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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    SF2 WW2 PB4Y-1 (B-24J) USN Liberator, PTO Pak by Veltro2K 6/4/2014 (Full 5 Merged Reccomended) This pack contains a NEW aircrft by Veltro2k; the US Navy's PB4Y-1 (B-24J) Liberator as seen in the Pacific. This aircraft uses some SF2NA 'mission statements'. It is designed for use ONLY in the PTO (Central Pac, Solomons, Phillipines, Home Island, etc). Research has not turned up any data about thes models being used in SoWesPac (particularly New Guinea, although some DID operate over Borneo). Of course, these also replaced the eariler "D" version in the Atlantic. The unit represented herein are: VPB-102, based in the Solomons in 1943 The aircraft is finished in standard USN 3-tone camo, and while 'assigned' to VPB-102, is representative of pretty much all USN VPB Liberator units as seen from the Aleutians to Australia, and (almost) all points in between. The same goes for Atlantic squadrons, fron the Arctic Ocean to the South Atlantic (although with a different paint job). The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings). The BuNums are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within a specific unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. There are NO nose arts. Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already. Damage textures are in DDS format. When in game you'll see PB4Y-1 (J) Liberator (v2k) The (J) expresses that this version is based of the B-24J model, NOT the D, L, or M. All USN/USMC/USCG versions were called PB4Y-1, regardless of what sub-variant. It will also further diferentiate it from any built from Pasko's B-24J. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. actually, it lacked a SUPERcharger, with is very different from a TURBOcharger. One being mechanicly driven (engine -ie crankshaft driven- positive displacement Roots-type supercharger) the other an exhaust gas driven turbine-type. While both devices do, basicly the same thing, they're very different in operation. Keeping within the "mid to low" altitude operations kept the aircraft within it's element. It wasn't a bad plane it just wasn't the best. But it was amongst the "best available at the time" And there's the so called "tumbling". The Warbird Tech volume on the Airacroba has a whole chapter discussing it. Dean: I have an MTO version nearly done. One AAF, another Free French. The friendly Italian (Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force (Aviazione Cobelligerante Italiana, post Oct 43) I haven't done as they're a different model. But, it would be a simple reskin to the "D" versions, if one doesn't look too close!!. The Aussies only had less than 6 and they gave them the boot pretty quick. Stratos: nice to see it showed up in EAW (which I never had -- wish I'd had it back when) So, I take it that a resounding "yes"??
  3. you're missing the critical statement Add this below the Lat/Long lines NavalMap=TRUE that should make it work
  4. SF2 WW2 CBI B-24D Liberator Pak



