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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. didn't remember about the fiberglass! interestering! even before I looked at the links, I just KNEW the questions were from gregoryp. The man really knew his stuff!!
  2. never seen fiberglass listed as an armor material. Traditionally, it's always just been wood glass aluminum steel titanium --- stratos have you looked at my ww2 bombers -both medium and heave- , fighters and such? study the data inis... :) this was discussed at length some time ago in the ww2 threads (someplace!) think of "armor as structure"
  3. not to worry about that Quack. They may be green due to having a skin sub-folder. Notice the 'small cargo ship' vs RN Aux Freighter (in green). The small ship doesn't have a skin folder, but has the texture sitting in the main folder. The RNAF (actually stephan1918s FE cargo ship) uses a subfolder and textureset ini. The freighter in the background is a 'terrain object', sitting in the terrain folder, so it's texture are readily accessable
  4. Paulo, you were the first person I thought of, and the main reason, for uploading the templates! Thank you very much!! -------- required screenie: Here's something you don't see every day....
  5. I know that only the 'seat' object casts a shadow, like a pylon or the old Scooter humps when converted to FP usege but we can always use another!! :)
  6. File Name: Templates for Seafury FB.11 (Skippybing) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 April 2015 File Category: Skin Templates The full set of my 'home grown' templates for Skippybings Seafury. All layers are intact, with various notations and sets. Those that know what to do with these, need no further instructions. This will now give other texture artists something to work with for the creation of other squadrons, countries, and what nots Happy Skinning! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  7. Version


    The full set of my 'home grown' templates for Skippybings Seafury. All layers are intact, with various notations and sets. Those that know what to do with these, need no further instructions. This will now give other texture artists something to work with for the creation of other squadrons, countries, and what nots Happy Skinning! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. File Name: SF2 RCN Hawker Seafury Skin Pack File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 12 April 2015 File Category: Other SF2 RCN Hawker Seafury Skin Pack 4/6/2015 *For SF2 -ONLY-!! Full-5 Merged Reccomended* This package contains a skin for the recently released (skippybing) Hawker Seafury. You can find the base aircraft at the following URL (and you'll need it to add these skins to): http://combatace.com/files/file/15390-sf2-kaw-hawker-sea-fury-sb-pack/ Reminder: this is =ONLY= a skin/decal pak! These 2 skins represent Royal Canadian Navy Seafurys in the 1950s. Both are finished in the "2-tone Grey". You have skins for the following squadrons: 803 NAS, crica 1951 870 NAs (aka VF-870) circa 1953 The SF2 'date switch' is active, so VF-870 will turn on in 1953. All markings, execpting the fin flash, are decals (due to running out of meshes). Decal randomization is TRUE for both skins. Also included, from eburger's SF2NA Ulitmate CV Pack, are slightly modified versions of the HMCS Bonaventure & Magnificent. See "Notes" for change log. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them after Unzipping but =BEFORE= installing!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes and Comments" section a read, too. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  9. SF2 RCN Hawker Seafury Skin Pack



    SF2 RCN Hawker Seafury Skin Pack 4/6/2015 *For SF2 -ONLY-!! Full-5 Merged Reccomended* This package contains a skin for the recently released (skippybing) Hawker Seafury. You can find the base aircraft at the following URL (and you'll need it to add these skins to): http://combatace.com/files/file/15390-sf2-kaw-hawker-sea-fury-sb-pack/ Reminder: this is =ONLY= a skin/decal pak! These 2 skins represent Royal Canadian Navy Seafurys in the 1950s. Both are finished in the "2-tone Grey". You have skins for the following squadrons: 803 NAS, crica 1951 870 NAs (aka VF-870) circa 1953 The SF2 'date switch' is active, so VF-870 will turn on in 1953. All markings, execpting the fin flash, are decals (due to running out of meshes). Decal randomization is TRUE for both skins. Also included, from eburger's SF2NA Ulitmate CV Pack, are slightly modified versions of the HMCS Bonaventure & Magnificent. See "Notes" for change log. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them after Unzipping but =BEFORE= installing!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes and Comments" section a read, too. Happy Landings!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  10. a small data in correction, that I just noticed open the data ini, and scroll down to the FlightControl section (it's the second set down. Use the text below to correct the flap deployment: FlapSettingForTakeOff=1 FlapSettingForLanding=2 FlapSettingForCatapult=1 or just change the Flap for cat to 1
