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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. I've noticed, due to some PMs I've received from members trying to update their installs, that we're not current with the SF2 patch archives. What with the 3W site down for extended maintenance (for the last couple of days at least....), it behooves me to upload them to the current (July, 2013) level. So, you'll see them in the File Announcements, so don't get all excited that "something new" has come out. It's just little ole me, updating our downloads section. Thank You, and go back to flying.. Wrench
  2. File Name: SF2 Update/Patch August, 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: SF2 Patches SF2 series patch, August 2011 Click here to download this file
  3. Version


    SF2 series patch, August 2011
  4. File Name: SF2 Update/Patch, July, 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: SF2 Patches SF2 series update/patch July 2011 Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    SF2 series update/patch July 2011
  6. File Name: SF2 Update, June 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: SF2 Patches Update/Patch for SF2, June 2011 Click here to download this file
  7. SF2 Update, June 2011



    Update/Patch for SF2, June 2011
  8. File Name: SF2 ExpPak 2 update, May 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: SF2 Patches Update/patch for SF2E Expansion Pak 2, May 2011 Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    Update/patch for SF2E Expansion Pak 2, May 2011
  10. File Name: SF2 ExpPak 2 Update, Jan, 2011 File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: SF2 Patches Jan, 2011 update for SF2 Expansion pack 2 Click here to download this file
  11. Version


    Jan, 2011 update for SF2 Expansion pack 2
  12. File Name: SF2 ExpPak 2 Update Patch Dec 2010-B File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 16 December 2014 File Category: SF2 Patches uploading missing patch, Dec 2010-B, SF2E Expansion Pak 2 Click here to download this file
  13. Version


    uploading missing patch, Dec 2010-B, SF2E Expansion Pak 2
  14. Meanwhile, over New Guinea ... (310th FS, 58FG -- Cocas new Razorback)
  15. Is this supposed to be a scene from Fairchild AFB, in the move "By Dawn's Early Light"????
  16. also Fighters Anthology and Star Wars XvT/BoP mission sets. Was costing 15 dollars a month, and all the stuff (excepting the FA and XvT items) was here at CA. Had to economize somewhere, so...it was closed. I wasn't sure if Raz was still selling the 1stGen stuff. If so, I recommend HEARTILY that people go and get his intruders, even if just for the cockpits!!
  17. with the exception of the later products on the DAT site, all the others are 1stGen only. YAP is payware, and is also only 1stGen Razbam no longer sells SF products the others I don't know about Gerwin, is one of our better modders, and created some fantastic utilities
  18. those exes you show are Game Patches. And still need to be installed
  19. ummmm..that's pretty strange.... the mirageIIIC is a flyable aircraft in my SF2E, and every other using all stock in game items, as show below from the MirageIIIC.ini (the main ini) from my SF2:E. And yes, including both expansion paks. If one is really industrious, and has WoI, one could convievable extract all the necessary cockpt files, and use in them SF2 and yes, 1stGen mods cockpits work in SF2. They just don't look as good
  20. the A in question was converted from a bomber to a strafer, by having the glass nose painted over and 4 mgs added where the bomb aimer used to be. Very similar to what was done to C/D B-25s. The one I 'made' used the DAT A-20C lods, but in sf2 you no longer can put a decal (tga) over window glass (also tga!!). Obvioulsy, this is for New Guinea below is a screenie of the mod of the DAT bird. I know I did a 'remove component' trick for several items, as the exhausts were different, painted on the cowling vents (easy enough!), and some things I'm forgetting I have several books, and they're yours if you want or need them. Unfortunately, there's no Detail & Scale for the A-20 oh, and where I said K, should be J model (glass nose, but with out the framing, more of a 2 piece kind of thing)
  21. I wouldn't even bother trying to convert it to SF2. Patch your installs to the latest version, get SF2E expansion pack, and just use those Lightnings. They have the correct cockpit and all the rest. Russ' model is very old and has several issues (again, sorry Russ!! ) -------- as to folders, even though the image below was for a terrain question, you can see the main folders. (ignore that QMD thingy) Basic rule is, if a folder doesn't already exist, you create it
  22. That flag looks familiar, Ant!!! LOL!! ------------ Razorback D's in the works.. AND you all know how much I hate doing Invasion Stripes....
  23. In SF2 EVERYTHING is done via folders and sub folders. Including weapons, guns and pilots. (as was true in post 08 patch level 1stGens). Decal especially require their residence in the /Objects/Decals/*name-of-plane" folder. Honestly, trying to port SF1 (especially an uncompleted model -sorry Russ!!-) is not a good expenditure of time. Especially when the EEL inghtning is a stock 3w aircraft (with SF2E expansion). There's no muss, no fuss. Also, a stock, unmodded game will NOT have certain folder (Effects being one of them) You simply create that folder within the mod folder of choice. as to installing the Javelin incorrectly, the package WAS set up for a simple drag and drop -- one just moves, copies/pastes, etc the Object folder supplied DIRECTLY over the /Object folder of the game install (aka: the mod folder) of choice, and allow the overwrite. Same for the provided /Sounds folder. In my readmes, I use the following instructions (albeit this one for a ww2 aircraft) no matter what era, the instructions are always the same. Remember, comparing SF2 to SF1, all the folder setups are identical ... they're just in a different place due to Windows security (protected regions of the HD, the /ProgramFiles sectors). The only real difference is some 'base folders' are not included in a STOCK install They would be: Effects Menu Flight /Decals /Guns /Pilots /Weapons Terrains (--- that plural is VERY important!!) One simply creates them to add the needed items, or if they're included in the mod, allow the creation/overwrite. It really IS much easier than SF1
  24. would have been nice to tell us that at the start, wouldn't it???? the bis and bisB are stock in SF2E.

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