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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. just run the install exes .. then run each game. The merge is automatic
  2. File Name: 3W B-52D NM/White Skin Decal Update File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 August 2015 File Category: B-52 3W B-52D NM/White Skin Decal Update 8/16/2015 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V = *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your base install, as that has the B-52D* Some small modifications to Pete Fredrico's (pappychksix) original 1stGen Silver/White anti-flash B-52D skin. This mod repositions the original decals to match the SF2 positions, and adds 26 historical serials number decals. It should be noted that the serials, while correct for the model variant, are not representative of specific aircraft in a particular squadron or wing. They should be considered 'generic' in this respect. Decal randomization is TRUE. The original bmp format skins have been changed to jpg; other than that, they remain as originally posted. Also included is a modifided texture set ini for the stock SEA camo skin, that uses the SF2 "date switch" to turn it on in 1965. This NM/White skin is default for all year previous to 1965. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  3. some more stills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h2Tbd4nLZQ we have 75%+ of the aircraft needed. Some lack templates (F7F), but those can be made.
  4. agreed! Jan Tuma's tiles are EXCELLENT!!! should not be a problem; I've dropped the FE2 terrains into SF2 and had no real issues. The only thing one would need to check are the terrain objects (buildings, warehouses, etc) in the types ini, to make sure they're available or substitutes would need to be found. A fairly simple exercise
  5. love the Cars/Planes universe!! So much fun!! terrain wise, it doesn't really matter, as long as there's plenty of forests and lakes (that aren't on the SoCal map). There's no reason the Vogesen terrain wouldn't work in SF2, as long as all the components needed reside within the terrain's folder.
  6. judging by the MAX render behind the maps, I'd say WW2 (or at least 45-50), as I can see the a couple of dual 5" mount locations -- This is going to look SOOOOOOOOO much better than what's (un)available until now!! Great work WBS!! and my thanks!
  7. no, for AI or game controlled. (even back in 1stGens, they were pretty useless -- never "attacking" to even pretend to target mark) OTH, YOU can FAC your flight -- if you want to load smoke markers, and just order the wingmates to "attack my target" when locked on one of the enemy items
  8. my fav, too (had a cousin that was a radar navigator on them in the late 60s, not Ds, but later models). It only just needed the repositioning of the decals, and new serial number decals. Pete did a real good job on this, way back when!
  9. Version


    3W B-52D NM/White Skin Decal Update 8/16/2015 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) and/or SF2:V = *Note: must have SF2:V as part of your base install, as that has the B-52D* Some small modifications to Pete Fredrico's (pappychksix) original 1stGen Silver/White anti-flash B-52D skin. This mod repositions the original decals to match the SF2 positions, and adds 26 historical serials number decals. It should be noted that the serials, while correct for the model variant, are not representative of specific aircraft in a particular squadron or wing. They should be considered 'generic' in this respect. Decal randomization is TRUE. The original bmp format skins have been changed to jpg; other than that, they remain as originally posted. Also included is a modifided texture set ini for the stock SEA camo skin, that uses the SF2 "date switch" to turn it on in 1965. This NM/White skin is default for all year previous to 1965. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. I really LIKE this thread ... just reading it gave me an insight into hardware. Thanks to all!!
  11. Thread moved to the correct Forum ... please post SF2 questions in the SF2 forums, you'll get quicker and better answers --------------------------------------- No Red Air ™ is flyable by default in any of the SF/SF2 series. I'd suggest spending some time in the SF/SF2 Knowledge Bases, as most of your questions have been answered there. as to the "Making AIs Flyable".... http://combatace.com/topic/81131-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/' then, it's a simple matter of just locate and download the cockpit packs
  12. why do you need to extract the cat?? GreenHell comes with all that's needed
  13. --- Moved to a more appropriate Forum --- ------------------------------ If you want the LOD for the Blackbird, it's only available from the DAT site. You'll need to follow their procedures and policies for obtaining it. That's how it works ... sharing their files is NOT allowed by their rules. Anyone that does so, gets banned from their site.
  14. the Expansion 2 module exe is 421,301 kb, and is on sale at the 3rd Wire site for $14.99 (USD) Didn't you (OP) ask this very same question ("I can't add ships") a few weeks ago? And didn't we answer it??
  15. no. there's no position statements that will allow flipping the part.. it has to have been built that way
  16. Indeed. We can't help if we don't know what trying to be accomplished
  17. Let us read from the Book of Avro:

  18. Indeed! Run ALL the games first, after installing. Then you copy over the mods folders.
  19. to find the actual speeds you'd need the pilot manuals for ALL the variants and sub-variants. But historically, the Phantoms are pretty damn close (TK used the dash 1 maunals)
  20. forgot to mention, use only the newly created Options and Version inis. Don't reuse the older, "original" ones. Just as a safety measure.
  21. good to see you again, Rends! IIRC, you may have to run the installers for the main games themselves, any dlcs and so forth, and build the 'base' mods folders. But after that, you should be able to just copy/paste the (same named) mods folders directly over the new ones. I had to do something similar when I had an HD crash a couple of years ago.
  22. please tell me that's a F.3 !?? that'll give a good home to all the decals I did for 616 Squadron!
  23. I'd PM MontyCZ, and see if he still has them archived. It's been over 11 years since they were originally released ... we can only hope!

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