  11. no, unfortunately as the object being added (a probe, antenna, pylon, etc) is the seat for the invisible fake pilot to 'sit' on
  12. File Name: SF2 WW2 ETO Republic P-47D "Bubbletop" Thunderbolt (0.5 Beta) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 10 April 2015 File Category: P-47 SF2 WW2 ETO Republic P-47D "Bubbletop" Thunderbolt (0.5 Beta) 12/15/2014 = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.* This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. We are calling this "version 0.5 beta", as there are a few minor issues with the LOD, and these will repaired as Real Life ™ allows. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examinations and so forth. See Notes below for a more detailed explanation. REMINDER: this pack contains ETO Bubbletop Jugs =ONLY=!!! Other theatres/users will follow as time permits, and as they are completed. This pak contains, as stated above, a NEW aircraft, representing the Bubbletop P-47D (-25 thru -30-ish) Thunderbolt as seen in late 1943 through war's end. Skins included are: 8th AF 56th Fighter Group : 61st FS (early 44, OD/G) 62nd FS (mid/late 44-45), camo) 63rd FS (sometime in 44, NM) and 9th AF: 379th FS, 362nd FG (full D-Day markings, NM) All markings are decals. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Please note, Squadron or Group specific markings -ARE- painted on, as are the Invasion Stripes. There are some nose arts. All the 1stGen Hangar and/or Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format, and fit SF2 formatting. Damage textures are also new, in DDS format. There are 2 different Loading Screens, and you can swap them as you see fit. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Pilots, sounds, weapons are all included. Templates for this aircraft ARE included, for those skinners that wish to do other units, or other theatres, or Allied users (and see my appeal in the "Notes" section <grin>). The template is in the main zip of the package, so don't forget to move it OUT of your mods folder or things might get confusing! As there are several P-74D Bubbletops available, when in game you'll see: P-47D-20 Thunderbolt (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate it from any others that you may (or may not) have. As some units are repeated, those with the mods I built for Wolf's Jugs, can choose to keep those, or remove them to storage. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes" section a read, too. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein =for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division= Click here to download this file
  13. thanks, bro. It's not like I got much else happening. I take a break every few hours. In fact, yesterday, I took a 6 hour break -- I just discovered Esquire channel (on our cable) plays the Airwolf series every Thursday. And in episode order!!!
  14. this thing is EVEN better than the Lod viewer, which is also beyond cool
  15. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO Republic P-47D "Bubbletop" Thunderbolt (0.5 Beta) 12/15/2014 = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED!) *This mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs. It was built for SF2 ONLY!!.* This is a BRAND NEW aircraft, brought to you by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co. We are calling this "version 0.5 beta", as there are a few minor issues with the LOD, and these will repaired as Real Life ™ allows. But, we wanted to get them out into the hands of our WW2 End Users ™ for their examinations and so forth. See Notes below for a more detailed explanation. REMINDER: this pack contains ETO Bubbletop Jugs =ONLY=!!! Other theatres/users will follow as time permits, and as they are completed. This pak contains, as stated above, a NEW aircraft, representing the Bubbletop P-47D (-25 thru -30-ish) Thunderbolt as seen in late 1943 through war's end. Skins included are: 8th AF 56th Fighter Group : 61st FS (early 44, OD/G) 62nd FS (mid/late 44-45), camo) 63rd FS (sometime in 44, NM) and 9th AF: 379th FS, 362nd FG (full D-Day markings, NM) All markings are decals. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Please note, Squadron or Group specific markings -ARE- painted on, as are the Invasion Stripes. There are some nose arts. All the 1stGen Hangar and/or Loading screens were either rebuilt to SF2-spec, or created new for this package. They are in jpg format, and fit SF2 formatting. Damage textures are also new, in DDS format. There are 2 different Loading Screens, and you can swap them as you see fit. The canopy opens/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0 Pilots, sounds, weapons are all included. Templates for this aircraft ARE included, for those skinners that wish to do other units, or other theatres, or Allied users (and see my appeal in the "Notes" section <grin>). The template is in the main zip of the package, so don't forget to move it OUT of your mods folder or things might get confusing! As there are several P-74D Bubbletops available, when in game you'll see: P-47D-20 Thunderbolt (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate it from any others that you may (or may not) have. As some units are repeated, those with the mods I built for Wolf's Jugs, can choose to keep those, or remove them to storage. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, give the "Notes" section a read, too. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein =for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division=
  16. ok! gotcha! Then, if its even possible, that the 2 other window (view panes?) -marked A & B, have the ability to be minimized. This would increase the work area. Now, mind you, I'm not like everyone else on a wide screen monitor. my computer desk is too small for one, and simply can't afford a new desk (even though I HAVE a brand new widescreen, collecting dust). But, even with a wide screen, being able to minimize the target objects listing and the types listing could be helpful in the long run. As I know less than nothing about programing, .... well, you get the idea! :)
  17. RCN (1950) Seafury WIP the nightmare is/was having to create the entire template (panels and rivets), when you can only stare at the screen for a few hours, before suffering eye strain (well, in my case anyways), due to what I've been going through with this cursed "issue"
  18. having just discovered this ... it being the USN WW2 Brooklyn class, I'd like to upload that version. (ww2 that is..if I can get the triple cursed decals working ..why is that so hard do?? just a simple text edit, and the lod viewer give me the x/y/z ??) I'm pretty sure it was built by our Argentinian friends & members, but the Falklands mod readme makes no mention of WHO (whom?) So, I'd like to know which one of you people built it, and if permission can be given for it's upload in it's "original" WW2 state (data ini edits remove the Seacats) It's one of the major ships missing from our WW2 battle groups. thanks in advance!
  19. excellent! I posted, as suggested, in the Spanish forum, and got that answer as well! many thanks to all! must have read right past that when I looked over the readme!!
  20. ok, now that it's working for me, Here's some ideas as to what else could be added: 1) ability to 'slide' around the visible target area, possibly using the arrow keys (up key=N, down key=S, etc). It's easy to get "lost" with out a fixed reference point (in my mission building missions, the player aircraft ALWAYS flies north, so there's that reference). In my screenie above, the river runs N/S (see #2 below) Using the zoom is a bit difficult to get the vertical view necessary (for the most part) in placing target items, hence the need for the ability to 'slide' around. 2) possibly adding an orientation compass rose. Knowing that on ALL maps, "up screen" is always North, allows one to be able to see the direction or facing of the placed object (n, e, s, w). One can then estimate/guestimate the facing of the object. Even knowing this a Very early beta, there is stupendous possibility here! personally, I think the best thing about it right now, is that it reads the tile TODs, which allows you to 'see' the open spaces wherein to place target objects. That is one of the most critical things to know in targetization.
  21. Who built the cruiser Belgrano?

    Gents, I need your help in finding out which person, or mod team created this Belgrano found in the Falklands/Malviinas mod by eburger I've asked for help here: http://combatace.com/topic/85801-who-built-the-cruiser-belgrano/ I've re-converted it back to its WW2 status, and plan on releasing it as such next week Any and all help from you people Is greatly appreciated!!! thanks in advance!! --- (please excuse my use of google translator...) Caballeros, necesito su ayuda para encontrar a qué persona o equipo mod creado este Belgrano se encuentra en el Ministerio de Defensa de las Malvinas / Malviinas por eburger He pedido ayuda aquí: http://combatace.com/topic/85801-who-built-the-cruiser-belgrano/ He reconvertido de nuevo a su estado de WW2, y el plan de liberación como tal la semana que viene Cualquier y toda la ayuda de ustedes se aprecia grandemente !!! gracias de antemano !! wrench

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