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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. ok, as this is one of the most disused Forums here at CA, lets get the ball rolling on the updated games that GoG has released. Feel free to talk about XW, TF, XvT and XWA. Mind you, most of the good stuff is over at Darksabre's site, but I don't seem to recall him having any mission sets for the later games, (XvT XWA) As some you know from my posts in the Pub, I've got a boatload of missions, converted to Xvt/BoP format from the early 2000s (just before I got into SF moddding). As some point in the near future, I plan on starting to release them for who ever wants them. To that end, I'm going to ask Erik to add a download section for them. Don't know what I'm going to call it yet; as most are BoP (although I DO have 2 sets for XWA) The most difficult part is figuring out which sets require the Draconis Ship Patch (which no longer works in Win7, to say nothing of the GoG exes.) If anyone has any ideas on HOW to add the missing ships (most of them are from the TIE Fighter CD version). This makes use of the later Tours of T/F problematic. However, the earlier Tours work quite well in the new version of XvT/BoP So, lets get the ball rolling!!!
  2. memory loss is the 2nd sign of age I can't remember the 1st one....
  3. we've needed a new one for a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time!
  4. Raven did a bunch of RP-3 25 #ers for his Hurricanes. IIRC, they do have the rail "built in" (or on?). His RP-3 25 Mk.II-3 is an AP unit might want to have a look at them maybe? I can post the weapons folders, if anyone wants to check them out. I know one is just the rocket itself
  5. GoG did it again!

    I know that JonathanRL has been flying on-line for some time, as he posted a movie on the FB page nice to see Emperor's Hammer is still alive! I haven't tested it yeat, but Darksabre's new Background Pack looks EXCELLENT!!! (may test it on my original XWA install) as to the original XW and TF, they can be modded, but the missions/TOD pack would REPLACE the original Tours, as I understood it 'way back in the early 2000s. Which is why I did the XvT conversions; much easier and simpler to add missions to the lst files
  6. GoG did it again!

    They were never (re)posted, even when I had my site. maybe I should ask Erik for "Star Wars" category in the d/l section? Not too sure on the legality of (re) posting the original XW and TF missions, due to copyright issues, but the others (if I can find any post-worthy!!) should be no problem. mind you, they'd be in BoP format, which was slightly different from XvT. But, with this new version I don't forsee any issues. I guess I'll have to get it earlier than I thought, so I can test it
  7. SF2 has a glitch with bomber formations. One of the reasons I pontificate on "leave the heavies under AI control". Unfortunately, the same can be said for lights and mediums, too (Boston/Havoc, Marauder, Blenheim, Beaufort, etc)
  8. GoG did it again!

    yup; got everything up and running, on the original BoP CD edition. (with thanks to Fubar for reg edit help!) Got it up and running in mid-November; some of them seem to have a few faults (mostly in craft orders), but they work unfortunately, what doesn't work in Win7 is XvTEd. Fortunately, I have an old XP machine that it does work on. Oddly, AlliEd (for XWA) works in Win7. Very odd!! was actually going over the 5 Tour "Battle in the Outer Rim Territorites" set (originally, a replacement for the 5 TODs in XW) be advised, for the Original XWCD tours, there is NO Death Star surface attack and Trench Run, as, afaik, there is no add-on OPTs for those.
  9. go into the /Flight folder, and rename or delete the HUDData.ini. or, just hit the Alt/D key twice
  10. tell ya what, download my terrain, install it. It will not conflict, as it has a different name, fly over it and see. That terrain is 98.6% accurate to the Real World. There is NO comparison to that original crap. I used period specific maps and charts to build it; like I do with all my terrains. I know what you mean about spending time -- I personally spent 2 years on THAT terrain. The whole SF2 KAW mod was 4 years in the making, and was still never done or finished properly As to moving to SF2, there is NO DIFFERENCE IN HOW THE FILE SYSTEM WORKS from SF/Wo*. It's just located in a different place on the HD. And the fact that 1stGens are deader than the proverbial door nail ...
  11. SF2 works fine for me!! All mine are built from the NA exe, as carriers are needed on a lot of the terrains I d/led it, but haven't installed it. I have everything (pretty much) already. Considering the EAW Euro terrain is mine (ok, my complete rebuild of the 2004 version). Excepting some of their "newer" aircraft.
  12. yes, the 'red line' boundry is control by the terrain's movements ini for example:
  13. GoG did it again!

    indeed. and I've got them all converted for XvT ... a huge project I did in the early 2000s. Along with about 1500-1700 other missions (everything I could find and collect of the old DOS missions for both original games. Some were really great, some good, some crap) Unfortunately, iirc, stock XvT doesn't have all the ships needed for the T/F mission sets. Hence the need for the Draconis Ship Patch. So, if someone has the new GoG version, let us know if all the TF ships are there (T/D, MB, modified CRVs and M/FRG, and so forth) but the original XW missions work just fine!
  14. their all-inclusive ETO mod came out a couple of weeks ago.
  15. oh, thank the gods!!!! (now, one wonders if that F.8 can be rebuilt into the earlier mk.3???)
  16. unfortunately, you have to use both. mine are all hand built, and I've 'cherry picked' what aircraft or other objects I've needed from the varying sources. on the down side, any ww2 campaign that were created, were done sooooooooooooo long ago, that they'd need a complete rebuilds from the bottom up to work in sf2. So, indeed, the SF2 WW2 player is stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  17. any of these stock birds should do for testing: Hunter 6, Hunter 9, Vampire, even the Mustang for testing (it calls for them in the stock loadout inis) DLC 29s Spit 14, 18, 22 all carry them add-ons: Seahawk, Venom
  18. because that map is pure junk. you do know that the KAW map is down-convertible to 1st Gens, right?
  19. that's what I'm talkin' bout!! good work!
  20. File Name: SF2 RTAF F-86F Sabre Skin/Decal Pak File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 January 2015 File Category: F-86 SF2 RTAF F-86F Sabre Skin/Decal Pak 1/14/2015 = For SF2 (Any & All, Full-5 Merged Prefered) = Continuing the story of Worldwide Sabres... A new skin for the F-86F Sabre jet, representing those as used by the Royal Thai Air Force in the 1960s, until their replacement (approx 1970) by F-5 Freedom Fighters. This package is designed to be used with the F-86F-40 Re-mod pack, available at the following url: http://combatace.com/files/file/13788-sf2-f-86f-40-sabre-remod-pak/ If you don't have it, you =WILL= need it!! The skin herein represents aircraft from 13th Squadron, 1st Wing as based at RTAFB Don Muang, circa 1961. All markings are decals, excepting the tail squadron markings, and decal randomization is TRUE. Serial numbers are 100% hisorically correct. Also included is an updated Userlist, that adds Thailand. As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them .... Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  21. this is kind of what I meant ... you can use this as a starting point, or ????? that's a quick and dirty base (20 minutes) more shading/detail will be needed of course, but when reduced down to 512, may not show but, it's a start
  22. that's not that hard ... take that large format picture above, and just start creating layers, and repaint the figure by hand. I'd work with at LEAST a 1024x template. You can always reduce in size after tga creation. No different from doing nose art decals

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