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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. see my post that iirc, jeanba asked the same question about the Mk.77. it ain't got no skin, as it only used the applied material. a LOT of 1stGen stuff has the same issue
  2. How are you looking for it "in game"? Use a "targets test mission", and make sure the object is actually there. if you're just scrolling around on the map, it may not have spawned. Ground Objects only exist in a 50km "bubble of reality" around the Player's aircraft Try adding this line to the _types entry, below the FullName= ModelName=D-20.lod it shouldn't make any difference, as all that info is in the objects files within it's GO folder. But it can't hurt. the example below shows several different items, 88Pak43, French M1897 75mm, FT-17C, and an Sdkfz-251 w/2cm flak gun. and they all work, and shoot
  3. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO LeO-451 Skin/Ini Tweeks Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 May 2015 File Category: French Origin SF2 WW2 MTO LeO-451 Skin/Ini Tweeks Pack 5/15/2015 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this mod is most likely =NOT= usable in 1stGen installs at any patch level* **Notex2: while designed for use in a MTO-Centric mods folder, the majority of the changes are readily useful during the aircraft's total service life.** Some tweeks, fiddles and a new skin & decal set for Veltro's LeO-451 French medium bomber. See the 'Notes' sector for full Change Log. This little kit is designed to work with the LeO-451 available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/14454-lioré-et-olivier-leo-45/ The new skin represents: GB I/31 in 1941, as based in Syria (Vichy AdA) The skin uses the SF2 'date switch', to turn automatically in July, 1940 (after the Armistace, and creation of Vichy forces). This is one of main reasons for the export/service editing, and additions to the Userlist. However, these changes ARE designed for use throughout the aircraft service life. (although, again, mostly for after the Armistice). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! In fact, it's RECCOMENDED!!! that you read these instructions BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course) as you'll be backing up a few of the inis (for safety's sake, doncha know). Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    SF2 WW2 MTO LeO-451 Skin/Ini Tweeks Pack 5/15/2015 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this mod is most likely =NOT= usable in 1stGen installs at any patch level* **Notex2: while designed for use in a MTO-Centric mods folder, the majority of the changes are readily useful during the aircraft's total service life.** Some tweeks, fiddles and a new skin & decal set for Veltro's LeO-451 French medium bomber. See the 'Notes' sector for full Change Log. This little kit is designed to work with the LeO-451 available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/14454-lioré-et-olivier-leo-45/ The new skin represents: GB I/31 in 1941, as based in Syria (Vichy AdA) The skin uses the SF2 'date switch', to turn automatically in July, 1940 (after the Armistace, and creation of Vichy forces). This is one of main reasons for the export/service editing, and additions to the Userlist. However, these changes ARE designed for use throughout the aircraft service life. (although, again, mostly for after the Armistice). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! In fact, it's RECCOMENDED!!! that you read these instructions BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course) as you'll be backing up a few of the inis (for safety's sake, doncha know). Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. Please add a description in English, if you would! thank you!
  6. if the hex search shows neither bmp or tga, that means the lod has no skin, using only the 'matrerial' applied in max the weapons has a color in game, yes?
  7. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO MS-406 Skin/Ini Tweeks Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 15 May 2015 File Category: French Origin SF2 WW2 MTO MS-406 Tweeks Pack 5/10/2015 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this mod is most likely =NOT= usable in 1stGen installs at any patch level. This may be due to the use of a 'late model' cockpit.* **Notex2: this skin is designed for use ONLY in a MTO-Centric mods folder. Although the other changes are for use during the aircraft's total service life.** Some tweeks, fiddles and a new skin & decal set for Veltro's MS-406 French fighter. I've also substituted one of Stary's Generic Cockpits ™. See the 'Notes' section for full Change Log. This little kit is designed to work with the MS-406 available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/14264-morane-saulnier-ms406/ The new skin represents: GC I/7 (SPA 15) as seen based at Ryak, Syria in 1941 (Vichy AdA) The skin uses the SF2 'date switch', to turn automatically in July, 1940 (after the Armistace, and creation of Vichy forces). This is one of main reasons for the export/service editing, and additions to the Userlist. However, these changes ARE designed for use throughout the aircraft's service life. (although mostly for after the Armistice). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! In fact, it's RECCOMENDED!!! that you read these instructions BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course) as you'll be backing up a few of the inis (for safety's sake, doncha know). Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  8. Version


