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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. what really bugging me (pun intended), is I KNOW the XO code from some ww2 skins I've done, and can't remember the squadron!!
  2. it's more of the question, 'why would they even be needed'? as opposed to why there isn't one! They're already painted to match the various skins as required. a decent skinner should be able to create a psd of them in about 10 minutes!, even including extraction, and blowing them up to 1024 for ease of working them. Then they get shrunk back down to their 256x standard size
  3. me too!! I didn't answer the pm as I spent most of yesterday traveling back and forth from the eye doctors. it's healing nicely, but still some small issues. most of which, is the change in prescription for my glasses. see the optometrist next Wednesday, but who know how long until I get my new glasses? (the usual "2 weeks"? or longer)??? So. still have 1 2/3s yes so to speak.
  4. mue's lod tool makes the grade!! (using it now on something else) Nice job coupi! I'm going to test it on mine! (if you think its, good , why not upload it, with the cockpit ini and such? I would!! :) ) as to the 2005, there were only 48 built. I can's see them contributing much to the war effort. Shrikehawk, if you really want it that badly, I'd request it over at the DAT site. The one I have has problems, and you know I couldn't share it anyway.
  5. it's not in my possession yet
  6. aren't they built into the aircraft LOD itself, now? Makes it super easy to add markings and such via decals (like on several Scooters I've done) the skin map itself can be found in many of the various cats, as part of the individual skin folders (ie: USNGrey1 or USAFCamo1). There 2: F-4_DTank_Center F-4_DTank370
  7. that's the Re-2005, right??? I know it should be in their MTO all inclusive, as that's the latest one I have (lod dated 2010)
  8. Version


    SF2 WW2 MTO Fiat G-55 by Veltro2K 3/25/2015 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's WW2 Italian Fighter. This is a fairly "quick and dirty" upgrade for Veltro's Fiat G-55 Centauro. It's been given a "new" FM, but as always, will need some fine tuning. I've split the 2 skins, into "before and after" the Italian surrender of 1943. You have: 51 Stormo, RA (circa mid-1943) Squadriglia Montefusco, ANR (post 10/1943 -- although the paint scheme is more in Luftwaffe style) I did NOT use the SF2 "date switch" for these. *Please note that the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, is =NOT= on the existing ww2 Nations.ini. Nor is the Allied-aligned Aviazione Cobelligerante Italiana. If you want, you'll have to create the new nations yourselves. See "Notes" below.* Skins remain in their bmp format, and decal radomization is set to TRUE. New damage textures are supplied, in DDS format. My standard "box art" style hangar and loading screens are also included. And, thanks to Mue's Lod viewer, I've exported a lined map psd for those wishing to attempt to create other skins. This should give you a base to draw new panel and rivet lines. A userlist ini was created, but is incomplete (most post-war versions were Merlin powered). Included are a pilot figure, AvHistory engine sound, and a new drop tank. All other weapons you should have in the WW2 weapons pack (it uses LW bombs, until we get freeware Italian ones) The canopy open/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™ (shift/0). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Give the "Notes" section a glance, as well. ** The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, or until such time as if/when new models are created and released.*** Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  9. tell me about. just for grins and giggles, I did it -for the first time- on Veltro's G-55 I just re-released. Hopefully, I got it right (or closer than it was!!) <vbg>
  10. could come in really handy! something like that will absolutely need the ability to reload from within, without have to exit and restart the program
  11. File Name: SF2 WW2 MTO Fiat G-55 by Veltro2K File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 26 March 2015 File Category: Italian Origin SF2 WW2 MTO Fiat G-55 by Veltro2K 3/25/2015 = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! = This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's WW2 Italian Fighter. This is a fairly "quick and dirty" upgrade for Veltro's Fiat G-55 Centauro. It's been given a "new" FM, but as always, will need some fine tuning. I've split the 2 skins, into "before and after" the Italian surrender of 1943. You have: 51 Stormo, RA (circa mid-1943) Squadriglia Montefusco, ANR (post 10/1943 -- although the paint scheme is more in Luftwaffe style) I did NOT use the SF2 "date switch" for these. *Please note that the Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, is =NOT= on the existing ww2 Nations.ini. Nor is the Allied-aligned Aviazione Cobelligerante Italiana. If you want, you'll have to create the new nations yourselves. See "Notes" below.* Skins remain in their bmp format, and decal radomization is set to TRUE. New damage textures are supplied, in DDS format. My standard "box art" style hangar and loading screens are also included. And, thanks to Mue's Lod viewer, I've exported a lined map psd for those wishing to attempt to create other skins. This should give you a base to draw new panel and rivet lines. A userlist ini was created, but is incomplete (most post-war versions were Merlin powered). Included are a pilot figure, AvHistory engine sound, and a new drop tank. All other weapons you should have in the WW2 weapons pack (it uses LW bombs, until we get freeware Italian ones) The canopy open/closes with the Standard Animation Keystroke ™ (shift/0). As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Give the "Notes" section a glance, as well. ** The aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, or until such time as if/when new models are created and released.*** Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  12. hopefully, we'll have the Sea Fury for you in a few days ("2 weeks!!!"). Carlo is making some adjustments on the hit boxes. It's nearly ready!!
  13. in the meantime, Ed says I can re-release this one "as Is". I'll just turn off the shadow statement. Otherwise, it'll look like that old "planes on sticks" game (I never played it, but watched one time. looked cool!)
  14. Cool TIE Fighter video

