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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Seriously? Where've you been for the last year or so? The boards here are full of that conclusion. In short, yes. PCs are left in limbo
  2. Bombs won't drop

    or an outdated (or wrong) AircraftObject.ini. in the /Objects folder also known to screw with the controls
  3. ok, since nobody has said it, I will.... is there a Colossus to go with this Forbin Project? ducks and runs.....
  4. So, we'll need to update those 3 as soon as possible. Perhaps I should unapproved them for time being? ------------------ well, there are several alternative pits; while not perhaps "looking" quite right.. Foxmonter's S-3B Viking (will need meshes moved) as mentioned before stary's NF Mosquito pit (will also need meshes moved/removed) the difficult part is, both those pits are for twin engine aircraft. this is one the reasons I keep saying to folks "don't use any of their stuff for mods here at CA." It's just not worth the bullshit.
  5. thank you! (maybe just leave the lint traps off???)
  6. so, let me get this straight .... the same cockpit that's in all 3 separate versions of the Alize, available here at CA, is now no longer acceptable for use in Eric's mod?
  7. plants vs zombies??? best money I ever spent on game!!!!
  8. Has Sci Fi Channel ...

    gone a bit too far with this one???? http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=sharktopus+vs+whale+wolf&FORM=VIRE1#view=detail&mid=6130A396FC0EB05995B16130A396FC0EB05995B1 I think it'll be a laugh riot!! all leading up to Wednesday night for "Sharknado 3: Oh, Hell No!!"
  9. I have to agree with WBS ... speaking as the lead WW2 modder, Yamato is something very special to us. OTH, following along the 'go simpler' line (and something I mentioned to WBS not too long ago), and speaking as the lead terrain dude, how about some smaller ships? We could definitely use a lot of harbor craft -- tugs, lighters, barges of their various incarnations. True, they're just eye candy, and even as static objects would add to the immersion when looking or flying over some of the ports we have. Just a thought ... nothing I've said is meant as anything but constructive and supportive! They're so few 3d modelers around, and even fewer doing ships ... everyone is valuable and needed.
  10. sound like crossed shortcuts and/or mismatched/incorrect naming of said shortcut. check them all via right click, properties, and see what the pathways read. remember, after creating a new exe (to create the era/game specific mods folder), you MUST make sure the shortcut pathway points to that new exe
  11. what Cliff7600 said!! splitting the mesh also helps in number of decals (increasing # per mesh, if more than one mesh is used). as to calling out inner and outer for aerodynamic statements, many 3rd party aircraft have only a single mesh wing per side. as long as the component is listed, it makes no difference to the game engine. but it does help!
  12. Storm Over The Sahara

    they're called 'transition tiles'. These also include those you mentioned of the 'sea-land interface' , along with those between the various terrain types (desert to farm, farm to mountain, mountain to desert, city to whatever -- usually all others) For example, say the region of the Qattara Depression, you create a "gravel field' tile for the center. Then you need to make 3 transitions -- gravel to desert 25, 50, and 75%. So, each single tile is actually a set of 4 tiles. This does not include any 3-way tiles (like gravel to desert to mountain, for example - of which 2 are needed, mirroring each other ie: gravel to mountain to desert) TOD importation is something very few have learned (I'm not one of them!). I know it CAN be done There's provisions in the TE for 'adding new 3d objects) or some words like that. The object itself, plus the texture for it (terobject_building**.bmp, terobject_trees**.tga) The other alternative would be to make LOD objects, of low polys, and scatter them around the landscape. This is how the trees and such are added on the IcelandNA terrain in SF2:NA. Some of the ground texturing (roughness, shading) should be able to be done with the noisenormal. bmp (for land). Seas/water/rivers use a waternormal.bmp to create the animated wave action.
  13. In a stock unmodded game, there is NOTHING in ANY aircraft (or ground object) folder except the main ini (example: F-4E.ini) . So, deleting those folders, other than for the creation of an era specific install, saves almost nothing. To split NA, all one needs to is the same steps as creating an era specific install. Copy/paste the exe up and down in the core files install, rename it whatever fits, run it to create mods folder, create shortcut, and build from there. This has been covered many times...
  14. everyone knows that gasoline tastes better, too. (don't make me tell the story of the diesel tacos....)
  15. Look to your SF2 Version.ini .. was supposed to be out sometime after NA, and was rumored to have the Mirage F1. Well, we all know how that went.
  16. iirc, the color codes called out are "hexidecimal'; somewhere on the net there's a hex to rgb converter. (also used for the aircraft exterior lighting) also, iirc, aren't the hud tgas standard rgb? and therefore, easily repainted? (in the r/g/b channels)
  17. WWII Pacific Graveyard

    want to really weep? I'll have to find and scan the pictures my Dad got in the Phillipines (WW2). Piles of Japanese aircraft bulldozed into piles, ready for burning
  18. possibly because they don't have campaigns written for them? If no campaign ini exists for a terrain, you can't fly campaigns on it

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