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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I totally agree with the lack of consistency. Even the Warpaint book is somewhat vague as to what year which squadrons carried what marking, aboard which ship hence, my suggestion to use decals but rest assured, my friends, the skins are a very good hands with Paulo!! But we have to get the NF3 out first, then we'll worry on the Sea Venom
  2. and rest assured, we will give him any and all help he might need to get them "Player Flyable" ™
  3. about time somebody found a use for the Eastern Med Terrain! Thanks Eric!
  4. actually, that's a VERY valid point. but again, depending on the mapping, they should be very easy to repaint. OTH, looking AT the mapping (as I'm working with veltro and Paulo on it), those regions are a bit small. Doing the "fancy bits" as decals would be a much easier way to go. It ain't that hard, I've done it enough times (re: F-89 Scorpion and others) and with Mue's lod viewer, it couldn't get any easier!!
  5. if you're talking about the FAW.21/22, they sure did have them. I have the Warpaint book open in another window, even as I type, and all the pics show them mounted
  6. but still, how could one assume (oh! that word!!) that something clearly labeled as "AI Only" would be "Player Flyable" (without tweeking by the End User ™ ) and I think it's not so much an advertising mistake, but a misunderstanding of by the End User ™. Perhaps unclear on the terminology?
  7. been that way for (not included the 6 months the boards were gone) at least a year and half
  8. I saw that too, and wanted to respond to the poster with: 'the title of package TELLS you what they are" "AI Planes Pack 1" "AI Planes Pack 2" and AI means ?????? (just like all the Red Air Birds, all the bombers, etc) I mean, seriously??? His response to TK was, imo, more than a bit on the rude side
  9. all one needs is a simple, blank skin. the rest is done with decals; so an easy job!
  10. wouldn't only be the end of Western Civilization, but would start the Zombie Apocalypse!! The Modder's Depository exists for that very purpose -- the sharing of models. There are several in there, by some pretty good people! --------- Colmack, you give us the attack version, and I'll decal it. I've already got a butt-load of them made up for the DAT version VAH-1 VAH-3 VAH-13 plus hangar and loading screens (loading screen is an RG Smith painting) And an extensively modified Rhino pit that works pretty damn good, if I say so myself!
  11. WOW!! excellent finds, Jamie!!!
  12. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO Tomahawk IIB (RAF) Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 06 May 2015 File Category: P-40 SF2 WW2 MTO Tomahawk IIB (RAF) Pack 5/01/2015 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this mod is most likely =NOT= usable in 1stGen installs at any patch level. This may be due to the use of a 'late model' cockpit.* **Notex2: this mod is designed for use ONLY in a MTO-Centric mods folder** This package contains a SF2 version of Raven's P-40B/C Tomahawk, as used by the RAF and Commonwealth squadrons in the Western Desert and Palestine. While considered a 'beta', the aircraft is 100% all there. As I understood it, the beta tag is ONLY because the cockpit was never finished. In that light, I've substituted one of Stary's Generic Cockpits ™. The skins included are: No 112 Squadron No 250 "Sudan" Squadron No 4 Squadron (SAAF) No 3 Squadron (RAAF)* As seen in Palestine, Egypt and the Western Desert. All but No 3 RAAF are finished in standard "day desert'. *No 3 RAAF is painted in standard "temperate day", as seen in Europe. I was unable to determine when (or even IF) 3 Squadron RAAF repainted their aircraft to the desert scheme, but thought it would be a nice change. One can always swap out the skins for the desert versions. No 3 RAAF was one of the earliest in the MTO to use them in Palestine against Vichy forces, but the SF2 date switch is NOT used on it, or any of the others. Other squadrons can be created by simply making a new squadron letters decal. Skins maps remain in their bmp format. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. All aircraft use a 'pool' of plane-in-squadron letters and serial numbers. Excepting 112 Squadron, where all serials ARE 100% historically correct. The others, while correct for this mark, are to be considered generic in nature. The Hangar screen is a revamped Sf2 version of my original "AvArt". All sounds, drop tank and pilot figure are included. Guns & RAF bombs are not, as they're available in the various WW2 Weapons and Guns Packs. Service dates are rounded to "whole months". The canopy operates with the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. When in-game, you'll see Tomahawk IIB (Raven) This will diferentiate it from Wolf's Tomahawk mod. In fact, =THIS= mod is designed to replace, completely, any and all earlier versions. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  13. I'd say them bombs look just right, Volker!! I can't find anything else for the other version. I say just go with these!! they look too good to use ... just kind of wanna stare at them for a while!!! :)
  14. one the lod has been exported, isn't it "locked", and the meshes no longer editable? That's always the impression everyone has had. using ini edits to 'move' or 'remove' (hide) meshes is all we can do.