    SF2 WW2 MTO MS-406 Tweeks Pack 5/10/2015 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this mod is most likely =NOT= usable in 1stGen installs at any patch level. This may be due to the use of a 'late model' cockpit.* **Notex2: this skin is designed for use ONLY in a MTO-Centric mods folder. Although the other changes are for use during the aircraft's total service life.** Some tweeks, fiddles and a new skin & decal set for Veltro's MS-406 French fighter. I've also substituted one of Stary's Generic Cockpits ™. See the 'Notes' section for full Change Log. This little kit is designed to work with the MS-406 available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/14264-morane-saulnier-ms406/ The new skin represents: GC I/7 (SPA 15) as seen based at Ryak, Syria in 1941 (Vichy AdA) The skin uses the SF2 'date switch', to turn automatically in July, 1940 (after the Armistace, and creation of Vichy forces). This is one of main reasons for the export/service editing, and additions to the Userlist. However, these changes ARE designed for use throughout the aircraft's service life. (although mostly for after the Armistice). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! In fact, it's RECCOMENDED!!! that you read these instructions BEFORE installing (but after unzipping, of course) as you'll be backing up a few of the inis (for safety's sake, doncha know). Happy Landings!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. RIP BB King

    rest well, BB. you'll be missed
  10. 20k total, give you 2 bays of 10k each. well within the engine limits (10x 2000lb M65 bombs, 20x 500 M64), and close to Real Life ™ you just have to "place" each bomb on it's "rack" in the position statements (b-57b used as example) AttachmentPosition001=-0.34,-1.66,-0.62 AttachmentPosition002= 0.34,-1.66,-0.62 AttachmentPosition003=-0.34, 0.68,-0.62 AttachmentPosition004= 0.34, 0.68,-0.62 and so forth (the stock 3w B-52D has 24 positions called out -- maybe that's the max? in SF2, at least. I would assume -oh! that word!- WoV would be same) don't even bother with the (historic for firebombing Japanese cities) incendiary clusters; they really don't do anything in this engine; except give you a nice fireworks show (the cities in this engine are undestructable) the major question is, why bother with dead 1stGens???
  11. yah, like 'what do all them buttons do?' one day, I promise to start learning it!
  12. can anyone tell me the meaning and purpose of the underwing markings, the letters/numbers as seen on pretty much most AdA (and Vichy) figthers? do they represent the squadron?, group? parking permit or ???? as each aircraft has an individual plane number on the tail or fuselage, what ARE these for??? TIA!
  13. that site was very helpful when I was doing the AdA Hawk 75s looking at this whole thing, I think I'm just not going to worry about the under wing numbers. Make things a whole lot simpler in the long run. I thank all of you for your knowledge and assistance!!! That's why I love this place!!
  14. well, I do know the numbers on the rudder (not just on the 406, but D.520, Hawk 75, etc) are the " manufacturer's production serial number" or into service accepetance number? the letters, on some profiles and pictures I've seen, seem almost tied to the Group, with the letter designating Great War Aircraft? (N, S for Spa, L maybe for SAL??) so, for example, if the number represents the 'serial' (like a post-war USAF buzz number), for GG I/7 (Spa 15) it should read S1 23 ?? this is all for just trying to make some better markings* (as no one else has), and to satisfy curiosity * of course, that means MORE decal work, and having to make serials for the tail, with will need repainting then edit: heck, just checked the old link ... that main page for the site means it's closed. Sad; could have used the info there! n.
  15. this may be of some assistance, at least for getting the pit in the bird http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/
  16. to say nothing of loadouts like the others have said, and looking at period pilot's handbooks, they always say "x percent" manifold pressure, "a percent" mixture, 'y percent' prop pitch, and so on.... personally, for my ww2 mods, I like to see them climbing out at around 75-80% throttle.
  17. another one, and REALLY good, is Red Wings Over The Yalu; China, the Soviet Union and the Air War in Korea by Xiaoming Zhang
  18. because that's HOW the game's coded... Armed Recon, CAS are the same in the loading ini, it's named ATTACK. Recon, is simply that ... going in and having a "look see". you shouldn't be carrying anything but fuel tanks and self-defense missiles. The idea is to get in fast, "get the pictures" and get out faster. leave them as they were "issued" in the download
  19. Falco!

    what about Stary's 'generic' cockpit pack ... there's one that's a "Italian" cockpit below is cockpit #2, his #4 is an open pit
  20. that didn't take very long to arrive! nice work, Alfie!!
  21. I totally agree with the lack of consistency. Even the Warpaint book is somewhat vague as to what year which squadrons carried what marking, aboard which ship hence, my suggestion to use decals but rest assured, my friends, the skins are a very good hands with Paulo!! But we have to get the NF3 out first, then we'll worry on the Sea Venom
  22. and rest assured, we will give him any and all help he might need to get them "Player Flyable" ™

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