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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I hope to be sending the terrain over to you at the beginning of the week for your examination. There's some basic cities placed, but no real targets -- the main problem is that anything with point values can and will be attacked by (whatever!) in STRIKE missions. That's an easy fix in the types ini., though but.. every terrain needs a friendly and enemy side ... even if only one target area is Red. This is main issue, in how to limit aircraft (like removing ALL fighters and bombers and whatnots that aren't fire fighters). But that can be figured out later
  2. you purchase it from 3rd Wire, as you've been told in another thread. It's available separately or part of (this I don't remember exactly), Expansion Pack 1 or Expansion Pack 2 .
  3. 12 B-17s are ready, except for the "weapon" (water bomb thingy) modex and US registration number 100% historical
  4. ...and more importantly, a terrain that is 'coded' for naval operations. GermanyCE is NOT ------- you might also actually want to pay attention to WHAT the selection buttons say and do (see below)
  5. never finished, and if one DOES appear, it'll be SF2 only (due to lod coding)
  6. for the stand alone mods folder, so I can "know for certain which game I'm playing", I made a new main screen. Just for fun, ya know?!!
  7. no, CVBGs do not spawn .. they exist always from mission start
  8. I'll keep working at the terrain until I can't!! I may still pass it along, or have you tell me what you'd like to add. I won't know how usable the eye will be until Sept 4, on the 1 day post-op exam. (personally, I'd like a 3d guy to build us Piston Peak!!)
  9. yes. actually written as F Mk.3
  10. YES!! (now, can we request a F.3 as well?? ????)
  11. here's a base skin for the Catalna, Hemet Valley Flying services. have to find the registration numbers (N****), and the modex (they had had least 6, one numbered 54) as you can see in the background, some tile adjustments are still needed to remove the tsunami issues on some of the land/sea (fjord?) interface I'm also looking at Gepard's Zlin, going to give it a better cockpit and fiddle the FM a bit. It's a nice little bird! now...if someone could make a model of Minas Tirith, I've got a superb cliff to hang it from... !!! LOL!!!
  12. if you need any books, I have the Detail & Scale AeroFax and In Action for the Scorpion on pdf
  13. actually, it is/was a fairly simple matter to change over to GCE tiles -- one simply tosses the TFD out the airlock, and generate a new one from the Germany Texture list (or in this case, my ww2 Norway -- almost the same thing--) Then, "autotile", and "add transitions". The problem is, the GCE texture list give precedence to all the flipping road tile ... and misreads the height field, so all the "steps" down to the sea are either "jungle" (ok, forest) or sea. The hand retilling is to remove all the extraneaous BS road tiles, and relocate the cities and airbases see below, the easy part is done (well, sort of!)
  14. "built in the ship lod parked aircraft" just don't look right; as some of the ships pre-date the Bugs.
  15. you don't. parked aircraft are generated by the game and by the "parking slot size" in the vessel's data ini.
  16. Indeed. I've spent the last day and a half going over my "Fighter Bowl" terrain .. it's small enough, has mountains, canyons, rivers, an inland sea. Converted from desert tiles to GCE tiles -- and this is the bitch ... it has to be completely retiled by hand. My main problem is time ... I for go my eye surgery on Sept 2nd. I don't know how 'usable' the right eye will be, or for how many days it might not. OTH, the Dr says there will (or should be) minimal change in what vision there is (need new glasses as the prescription had changed due to the previous work) . But, we'll see
  17. distance lods would be a big help on ALL the birds!!
  18. did you add a tile set? It doesn't have one by default. also, you'll need the WW1 airfield inis INSIDE the terrain folder another issues is that the sides, or alignments (Friendly / Enemy) are incorrect... Location=1 is always Friendly Location=2 is always Enemy this isn't so in the Targets ini. another could be the nations listed in the Nations ini. Try changing them to USAF for Friendly, and Soviet for Enemy. The above advice (for nations) is only for experimental purposes ... I can't get the cursed thing to even start, it just freezes, and one needs to 3 finger salute, bring up Task Manager, and shut down the game
  19. Google Atlas Robot

    CYLONS!! "It has happened before, and will all happen again"
  20. dude, seriously??? You couldn't be MORE wrong. Why don't you take the time and LOOK through the file/folder structure in the MAIN CORE INSTALL???? Why don't you LOOK at the terrain selection drop down in any game?? Dollars to donuts, you'll find that you can select ALL the stock 5 terrains (assuming a Full-5 install), in any and all of the sf2 games. To make is simpler: in SF2I you can select VietnamSEA or Germany CE. in SF2:V you can select IsraelME or Desert In SF2 you can select IcelandNA
  21. how did you get it to run in SF2, Jordi??? Damn thing keep locking up on me -- even after replacing all the airfields with SF2 versions (which locations now will need to be retiled to 'clear' airfield zones)
  22. so, we add Jan Tuma's tileset too it?? As it doesn't come with any tiles (referecing a stock FE terrain cat..)??
  23. when I was doing the AD-4NLs for KAW, I found out the first multi-rocket pods were the LAU-49s, developed specificly for them, in 1951. It's a 7 shot pod. I know I just reused/edited the LAU-32 for that one. I don't remember the Aero *** designation

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