    I have the Yamato DVD set, of the US series. Capt Harlock was cool as well. There are a LOT of anime that have exceptional stories. Unlike most Americans, I don't see them as cartoons, but animated films. for a good one, try royal space force: the wings of honneamise
  15. only if Ed still has the MAX files. I've narrowed down the shadow issue to meshes at the nose gun troughs. One can always turn off the shadow in the main ini. FM feels pretty good, but it need a lot of other work .. hit boxes are WAAAAAY off (mue's tool is godsend for this!! -- but something I don't know enough about to tweek), minor tweeking here and there -light properly positioned and such. Been straightening out some skin/diecal issues since my first post... One skin is definitely ANR (LW style, so it might even BE LW!), so had to make some new decals (new user list too, but ANR is not in the ww2 nations ini). Even made 2 smaller drop tanks (RA versions of Raven's 54 gallon P-40 tanks). If Veltro says it's ok, I'll release it "as is", and other can go fiddle with it.
  16. probable FM issues, but LOD issues as well....shadow tractor beams
  17. Cool TIE Fighter video

    out-frakking-standing!!!! the attention to detail was amazing; like the Dupe's rotary magazine (although the 'reflex warheads' was a bit much! and a female Imp pilot??). Interesting to see the 2 ISDs supported by an Interdictor. VERY well done!!
  18. the Re-2005 is DAT; s/b available in their MTO mod I have veltro's G-55, but it has "issues", and isn't ready for prime time SF2
  19. not a problem! it's always good when someone actually answers the question, not just tells you what you already know, and have done. in truth, the 'read only' trick is not my discovery; I don't remember if it was Paulo or Ravenclaws! Works on all the AIs made flyable (all my MiGs, Sus, and 104s are done that way, too
  20. it's a well know fault of the game engine itself. The A-1, like all the Red Air ™ birds (and all the Zippers, too..), are by default AI controlled ONLY. Every so often, at completely random intervals, the Game Engine ™ will automatically rewrite ALL the main inis of AI-onlys made player flyable. There are 2 alternatives: A) Keep a copy of my patent-pending "one click restore" main ini INSIDE the main aircraft folder. Then, just do the "save as..." and it'll return to flyable (or do the copy/paste thing) B) Add all the lines to make it flyable, making sure any and ALL add-on skins are already added and listed!, as the next step will lock it ... Right click the ini, ---> Properties ... make "read only". That will prevent the Game Engine ™ from automatically overwriting it.
  21. As some of you may know, from some recent posts, that I'm rebuilding the old Israel 2 map to SF2 spec. However, I've run into a couple of issues as to 'what should be targeted'... Egypt Alexandria -- should I add the 2nd airport (Borg El Arab)? Should the port be detailed? I've come across very little (read: no!) information of what part was played by Egyptian forces based there, all the way back to the 56 war. It's out of reach of 99.9% of all IAF aircraft.... I did retile Alex, a bit closer to reality. Syria Tripoli (port) Latakia (port and refineries) same goes with these 2. I know about the naval battle of Latakia; that's problematic in this game. (meaning nearly impossible to replicate). However, adding some ships and support facilities to all the ports creates a new set of targets to be attacked. Again, no references in my books (real books!) or web searches has turned up much. One major problem, is we lack almost ALL naval vessels as used by both sides (excepting the Komars either WBS or colmak updated) Opinions and thoughts, please. I'm 99% done right now, but it'd be a simple matter to detail these regions, if enough feel it's necessary thanks!
  22. File Name: DBS Terrain, Full File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 17 January 2011 File Category: Full Terrains Full DBS Terrain, Complete Someone asked for the full terrain, set up with all the goodies and fixes. So here it is. No readme is included, but you should all know the drill. If not, you'll figure it out!! Enjoy!! Wrench kevin stein Click here to download this file
  23. can anyone tell me when did Assad International AP, at Latakia opened?? nothing in my searches has turned up anything!! TIA!

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