  15. where I am too... finally got max, and now have to learn it. Once I figure out the controls, would definitely start with simple buildings, then some vehicles (there's a bunch of tanks we don't have...but that would also require learning animations for turrets and guns and stuff) I have nothing but appreciation, admiration, and not a little envy, of those folks that can really work the program.
  16. you should see the ones captured by the Japanese... very ODD seeing an A-20 or B-17D with hinomarus!
  17. would there be any interest in something like this? all lights adjusted/added -- fully correct now different pilot figures. semi-functional cockpit (courtesy of paulopanz -- no bombsight, however) loadout adjusted (adds separate station for early nukes) not added -- belly radome (would need a new 3d object that somebody would have to build, and then attack via fake pilot, and would cover the belly ID lights - which can be moved if necessary) if so, the next question is ... 1) a separate update pak, with a LOT of (for some) confusing instructions, or 2) do a full update on the WW2 Superfort pack in the WW2 downloads section, and have everything in one place the 2nd options, being the better (and actually easier for me and eye), would unfortunately make everyone delete their original aircraft folder, and re-download the pack. screenies of the lighting changes below
  18. thank you Monty! I could use the template, to perhaps make a larger higher rez skin. Might as well send the MAX file too. (I have max 2009, and am trying to learn it!!!) and again, thank you building the airplane, so long ago
  19. those were done some time ago, and are already in the download section
  20. Version


    SF2 WW2 MTO Tomahawk IIB (RAF) Pack 5/01/2015 -- Something for the WW2 MTO players -- = For SF2 ONLY, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this mod is most likely =NOT= usable in 1stGen installs at any patch level. This may be due to the use of a 'late model' cockpit.* **Notex2: this mod is designed for use ONLY in a MTO-Centric mods folder** This package contains a SF2 version of Raven's P-40B/C Tomahawk, as used by the RAF and Commonwealth squadrons in the Western Desert and Palestine. While considered a 'beta', the aircraft is 100% all there. As I understood it, the beta tag is ONLY because the cockpit was never finished. In that light, I've substituted one of Stary's Generic Cockpits ™. The skins included are: No 112 Squadron No 250 "Sudan" Squadron No 4 Squadron (SAAF) No 3 Squadron (RAAF)* As seen in Palestine, Egypt and the Western Desert. All but No 3 RAAF are finished in standard "day desert'. *No 3 RAAF is painted in standard "temperate day", as seen in Europe. I was unable to determine when (or even IF) 3 Squadron RAAF repainted their aircraft to the desert scheme, but thought it would be a nice change. One can always swap out the skins for the desert versions. No 3 RAAF was one of the earliest in the MTO to use them in Palestine against Vichy forces, but the SF2 date switch is NOT used on it, or any of the others. Other squadrons can be created by simply making a new squadron letters decal. Skins maps remain in their bmp format. All markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. All aircraft use a 'pool' of plane-in-squadron letters and serial numbers. Excepting 112 Squadron, where all serials ARE 100% historically correct. The others, while correct for this mark, are to be considered generic in nature. The Hangar screen is a revamped Sf2 version of my original "AvArt". All sounds, drop tank and pilot figure are included. Guns & RAF bombs are not, as they're available in the various WW2 Weapons and Guns Packs. Service dates are rounded to "whole months". The canopy operates with the Standard Animation Keystroke, Shift/0. When in-game, you'll see Tomahawk IIB (Raven) This will diferentiate it from Wolf's Tomahawk mod. In fact, =THIS= mod is designed to replace, completely, any and all earlier versions. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!! Good Hunting!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  21. I wonder who he could have possibly been talking about!!! OTH, their newer stuff is pretty good. --- Raven, that Mavis is exactly what I'm looking for , for use parked on the PTO maps. The Mariner looks good too, but I'd rather have a PBY (but, hey, I can find uses for damn near anything!!) russ, I'm trying to figure out the twin-engine floatplane... He-115?? the Beaufighter looks like at late mk 6 or early mk.10...something Daniel had planned, but has been 'overcome by events'. we could use new Beauforts ... it's just a pity they DO need so much work to get into SF2. a LOT of very useful stuff there
  22. you mean 'parked statics'?? I'll look it over .. sometimes, when plotter correctly, they won't interfere with the game-generated parked birds.

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