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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. A minor mistake was made on this mod...I've used the wrong squadron. So, to fix, you should open the SeafireIII_CAF folder, and rename the 887 skin folder to 894 open the (now renamed) 894 skin folder, and open the textureset.ini. Change to read as follows: Name=No. 894 NAS HMS Indefatigable (BPF) save and close the ini Open the Decals ini, and do 'find and replace' for 887 to 894. Save an close Go down to the Decals folder, find the SeafireIII_CAF, and renamed the 884 folder to 894. Everything should work. A corrected version is being uploaded to fix this. For those that have downloaded it already, you can do the edits above, or just drop the new correct pack directly over, after deleting the 884 folder sorry about that!! It was a simple typo!!
  2. Version


    SF2 WW2 PTO J2M Jack Number List Fix 9/13/2013 Herein are replacement numberlst.inis for the J2M1 & J2M3 "Jack" recently released. For some reason, I'd forgotten to extend the numberation to it's full extent. You can find the aircraft here: http://combatace.com/files/file/14251-sf2-ww2-pto-mitsubishi-j2m-raiden-jack-pak/ --------------- -Install Instructions: unzip as usual, and drop the /Objects folder directly over your existing one. Allow the overwrite. ------------ sorry about that people! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. SF2 PTO - Zero and Rufe Pak



    SF2 Zero and Rufe Pak -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due to the excessive modifications made to fit them into the SF2 environment.* This is a Compliation Pakcage of all the Mods/Reskins/etc for ArmorDave's A6M "Zero". Included in this pack are: A6M2 Type 21 A6M2 "Sen Baku" by Christian59 A6M5 Type 52a A6M5C Type 52c A6M7 Type 63 A6M2-N Rufe floatplane (both the early and late model sets - 'plane white-ish', and Camo green). All have a (semi) compliant SF2 FM - however, as always, further tweeking may be necessary by experts. Personally, I think they're just a hair 'too good', but they fly very nicely. Data ini edits add the SF2NA style 'carrier based statements', so they can/will fly from IJN carriers on terrains that have the proper naval map statements and _water.bmp. And if you posess operational IJN CVs (there's a WW2 ship pak in the works) Pilot figures (including the fakepilot & pylons), weapons, sounds and a gun are included. Decal radomization is TRUE for all, and all skin maps are jpgs. New, SF2 versions of the 'box art' hangars and loading screens are included. As always, fairly easy to follow, highly detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. All original readmes, where discoverable, are included within their individual aircraft & skin folders. Due to the age of these models, and the lack of access to the MAX files, any and all physical errors canNOT be fixed. They are 'as they are'. Happy Hunting! wrench kevin stein
  4. Didn't Dave delete them?? (it's a family site and all) Be nice to have them back!!
  5. Version 1.1


