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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. MS Paint? didn't know that was even still around!!!
  2. the 20mm guns & pod was removed, for several reasons: 1) the guns weren't worth shit 2) switched to 50 cals -- 3) weight reduction. 4) all the above I have my own home-built template from 2007. But I llike the "dustiness". Can you generate a completely blank, no markings black skin, and shoot it too me? I'll add the markings via decals the A-1 and A-2 are the exact same aircraft -- the only difference is if the 50 cal nose was added at the factory, or modification center. Data ini tweeks are nothing job. raven is tweeking a new antenna set, and I'll have to the new serial decals. Looks like 2 separate aircraft will be needed.
  3. Raven tells me you also want the A-1 version, with the 6 50s??? Take a bit longer, as I'll have to rebuild from the G's data in for the guns. I also have to add back the 2 cheek 50s on the original, as it used them for "guide/aim markers' for the 20mms
  4. yes, they did. there should still be one in the SF1 downloads section
  5. it's also NOT set up for CV usage, as explained in the readme
  6. ok, Raven sent me the bits and pieces, got them all set up. Have some data ini tweeks to perform (fine tune), and finish the new historically correct decals. And remove that hideious nose badge, that's way off scale. and one more antenna to place give me a couple of days, and I'll have everything ready. All but the aircraft lod, as per usual, will be included, so a semi-complete aircraft in most respects
  7. Geary, just use the Beau pit we've been using. it's the "best closest fit". You'll need to have the "on screen" radar display active in the upper right corner. That's the only way it gonna work, If you haven't updated any of the Havocs, you'll need to fiddle with the cockpit ini to remove a bunch of stuff. Most of this has been posted in one thread or another in the WW2 Fourms in the data ini, the Fuselage section: ShowFromCockpit=FALSE in the cockpit ini, the position is: Position=0.00,2.5,1.2 at the top section add: at the bottom the ini, add it should look like this below (albeit I've zoomed back a bit, and it's an A-20G)
  8. no, there most definitely WERE G and K models G is the 'hard nose', with mg - the definitive attack model. Wish I still had my geen-u-wine Douglas aircraft company artwork litho that a much younger version of me destroyed in the 1960s... official R.G.Smith artwork. It depicted a G, flying over a snowy forest, with burning Panzers, firing it's guns. These prints now run into the several hundreds of dollars, and I had ALL of them! for all Douglas birds. So sad... heres a poor quality image of it.. http://s162.photobucket.com/user/rtb1980/media/Douglass%20prints/EbaySales005-1.jpg.html (the price ain't too bad, either! and framed!) K (and J) were 'glass nosed. iirc, export version (K)? I'd have to look it up the J would be the definitive bomber variant, and was used to lead Gs to target, and the "bomb on the lead" procedure
  9. no, I was actually asking "where they be??" (the ww2/korea era Essex).
  10. <cough> straight deck Essex??? <cough> ??
  11. Them planes look awfully damn familiar!!! Don't fly them. The game engine ™ will always generate AI formations for the proper size. It's only when player controlled they get screwed up. Dan, don't forget the Natter bases! I don't know if I ever uploaded the modified targets ini (and types in!) with them (but have them scattered around some of the major cities) (note to self: bug fubar for the 163 with corrected FM)
  12. you don't. that's actually not necessary to even mess with. All weapons are folderized, with their relevant inis within said folder. I'd just download the Gunny Pak, and end all worries
  13. can't WAIT to get my hands on the NF Mossie pits, and update the WW2 versions!!
  14. IIRC, the panther is the squadron badge, not a nose art, I believe it's for 6th NFS (with over 100megs of books on PDF on the Havoc....) I KNOW!! you've heard of GCI!!! You might want to grab the Beaus (Early Beau Pak, has the NF Mk.1) that Cocas & I have done, and NF Mossies I did (although both the NF.II and NF.XII are due for new cockpits when the new TSF Pack comes out). In the notes are how ww2 NFs worked.. From the Beaufighter NF MK.1 readme: To get a better understanding, I'd recommend locating this book: Nightfighter: The Battle for the Night Skies by Ken Delve, Arms & Amor Publications, © 1995. While not the definitive work, it's pretty damn good. you can see in the image below, the difference between the 720 nose ("bull nose") and SCR-540/Ai Mk.VII nose
  15. to do so properly, would require to completely new lods. I did a lot of work on updating them before the DAT the mainstream community (minus the antennas, of course. at the time, we couldn't add them like we can now) as to the cockpits... there were no repeater scopes for the pilot on those (or any early nightfighter, excepting the Mossie). The first US nightfighter to have them was P-61. The AI Mk.VII was also a '2 scope' radar, with CRTs for the both the A and B sweeps (alt and azimuth). The Beau cockpit that we've been using since day 1 is the closest match. The gun pods on both their A and B are wrong -- instead of 4 20mms, it should be (iirc, and not have to dig out the book), 6 50 cals. There were major issues with the 20s, even on the original G model. Which is why they were all swapped out for 50s. There's still some debate on the cheeks guns -- some show the single, some show a 3-gun package, like on the B-25s, some show none. Their B model also has a completely wrong nose, as the B used the SCR-720 or 729 radar with the parabolic scanner (rotating dish, like the P-61 and later Mossies and Beaus). That also precludes the use of nose guns, leaving only side package or the belly pod
  16. SF2 Hotfix, July 2013



