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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Coming home on three........

    that the BBMF Lanc?
  2. unfortunately, with the HFD the EAW Euro uses, it didn't work (well, at least for me!) Oddly enough, on the Madagascar terrain, that Dave was doing "something" for, it went as smooth as glass. and THAT height field is all screwed up!!!
  3. new B-29s for KAW will be releases VERY soon ... maybe even today
  4. something occurred to me... were you able to adjust sea level along the Channel coast and Cherbourg peninsula?? Theres a substantial amount of "water humping" along many part of the coastline. No matter what I did, I was unable to 'adjust' it
  5. improper terrain editing ... there should be no enemy bases in Thailand. Time to edit the _targets ini
  6. other than the Sabre, I don't recall any other birds that use the 'fake engine'. Which ones are they?? edit: Raz's Banshees use it for the 'spinning turbine blades'
  7. hmmm...ummm... that cockpit diagram sure shows the A and B sweep scopes (center panel, right side, item #28) ... something tells me Sea Venoms were radar equipped as well ... but odd that It would need the 2 crts, when PPI scopes (and by inference, the radars themselves) were available from 1944.... more research is required here....what mark AI were they using???
  8. btw, on the Real Life ™ F-104, you can't see the nose from the cockpit anyway, so the =FALSE is true. Look at the angle of the nose, look at the position of the pilot. You wouldn't be able to see it, due to it's downward slope, and the existence of the instrument panel in front of the pi.ot and btw, the F-104C lod mesh name you're looking for is canopy_front_top Lel go it closer, but wrong mesh name AND he's working form INSIDE the cockpit, but the item to be removed is OUTSIDE the cockpit, part of the external aircraft lod. Doing it from the cockpit, creates other problems... So, to do it right... ]AircraftData[ Component[007]=Hide1 [Hide1] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=canopy_front_top ShowFromCockpit=FALSE this was posted in one the threads I mentioned; a search would have turned it up and just so everyone knows....TK doesn't build more than one type of LOD for aircraft of the same model; oh sure, there'll be little subtle differences, but 99.9% of all mesh names will be identical through the model line, and easily discoverable with a little work (very little on the zipper ... the mesh name was found by looking the CF-104s; the G uses the same one) you'll see in the screenshot below, the little external 'nubs' are gone
  9. Geary, look in the P-70's cockpit ini (or any Havoc) ... you'll see a bunch of moves/hides I did to take out certain things, to make it a bit more like it should be. Those statement can easily be reused, with differing mesh names, for any pit The LOD viewer is a great help, but in the olden days one could look through the OUT file, as that lists the node/meshes, or get framiliar with a hex editor to 'search...' It really ain' that hard
  10. you don't have to remove ANYTHING. There are a couple of threads around here about that very same thing, within days of the DLCs original release All done via data ini edits, and cockpit positioning in the F-104G cockpit ini cockpit position in cockpit ini: Position=0.00,5.75,0.61 in data ini: ]Nose[ ShowFromCockpit=FALSE
  11. yes, indeed. do it all the time... edit: btw, the P-70 tweeks pack in up in the downloads section, in case you missed the announcement Sunday
  12. no, the bombardier is. but, yes, he's updating his FB staus the copilot is sleeping
  13. It's monty's aircraft from 2003. I doubt he still has the max file. But I'd removed the turrets/guns before, a long time ago via data ini edits. But that would require a new, separate aircraft for the 509th. I'm also finishing off the KAW Superforts. I'd forgotten I'd started them, oh so many years ago. There a screenie of one with Tallboys in the regular screenshots thread. Have to fiddle the FM a bit -- it's too fast at altitude. Debug showed me at 425 knots TAS at 35k, 75% throttle -- 300 was the 'never exceed speed' also, courtesy of Paulo (who sent me these bits more than 18 months ago!!) a workable cockpit, although the copilot won't have his panel. And even though I'm very opposed to Player Controled Heavy Bombers ™, I'm working a usable bumsight. None of it's perfect, but it works. If left under AI control, nobody will ever notice!
  14. don't forget Wingwinner's building/factories/stuff. He's got some VERY nice items in the SF1 downloads section. They work in SF2 with no issues at all!! (I've used them a lot, but not so much his city buildings -- but they look good, very European)
  15. The Horten wing has a "semi' proper cockpit ... meaning it has one, and it's German. and let me tell ya, it was a nightmare to get it to fit even this close...(the model has some issues, not the least of which is the lack of 'drag rudders', pylons and so forth) the screenie is zoomed back a bit, to show as much as possible the only major problem I see with a Luft '46 mod, is the reliance on so many DAT items. Those that know about that, know the restrictions and lack of availability to the general public
  16. I'm sure some of the GMG/Rends objects can be reused, but the maps themselves are substantially different.
  17. there a 2 "Airfield Dev Kits", plus various single objects in the D/L. The unfortunate part is, every single one has to be placed individually. Which isn't really that hard, just time consuming
  18. because, as I said, you can't. the cockpit LOD itself has to be built with the capability. Not many cockpit builders bother with it, as it's a pretty useless function, and requires dozens more hours of work, to little reward.
  19. nothing can read the IcelandNA terrain, due to the LOD baseness of it. Gerwin's TFD verison should be identical, as Carlo said, or use the "targets test mission", and start from a "known" location. That's what I did, when I added stuff to it. It's a nightmare to work on
  20. topic moved to a more appropriate forum
  21. nice bo, er, ah, um, render. yah, I'll stick with that

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