this should do it. What he (Dr Pangillinan the opthalmalogist - I think that's right -- who's office is decorated with aircraft pictures and models!! Can you believe how lucky I got with that!!???). Anyway, the surgery is called a "partial corneal transplant" or Descemet’s stripping endokeratoplasty (DSEK). You can google it for more information -- and get as freaked out by the images as I did (especially the air bubble one...shudder...) so, by the end of the year/early Jan I should be ok, and be able to get new glasses to see with!! (they can't get a good reading because of the internal issues, and "water blisters" in/on the cornea. All good thoughts and prayers are welcomed. (some of this could explain why I've been such an asshole the last year or so -- fear does things to people) -------- back to the original topic, "back in the day" (like the 60/70) Sept was traditionally the arrival of the new model year cars!
  6. Neptune Aviation, Montana just have to run down their registration (N*****) numbers, and modex. There's only 6 or 7. And move the wing lights, as they were attached to the (now removed) tip tanks does anyone have information on the Canadian B-25s? I found some pictures, but can't read the civil registry numbers.
  7. in theory, you can have fires as both FRIENDLY and ENEMY if they are a "Ground Object", just use unique names for both (Red Fire, Blue Fire, something like that) In that case, they could be classed as "tanks" and will use tank formations. As SF1/2 uses larger formations; it could generate "large fires". Or, one could rewrite the Formations.ini, just for THIS mod, and make them larger. When you all get the "bombs" and effects dialed in, send them my way so I can incorporate them into some of the "new" tankers for testing. One should be able to graft the MW1 (suitably repainted and mounted) on those aircraft with bays (DC-4, PBY, Tigercat) or just have the weapons locations "hidden" within the airframe. Fairly easy ini work
  8. that's the revamped 1stGen "Fighter Bowl", retiled in GCE 4 seasons for use in the Civil Mod --- required screenie
  9. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    I thank you for you kind words, Devil!!! ------- as to fubar's post, that's clearly a Victory Class SD, as evidenced by the fins on sides of the hull
  10. you're welcome! nice job! the Kahu look much better!!
  11. a couple of Cubs on a mid-spring flight. (while not exactly a J-3... it's close enough!)
  12. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    my eye surgery happens on the 2nd ....
  13. most of which have bomb bays, that can be used for retardant "bombs". Those without (like the C-54/DC-4 & PBY) can use a fake bay, via ini statements only. Not a real issue. as you can see below, the TBM would need a completely new physical model. It's highly unlikely (read: never) Capun would build one for use by the general public. Now, if one of our few remaining 3d modelers would like to build some new Avengers, of the various marks, I'd be happy to provided all the data and materials I have including all the decals and stuff I've done for theirs. For those that don't know or haven't been paying attention to things, a few weeks ago I got perma-banned from their site for speaking the truth about their "effiel tower" while helping FRPigion with the Europe Total War 79 mod. There's a thread in The Pub about it. Bottom line is : NONE of their products will be use for this mod.
  14. which we don't. even if the majority of users had access, they're the wrong "shape". we (meaning I) am planning to ONLY use aircraft here at CA, which are freely available to all. With no restrictions or complications oth, that decal set is jus what a needed for the HVFS logo! Great find!!
  15. ok .... go the link below (Warbird Information Exchange) the thread linked is for fire fighting aircraft. You'll see what I'm up against!! I think I might be needing help in skinning and decaling!! Finding the registration numbers is a bit of a nightmare! Now, mind you 98% of these are "local" -- meaning southern California! Some very cool stuff I missed out on!! http://warbirdinformationexchange.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=40156 ------- also, got the 4 season tiles working. shot below is "autumn"
  16. well, pretty much. One still needs to make the tga's, of course! easiest way to see how the system works, is look at some of the aircraft skin mods we have, so one can get familiar with the decal system. Also, someplace around here (maybe in the SFP1/Wo* downloads section) is the 3rd Wire decal tutorial. Worth the read.
  17. <sigh> baltika did the original (and unfinished) SF1 version. V2 for SF2 is based on his, but rebuilt by me (also in the readme). but as stated above the Lat/Long issue should have been fixed. If not, do what FR said
  18. you just make new ones, and place them into the mods folder's /Decals/*nameofaircraft*/*nameofskin* folder. Nothing to it
  19. I honestly don't know what those time statements actually do!!! You're to change the "time of day selection" on the Single Mission Screen, like below. If you have the 3W mission editor, you can use that to set the actual hour
  20. as long as they are direct replacements, there should be no issue. It'll also allow for summer/fall/spring seasons. Again, something I"ll have to check
  21. I guess none of you ever played the old DOS game, "Megafortress" (the Old Dog). There WAS no warp -- only sped up time. Some missions took 3-4 HOURS to play. The IcelandNA map is one of the SMALLEST in the entire series ... You can always add another time speed to the setting. ( don't remember who found this, so I can't credit them...) Extract the FlightEngine.ini, and place in the /Flight folder change or add the settings in bold things DO move very quickly @ 16x, let me tell you!! -------------- SFP1 question should remain in the SFP1 (1stGen) Forums. SF2 doesn't have that problem
  22. is that mine or the original? Mine should have ad the Lat / Long fixed???
  23. Indeed, I've already removed ALL the AAA and SAM batteries (just one Red SAM). Having a single enemy base gives them (aircraft) a spawning point. --- as requested, here's a few shots. To borrow from Ursula K. LeGuinn, "The Word for World Is Forest" (those escarpments are about 9500-10000 feet high) The forest tgas still have the "pop into view", even though my horizon is set to normal. Can't remember what the fix was, and will have to find it Will also have to redo all the river tiles, changing them to blue instead of polluted green. This is a pure and uncompromised environment -- polluters are punished severely (fed to bears and Sasquatch and the like)
  24. one still needs an enemy airbase (of which there are 2 at present) one can make a target item with "nolod" as the model as to mission types, we're limited to what's in the game engine SWEEP, CAP, ESCORT, STRIKE, SEAD, CAS, ARMED_RECON, RECON, INTERCEPT, ANTI_SHIP, NAVAL_SEARCH, NAVAL_STRIKE these can be limited to certain types, by statements in the terrains' main ini

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