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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. probably need to map the interior sections. It might just be me, but does it remind anyone else of Mothra?? with all those wheels like it's legs??? I went looking yesterday for books, to help on the gun mounts (looks like that's taken care of!), but found a Schiffer book on the 321 & 323. It's your's if you still want or need it.
  2. and would be willing to do a little translating for me?? I've got a period aviator's map, that I'm (sorta) using on a current terrain project, but it's all in Japanese. I can make educated guesses at some locations, but need more real detail Of particular interest to me, are airfield and city locaitons anyone that can, please PM me. thanks in advance!!
  3. many thanks, brother!! PM Inbound!!
  4. unless they're differential elevons ....
  5. yah, it's like a plague. So little thought about what they're asking for. So little thought about what they do. So little care about what we've done for this game. Not on my watch. They're files get deleted, and so do they after 1 warning, and trying it again. And I'm the nicest one of the staff. Others will not be so kind. The most recent ones weren't even re-done well. They just reposted work from 2004!! Not even SF2 compliant So, I guess the answer to Ripley's question in "Aliens" would be a "Yes; human intelligence DID drop while you slept" --- for those too lazy, too cheap or otherwise intellectually challenged, there's this for the Oz Mirage: http://combatace.com/files/file/11967-dassault-mirage-iiio-raaf/ released 5 days before the DLC was. You can imagine my feelings on that account.
  6. sorry I didn't respond sooner; having more issues (STILL!!!) with my eye, even after a 2nd PKT procedure. I use GE a lot, plus a LARGE collection of period maps (of the cities themselves) and 2 different sets of US Govt charts (usually they date from 1950 and later) WBS, I'd be very happy to send you the map, even it you can't translate all of it. Mostly interested in what some of the airfield symbology (map markings) are, and the names of the fields and associated cities. Any and all assistance is deeply appreciated! :) From there, I can figure out the modern (if still used) equlivants. As the map is WW2... the modern stuff just helps me place them. and yes, the cruiser class was named for that city.
  7. malfunction of the Exported=TRUE statement and that particular aircraft's UserList.ini happens FAR too often
  8. in other words, delete or rename the data ini, so the game engine don't see it. Then, the game engine ™ will revert to the data ini stored in the whichever objectdata cat it's hiding in. problem solved
  9. also.. http://combatace.com/topic/78417-successful-torpedo-runs-how-to/
  10. Nagoya, iirc (as "WBS Shipyards" was added to the WW2 Okinawa map there as a tribute) I'm hoping he sees this. Of course, I could just PM him...
  11. too much work for too little result too many steps outlined; for the ini work, wouldn't it be simplier to "save as ..." back into ANSI?? but for any lod created with MAX2009 and the 3W exporter, they'd be Unicode and invisible to SF1
  12. nice! so, quad 40, dual 5" mount, Kingfisher on the fantail ... Washington class?? ---------- require screenie
  13. unit the "cylinder" started singing about maps, I thought it might be Happy Harry Hardon!!! Good suggestion DA, but I've done that. Not all the Japanese airfields were reused by the ROCAF. Most are underneath the modern cities now. And this would also give me the proper Japanese names, not in Chinese. and this is just for the airfields. There were between 50-65 dromes of varying utility on the island. I ain't even started locating all the cities for the alchohol & butanol plants!! (nearly 100)
  14. I suggest getting a copy. In fact, having the entire series is a MUST for skinners & modders. It really helps in finding what goes where. Correctly. that's the wing fold hinge point, as illustrated in the diagram above from the parts catalogue. At the end of the day, it's what the majority of the evidence shows. Especially on the overall DNGB, you'll find they really don't show, even if they existed. (and the orthographic film of the time is quite "iffy" on contrast differences and color changes).
  15. never did too many Hasagawa, although I did do quite a few the Tamiya armor series (1/35) so, according to Dave's map, Okinawa is in a boxed section of the ocean, where North Korea used to be? but THIS is what I'm talking about, goofballs!! this is just a small piece of the map. and, yes, obviously compass heading and distance arrows are readily figured out (after all, they're in anglic script). The map is from 1943
  16. Palestine WIP