    SF2 series. Hotfix for July 2013 patch
  17. the only Havocs (and Nighthawks) available are the DAT ones. Cocas started one 12+ months ago, but has been 'overtaken by events'. Wonder if he still has the MAX files??? Geary, fake pilot is the bestest, and should be the ONLY way, to do that. If used as a weapon, it won't show on parked aircraft, and MUST be stated in loadout inis for all mission profiles. Trust me on this. Ten minutes dialing in positions for the 'seat' create a much better end product.
  18. File Name: SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 21 April 2015 File Category: F-84 SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak 5/17/15 -- For FULL-5 Merged SF2 WITH SF2E Expansion Pak 2!!! -- *Note: MUST have (whichever!) Expansion Pack gave use the F-84F Thunderstreak. IIRC, it was SF2E Expansion Pack 2* Here are several new skins for the stock 3rd Wire F-84F Thunderstreak (this is the swept wing one, not the slab-winged C/D/E/G). These represent USAF and Air National Guard units in the 1950s through the A/Cs retirment in 1971 (ish). This packge ONLY contains skins and decals. I've not supplied any parts for you to make it Player Flyable ™. There are other mods that do that. You have: 55th TFS, 20th FBW (1950s, based in the UK, in NM) 182nd TFS, Texas Air Guard (post-68 in SEA Camo) 119th TFS, New Jersey Air Guard (circa 1961-ish, in NM) Most markings are decals, excepting the 55ths color bands. Decal randomization is TRUE. For the 55th, those numbers displaying a star (*) on the loadout screen (individual aircraft dropdown) are 100% historically correct for the unit. Those withOUT the star, while having served with the 20th FBW, could not be traced to a specific squadron. The other two units use "generic" sets, either created by me, or in the case of the 119th, using stock 3W number decals. The SF2 "date switch" is used for the 182nd, activating it automatically in 1969. By that time, all remaining American units HAD been swtiched to SEA camo. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! And have fun! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  19. Version


    SF2 3W F-84F "Thunderstreak" USAF & ANG Skin Pak 5/17/15 -- For FULL-5 Merged SF2 WITH SF2E Expansion Pak 2!!! -- *Note: MUST have (whichever!) Expansion Pack gave use the F-84F Thunderstreak. IIRC, it was SF2E Expansion Pack 2* Here are several new skins for the stock 3rd Wire F-84F Thunderstreak (this is the swept wing one, not the slab-winged C/D/E/G). These represent USAF and Air National Guard units in the 1950s through the A/Cs retirment in 1971 (ish). This packge ONLY contains skins and decals. I've not supplied any parts for you to make it Player Flyable ™. There are other mods that do that. You have: 55th TFS, 20th FBW (1950s, based in the UK, in NM) 182nd TFS, Texas Air Guard (post-68 in SEA Camo) 119th TFS, New Jersey Air Guard (circa 1961-ish, in NM) Most markings are decals, excepting the 55ths color bands. Decal randomization is TRUE. For the 55th, those numbers displaying a star (*) on the loadout screen (individual aircraft dropdown) are 100% historically correct for the unit. Those withOUT the star, while having served with the 20th FBW, could not be traced to a specific squadron. The other two units use "generic" sets, either created by me, or in the case of the 119th, using stock 3W number decals. The SF2 "date switch" is used for the 182nd, activating it automatically in 1969. By that time, all remaining American units HAD been swtiched to SEA camo. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them! And have fun! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  20. Dosen't the DATs Nighthawk already have it* ??? I know it's missing the receiver "H" antenna on the fuselage side (iirc -- haven't used in years as only a dozen or so saw actual combat over New Guinea. Performance wise, it was a loser) There are other inaccuracies in the lod as well. (it's the transmitter for the AI MK.IV. Yes, I'm something of a expert on US nightfighers of time)
  21. was thinking on doing the 119th T-streaks. interesting to see that 'light grey' finish (maybe ADC grey?). my sources show only NM. It's a nothing job ... 5 mins to do the nose decal!! edit: like I said, no time at all (took longer, as I had to generate a new NM skin)
  22. there's 3 different Type 12s in the Falklands Mod... 12i, 12L, 12M unless you're talking about the ww2 Leander/Dido class... THOSE we could use.... edit: those will need some ini editing, as all the 'exported' ships have been commented out.

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