    SF2 WW2 FAA Seafire Mk.IIIC Pak by Cocas Aircraft Factory & Co 9/25/2014 -- Something for the WW2 Fleet Air Arm players -- = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: this is designed for use in a PTO mods folder built from the SF2NA exe, as it has the proper carrier coding.* The package contains a =NEW= Seafire Mk.IIIC as issued to Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm squadrons in WW2. Skin(s) included with the package are: Royal Navy No. 894 NAS, BPF, embarked on HMS Indefatigable in 1945 All markings are decals and Decal Randomization is TRUE. Damage textures are in DDS format. The canopy operates via the Standard Animation Keystroke ™, Shift/0. Wingfold is operated also with the SAK, Shift/9. Guns also grouped, MGs in Group 1, the cannon in Group 2. Pilot figure, engine sound, and a 'new' drop tank are included, as are "box art" style Hangar and Loading Screens. Guns and bombs are not included, as these are the standard WW2 British types. The template is included for other Texture Artists ™ to use (and to correct any of my mistakes) You'll find it in the folder marked "extras". This template also works on the CAF Spitfire Mk.Vs & Seafire Mk.II as well. When in game, you'll see: Seafire Mk.IIIC (CAF) on the aircraft selection dropdown menu. This will diferentiate =THIS= Seafire from any others you may (or may not) have. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein -for Cocas Aircraft Factory, Prop Works Division- with extra special thanks to Cocas and RussoUK!! EDIT: new version with corrected squadron number, and all ini corrections uploaded. Those that have download the first version, may want to use this or follow the editing instructions below
  6. 3d guys see the world!!!!! what an amazing thing!!! Now, must learn how to work it.
  7. I gotta call "bullpup" on that Fury!!! Wish we could have finished it with the folding wings. Ah, well ...such is life!! re: the FT BuzzNums, who do you think made them all???!!! LOL!!!
  8. the brick detailing is beautiful!!! why can't you upload it? If you want, I give it a go (after examining them, of course!! <grin>)
  9. Trust me, I know more tricks than I telling. look at these 2 screenies ... carefully at the one with the B-17. Unfortuantely, it not large enough, but look at that top edge on Eastern Island. An "invisible" runway that's big enough to operate Forts from... the 2nd is at night, looked an Eastern & Sand (btw, the runway on Sand was added sometime in the last quarter of 1942, and was NOT there for the Battle of Midway)
  10. Happy, if you do that to the Skyhawk cockpit, you'll leave a "hole" where the windscreen frame was. That part is 'cut', with the glass placed around it. Found that out ages ago, in 1stGens, so that trick won't work that specific pit
  11. you're infantry (and other AFVs) should NOT have and Air_and_Ground targeting statement in their data inis, unless, like a tank/APC/etc, you have a co-ax MG that was designed for that When we were building the original DS mod in 08, we found that setting that statement OVERIDES any and all ground targeting. Meaning: vehicles engaged with each other will stop firing, and start shooting at aircraft (you or enemy CAS birds), to the detriment of the mission. Now, OTH, if within the data ini, you have a "solider" with a dedicated MANPADS, you might be able to change the statement for that weapon only. Unfortunately, that removes the squadmate that should be operating the anti-tank missiles. The purpose of CAS mission is to destroy enemy armor (ok, in this case Infantry, as they are classed as a TANK), not enemy aircraft
  12. Thanks Raven! Right now, I don't even know what the menu bits are!! But I know that'll come in handy at some point!
  13. all mine work, in every era. the problem are, basically, the short range of the weapons carried (rifles and SMGs), and how the movements ini in the terrain was set up. Most have their "route points" too widely spaced to allow the infantry weapon to be brought to bear. The rare exceptions are those equipped with rocket launchers (bazooka, LAW or RPG), as they have a slightly longer range then the rifles. So, in truth, it's not the grunt's fault!
  14. sweet!! as I learn, I'll probably start with something simple, like a building or oil tank or a 'simple' solid
  15. seriously, everyone knows the Buzz Numbers for all the Shooting Star series are FT -- plenty of decals for that
  16. rivers and roads don't work. You need a REALLY good chart or map, find a matching spot (in this case Umm Qasar and the head the Gulf), and just make the best guess possible. You'll see I've already run the rivers in the IR2003 map when you see the road tiles, you'll see how I got around that. And every other tile. Just match the painted on lines
  17. sorry, I've been a little HUA the last few days! it's on the way!
  18. I would think, with a given footprint for the hanger, couldn't the destroyed lods from TK's stock ones be used? It could save time and effort. That's what I did with Stary's hangars, I just referenced the 'stock' destroyed lod hangar1 (rectangular, peaked roof) 46x48 m hangar 2 (rounded top, long like a Quonset hut) 28x44m hangar3 (largest square) 72x72m I use the hangar3_destroyed.lod for all of Stary's (and lots of other things!) As to airfield layouts, let me look around. I assume you want a more military look?
  19. Well, if you're experienced with MAX, I could sure use this P-47C to be finished. It's skinned, decaled, etc. All it needs is a lod with some corrections. It's in game, flys fairly well, but has some (ok, as I really don't know what's a major or minor glitch/fault/tweek, I won't lie!) further work IF you volunteering, I can pass on what I have, including the source file and all research materials (books and stuff on PDF). The good thing is, the C model can be used as a base for the Razorback D as well, with some changes. (addition of 2 more cowl flaps, different belly pylon, the addition of 2 wing pylons -- things like that). The Thunderbolts we have now (D razorback and D bubbletop) are from 2004-ish and in dire need of (freeware) replacements. in the screenies below, just ignore the green dot ... that's one of my skinning tricks to find what side is where
  20. yah, it's a stupid (non) function of the TE. You add the tile select "3-way", and save it. It'll be grayed out. Then, go BACK into the tile, and add the 3rd section. It's like a lot of other functions that TK just never finished. "The Story of Our Lives" Did you still want the TE? It's already got all the stuff all set up.
  21. Oh, you can bet I'm taking my time with this... I've still got terrains to finsh, one of which covers over 1/3 of this planet!! Along with everything else (skins, decals, and whatevers!)
  22. yefrim gordon' book on the Mig-21 states 30 (a GREAT book, and should be required reading for anyone)
  23. draging

    don't be sorry! don't ever be!!! You've nothing to apologize for!! You've done outstanding work on the planes we did; the community, and myself, are most grateful. Russo has the Seafire, and will give it a look over. Hopefully soon, we'll have one for everyone in the near future!! you take care of yourself, my friend! If you ever feel like coming back, there's ALWAYS a place for you here!
  24. Now that we have Daniel's max files, I need someone to volunteer to help me finish off the Seafire Mk.IIIc and, if possible, the P-47C. The Seafire, which is literally 98% finished, needs a "fix" on the tail wheel. Everything else (save some decals for other units) is done (although it may need the meshes for the Volkes removed, but I've 'hidden' it via the compentent removal statments) . I have the templates, screens, and stuff all ready to go. Just need a finalized lod So, who wants to help a brudda out???

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