    some beautiful work there, Geezer!! Simply amazing stuff!!
  17. FG-1D, VMF-213, on board USS SAIDOR (CVE-117) mid-45ish (edit: squadron disbanded in early 46) and what's with the wing walkways??? IF they were visible, they'd be up against the wing root, and the fuselage base, NOT mid-chord of the wing. Considering the steps are at the lower fuselage side of the wing roots The only time I've actually SEEN the non-skid coating was on an ex-FN -7 that used to come here to Santa Monica airport in the early 70s. USN birds, according to ALL my source materials (included my very own eyes) never had them
  18. same as it's always been tab --> select command.
  19. interesting. Makes one wonder how they'd have fared in the Solomons campaign. Given 99 Squadron's experience in Burma ... I forsee a lot of "night moves"
  20. well, here's an idea ... why don't you rebuild the engine section to "spec"?? And post it for everyone to use
  21. File Name: SF2 "Sub Chaser" for WW2 and Post-War File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 03 September 2014 File Category: Patrol Craft SF2 "Sub Chaser" for WW2 and Post-War 9/3/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: This is the SF2 version. A 1st Gen, SF/Wo* version will be relased shortly.* *Note #2: as there exists another version of this type of ship by the DAT, THIS mod has a unique folder name that will -NOT- conflict for those End Users that may have that version.* This mod represents a 'generic' Sub Chaser type patrol craft, but resembles closely the SC-497 class as used by the US Navy and Allies during WW2. Many other nations also used them after the war, for various patrol/security/escort functions. It is classed as a "Patrol Boat" in the data ini, so it most likely will NOT show up attached to Battle Groups. However, it can be added via the 3w Mission Editor (like to convoys in Antishipping missions) This was a collaborative effort by RussoUK (after discovering the ship deeply archived!) Spectre8750 for finalization and exportation, plus ini works by all of us. Very few tweeks by me. It was all pretty much done! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  22. Version


    SF2 "Sub Chaser" for WW2 and Post-War 9/3/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *Note: This is the SF2 version. A 1st Gen, SF/Wo* version will be relased shortly.* *Note #2: as there exists another version of this type of ship by the DAT, THIS mod has a unique folder name that will -NOT- conflict for those End Users that may have that version.* This mod represents a 'generic' Sub Chaser type patrol craft, but resembles closely the SC-497 class as used by the US Navy and Allies during WW2. Many other nations also used them after the war, for various patrol/security/escort functions. It is classed as a "Patrol Boat" in the data ini, so it most likely will NOT show up attached to Battle Groups. However, it can be added via the 3w Mission Editor (like to convoys in Antishipping missions) This was a collaborative effort by RussoUK (after discovering the ship deeply archived!) Spectre8750 for finalization and exportation, plus ini works by all of us. Very few tweeks by me. It was all pretty much done! As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Wrench Kevin Stein
  23. I LIKE those!! About time we see some Kiwi Kittyhawks!! Shouldn't the forward band meet up with the wing band at the wing root??? Similar to the P-40F for the 69th FS at Henderson, I never finished ... must do so!!
  24. so, for example, you created a Nicaraguan MiG-21MF. You have a uniquie folder name... Objects/Aircraft/MiG-21MF_NI a unique matching main ini name... MiG-21MF_NI.ini and did you create a matching data ini, with Nicaragua as the nation (said data ini MUST reside in the aircraft's folder)? Removed Exported-TRUE ini data ini? Removed references to a no longer needed **_userlist.ini in the aircraft's main ini?? There's another tutorial in the KB -don't remember if it's 1stGen or SF2- on creating 'nationalized' aircraft. You'll have to search for it. Because, using the example here, for a fictional FAN Fishbed-J, mine has never rewritten itself. Ever

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