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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Gladiator

    I see a tailhook....
  2. no, it looks like it changes the displayed language in MAX from English to Spanish. (one of the advantages of living in a region once owned by Spain and many things named still in Spanish! shoot, the name of the my city alone! El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reyna de los Angeles)
  3. the folding wings were only for storage in the bomb-proof tunnels at the dispersal sites. Since there were no carriers left, and those low-thrust, long spool up engines made it unsuitable for deck ops... Do you have the Monogram Close Up on the Kikka? (unfortunately, there's next to nothing on the J7W -- but I did find a paper model of it!! -- other than the info in Fancallion's book) btw, should change the MinBaseSize = to Medium -- it really needs the longer runways. LARGE would be better, but that'll have to wait until I can rebuild the Home Islands main airbases. I also gave it a ATIU code name of "Luke" (as in 'he was our last hope' <grin>)
  4. did you download and/or install an AircraftObject ini? sometimes they also mess with the controls. DLCs should install right the to 'core files', as they add to the CATs, and create their own sub-folder for themselves. After that, each game will need to be run, so they install to each mods folder. At least, in Winge7, that's how it work. Hopefully, Winge8 hasn't changed things!!
  5. isn't there a code statement like "DeployOnlyOnGround" or something like that? (Gears maybe?) Could be used for the reversers?? Wish I could remember the actual statement!!
  6. here's a thought I'd like to toss out to our shipbuilders... how about something rather simple, like barges and lighters? True, not a sexy as warships, but quite useful to us terraformers. They'd look nice in the harbors!
  7. if I could find the proper DEMs, I'd love to do a terrain from northern Formosa to the Kuriles, covering Korea, Manchuria and parts of Russia, and of course, all of the Home Islands. I, too, miss the terrain from ATOP 46, where you could fly over Tokyo. a map of most of the eastern pacific basin, say from Guam to Kamchatka would just be impossible to work with as it is now, I'm over 6 months behind on the CBI terrain.
  8. oh my. sigh.... now, that means I really have to go back and rebuild the Okinawa/Home Islands terrain (now that I have access to correct, period maps of ALL the cities...), and can 'get it right'.
  9. Show Us Your.......

    mine's just naked a plain, compared to your's Russ (of course, I'm using a very old monitor, with dying pixels in the center...
  10. File Name: SF2:I IsraelME Terrain Remod File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 June 2015 File Category: Full Terrains SF2:I IsraelME Terrain Remod 6/1/2015 = For SF2:I (or any Merged Install) = **Note: This Is A MODERN (1948 and Later) Version -ONLY-!!!** This is a remod of the stock SF2:I IsraelME terrain. It has been extensively retiled, target areas have been expanded and enhanced and so on. BE ADVISED: at this time, it's unknown of these terrain mods will break campaigns-in-progress. To be safe, back up any campaigns-in-progress inis. It is designed to replace, and expand, the existing stock 3W terrain. Stock in-game items have been used as much as possible, although some additional structrues HAVE been added. Add-on GroundObjects, while heavily listed in the _Types.ini, aren't included (really, there ARE -none- included -use the ones from the Israel 2 terrain remod, as they're the same). Its up to the End User ™ to make sure that you have the theatre-specific (read: Israeli & Arab states) proper items. SF2:I is REQUIRED for this terrain (DOH!), as it references a myriad of IsrealME -only- terrain items. A massive amount of retiling has been performed, with the addition of over 60 new tiles to fill in blanks left in the original set. BE ADVISED: these new tiles match the STOCK styling =ONLY=!! Do NOT use these new tiles in/on any IME terrain with any other tile set. They will not match!! Geophysical Disclaimer: some rivers and other water features may not follow their Real Life ™ courses, be placed in their Real Life ™ locations, may visually defy gravity and other Universal Laws of Physics, or exist at all. Several cities and other physical features and target areas will also fall into that classification. Some target areas (cities, etc) exist only as named places, even if they might have had strategic or tactical values. You may also experience longer loading times; this is to be expected. As always, unzip this to a temp folder or your desktop, and you'll have access to the rest of the readme for it's instructions. It's reccomended (ie: REQUIRED!!!) you read the document through after unzipping, but =before= installing. As always, the Notes and Other Nonesense section makes for essential reading. It's most important that the legal disclaimer at the bottom be read and complied with. There has been a change in policy with regards to =ALL= my terrain mods. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  11. while looking for something else yesterday, I came across this: a US Navy book about British "Explosive Ordanance" (bombs and rockets), dated 1946. Thought you all could use it. Or at the very least, add it to your reference libraries! enjoy!
  12. we desperately NEED a new Firefly ... that one of Simon's is quite dated. With folding wings a must! (for deck parking, doncha know!)
  13. this mod does NOT come with the aircraft lods, as it references the SF2:NA EA-6, so one MUST have SF2:NA as part of their merged install. This is clearly stated in the readme
  14. Soaking up the sun....

    wow! cool! I didn't think any were preserved!!
  15. to side track the thread a bit, thank you for posting that link, I've NEVER seen the live action film. I must find an English version, even with subtitles! ------- I was just reading about Beehive's last night. maybe something like the cluster bomb effect? but how to do the projectiles?
  16. good catch Heck, I'd forgotten that FE2 is just like SF2 in that regard. ---- NMac: is the mods folder showing up? Does the (new) game even start/work? Do any of the add on aircraft for Galacia show up, even on the stock maps?
  17. I don't see the Wave Motion Energy Gun ??? ------- man, that is fracking AWESOME!! I hope somebody takes it, and brings it all the home.
  18. Falco!

    I think it look good. the cropped visibility may just be a function of the having those upper wings in the way. The same issue as the SF2 versions!
  19. the instructions for FE2 are the same as SF2 (and covered in the SF2 Knowledge Base) Basicly: copy/paste the FE2.exe "up and back" to your C:\Program Files (x86)\ThirdWire\First Eagles 2 It should read as "FirstEagles2 -copy.exe" Rename this "new" exe to whatever you like, in this case I'd use FE2-Galicia.exe Create new shortcut on desktop, or a Games folder (I use a games folder -- keeps things nice a clean on the desktop), pointing to the newly renamed exe. Run the exe, and allow it to create the mods folder. The new mods folder should have the same name as the exe (FE2-Galicia). Go through the set ups, setting the graphics, controls, etc, and start a mission with any aircraft. Fly for a minute or so. Exit the game. Again, double check the location of the mods folder after exiting (I'm going to assume -oh! that word!!- that Win8 works like Win7, and the mods folder will be in the C:\Users\-**yourname**-\Saved Games folder) Start installing mods (I'd start with the terrain first, just to make sure it shows on the drop down. that should pretty much do it
  20. ok! I'd wondered!! the tail cones DO look more modern than the ww2 versions

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