    SF2 WW2 B-24D Liberator, CBI Pak by Veltro2K 6/1/2014 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended) This pack contains a NEW aircrft, by Veltro2k; the B-24D Liberator as seen in in the China, Burma, India Theatre. Be advised, that while there wasn't too much 'crossover' between the 10 AF in India and the 14th AF in China, for gaming purposes it won't matter much. You are advised, however, to have a seperate CBI mods folder (even though the new India/Burma/Indochina map is far from completed). The unit(s) represented herein are: 10th AF (India): 493rd BS, 7th BG (star-and-ball, 42/43) 9th BS, 7th BG (star-and-bar, late 43 thru 45) 14th AF (China): 374th BS, 308th BG (43) All Aircraft are painted in the standard finish of OD/Neutral Grey. Each of the skins will display their theatre association (B/I) or © on the Loadout Screen's drop down. The skins are in jpg format. All markings are decals (excepting the wing national markings). The serials, when carried, are 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular unit, but ARE for the model variant depicted. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. 10th & 14th AF squadron numbering conventions (plane-in-group numbers) are used on these aircraft. There are NO nose arts. Other texture artists are encouraged to do the research, and create proper artwork decals. Weapons, pilot figures and guns are NOT included; you should have them already. A new "generic" Hangar screen was created for this mod. Damage textures are in DDS format. When in game you'll see B-24D Liberator (v2k) This will differentiate this Lib from any others you may have (ie: Pasko's). As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! PLEASE read the "Notes" section for other important notations, in particular for in-game usage. Happy Landings Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. Personally, I'd put X-4 missiles on the Stroch, but that's just me !!!
  6. 1st off, WHICH Okinawa terrain? Did you build your PTO mods folder FROM the SF2NA exe? What does the top section of the Okinawa.ini look like? (copy/paste it in your response) Does the terrain folder have the proper Okinawa_water.bmp, with the 2 colored "CV zones"? (there should be 4, 3 friendly, 1 enemy off the coast of Shikoku) Cause mine works fine If you had to add various CVs and other ships, I'm reasonably certain you aren't using the latest version, cause I added them (types ini should have a date of 9/1/2012)
  7. be advised, the terrain I mentioned is WW2 ONLY!!! It's not the "modern" version of the EAW map. You need to look through all the files in that terrain folder -- the data ini, hm_bmps, and the tga tiles as well
  8. Delete the mods folder, let the exe recreate a NEW one) DO NOT RE-ADD THE NEW AIRPLANES!! Then play the game normally, and report back. Also, WHICH aircraft did you install? Provide the links Can't give you much help with so little data; more information is required.
  9. fully updated to SF2? http://combatace.com/topic/54856-converting-sfwo-terrains-to-sf2-usage/ I could almost bet the sea and sea-land transition tgas probably aren't The (rebuilt) WW2 version works just fine
  10. I'd suggest re-reading the section I posted above on "Why Bombers Exist in the 3W Series". There's nothing wrong with the radar. This isn't Falcon4; you can't lock ground targets in 3W games. In fact; I'm pretty sure you can't do it Real Life either (but I expect those more knowledgeable, with Real World ™ experience to correct me. After all, we have an Bone driver on staff)
  11. File Name: SF2 WW2 PTO P-400 Airacobra (Export) Pak by Veltro2k File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 02 June 2014 File Category: Other SF2 WW2 PTO P-400 Airacobra (Export) Pak by Veltro2k 5/25/2014 -- Something for the PTO players -- = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged (Reccomended/Preferred) = *There is a distinct possibility that this mod will =NOT= work in SF/Wo* 1stGen game installs, due various and sundry reasons* This is a mod of Veltro2k's Bell P-39D Airacobra, in to the export version, called P-400 in USAAF service. This aircraft is designed to either replace or compliment the SF2 versions I did for Wolf257's Airacobra. It's the End Users choice if you with to delete the old versions, or keep them. Both skins are in the "RAF style" camo pattern. Skins included are: 39th FS, 35th FS, early 1942 (New Guinea) 67th FS, 58th FG Mid/Late 1942 (Guadalcanal) The above are units that were used in the SouthWestPacific region, specifically Australia & New Guinea (39th), and The Solomons (Guadalcanal, 67th). The skins also use the "StartDate" switch, so as to turn on at the (almost) appropriate time. Serial numbers (RAF issued) are 100% historicaly correct for this aircraft, but should be considered 'generic' in nature, as they represent no particular aircraft within these specific units. All skins are in jpg format. Decal Randomization is TRUE. An SF2 version of the original 'box art' hangar screen are included. Damage textures are in DDS format. Sounds and a pilot figure are included. All the other items (bombs, drop tank, guns, etc) you should have already. All lighting is 100% historically correct. When in game, you'll see: P-400 Airacobra (v2k) Displayed on the Aicraft Selection Dropdown menu. This will diferentiate it from the Wolf257 version. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein ------------------------------ 6/12/2014: Version 2 uploaded. Fixes reported decal pathways issue. This is now corrected Click here to download this file
  12. Version 2 uploaded Fixed reported decals pathway issue. Sorry, but you'll have to redownload. After unzipping, just drop EVERYTHING over the existing install. Allow the overwrite. You may also, if you wish, delete the empty 67thFS decals folder, as they all reference decals from the 39th's folder
  13. hence the need to carry the belly tank all the time. A simple edit of the loadout ini (after extraction and placement in the Meteor's folder) will fix this. They ALWAYS carried it on Ops, all the way back the Mk.III of WW2
  14. It's called "Conformal Carry", and has been used for missiles since the F-4 Phantom
  15. easy: radar bombing doesn't work in these games. the very reason ALL bombers are, and should be, left under AI control. As I put in EVERY readme for all the Heavies I've work on.... and there ya have it.
  16. what about using Gerwin's TFD tool??? SHows all the target areas (btw, Chosin Resivour is in the wrong place! I placed it too far south and east. But can't change it now!)
  17. since the terrain has a 100 year span, I'd leave EVERYTHING alone. That's what I did with mine. Also, use SF2NA exe as the 'build from", as you'll need the 'carrier coding'
  18. very nice! one small fix ... the AircraftShortName= in the TempestV_v2k.ini, still shows "Typhoon" A quck text edit will fix that!!
  19. I made it to the Smithsonian!

    Don't care what anybody says, It's DAMN cool!!
  20. File Name: Tempest V Hangar & Loading Screens (WW2 ETO) File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 10 June 2014 File Category: Hangars SF2 WW2 ETO, Hangar and Loading Screens for Tempest Mk.V (by Veltro2K) 6/10/2014 These are NEW SF2 versions of the original "Box Art" 1stGen screens I made a long time ago. They are in jpg format. Install is simple: unzip to a temp folder or location, copy/paste the 2 jpgs TempestV_Hangar.jpg TempestV_Loading.jpg into the main /TempestV_v2k folder. Open the TempestV_v2k.ini, and copy/paste the text below directly OVER the existing (blank) lines for the hangar and loading screen callouts HangarScreen=TempestV_Hangar.jpg LoadingScreen=TempestV_Loading.jpg Save and Close. there you go! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein (since screenies are required, I thought the one above was nice one!) Click here to download this file
  21. Version


    SF2 WW2 ETO, Hangar and Loading Screens for Tempest Mk.V (by Veltro2K) 6/10/2014 These are NEW SF2 versions of the original "Box Art" 1stGen screens I made a long time ago. They are in jpg format. Install is simple: unzip to a temp folder or location, copy/paste the 2 jpgs TempestV_Hangar.jpg TempestV_Loading.jpg into the main /TempestV_v2k folder. Open the TempestV_v2k.ini, and copy/paste the text below directly OVER the existing (blank) lines for the hangar and loading screen callouts HangarScreen=TempestV_Hangar.jpg LoadingScreen=TempestV_Loading.jpg Save and Close. there you go! Enjoy! Wrench Kevin Stein (since screenies are required, I thought the one above was nice one!)

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