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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. View File P-3C "Orion" Remod Pak P-3C "Orion" Remod Pak 12/19/22 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a fairly heavy overhaul, plus numerous additions, to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. Please be advised, as the physical model has not been "finished" since it's 2012 release, it may still be considered an "advanced Beta". This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to REPLACE IN TOTAL the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way SHOULD work with no issues. But always think 'safety first'. The older, original skins have been completely revamped: USNGrey1 USNGrey2 *see notes about these 2* Royal Norwegian Air Force (No.333 Squadron) original Dark Sea Grey, and NEW Lo-Viz The new skins are: JMSDF -in both GullGrey/White and LoViz grey overall (see notes) RAAF -both #10 & #11 squadrons USN- VP-40 "Fighting Marlins" (GG/W) All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. There is also a huge amount of information in the "Notes" section. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Submitter Wrench Submitted 01/01/2023 Category Other  
  2. P-3C "Orion" Remod Pak 

    Version 1.0.0


    P-3C "Orion" Remod Pak 12/19/22 -- For SF2, Any & All -- This is a fairly heavy overhaul, plus numerous additions, to Florian's Lockheed P-3C "Orion" maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft. Please be advised, as the physical model has not been "finished" since it's 2012 release, it may still be considered an "advanced Beta". This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to REPLACE IN TOTAL the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way SHOULD work with no issues. But always think 'safety first'. The older, original skins have been completely revamped: USNGrey1 USNGrey2 *see notes about these 2* Royal Norwegian Air Force (No.333 Squadron) original Dark Sea Grey, and NEW Lo-Viz The new skins are: JMSDF -in both GullGrey/White and LoViz grey overall (see notes) RAAF -both #10 & #11 squadrons USN- VP-40 "Fighting Marlins" (GG/W) All skins are in jpg format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active. As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. There is also a huge amount of information in the "Notes" section. PLEASE read it!!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  3. Dude, it's a DAT bird. You know what that means
  4. There is no need and absolutely no reason to repack cat files. Any and all extracted files go into their various folders within the mods folder. example, in your case, all RWR lists go in the /Flight folder. All RWR tgas go in the flight folder. For specific aircraft, you can put their *name-of-plane* rwr.lst into BOTH the aircraft's folder AND the /Flight folder. Unless the warning sounds require a specfic noise, you shouldn't have to mess with the sound list file, either.
  5. Humpday Heavies

    Orions on the hunt
  6. why not use Veltro's Swallow??? I have the templates
  7. re-approved, and ready to downloading!!!
  8. isn't that the BPF roundel & bar?????
  9. Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas from sunny southern California!! We're expecting nearly 80 degs F for Christmas day!! Can you believe that? Half the USA is frozen, and we're toasting! Happy Nude Year too!!
  10. Browser reccomendations?

    Getting a new message from Chome "not longer supporting updates on Win 7. please switch to winge10 or later". Getting 10 or 11 is not really an option; this box is from 2008. Even though i'ts had 3 hard drives, at least 2 (maybe 3) vid cards, I know it's going to fail a some point. Just can't afford a new comp. Not for at least 6 - 12 months more. So, I"m looking for a good/easy/secure browser. I had Edge installed, but don't like how it handles bookmarks (also made the mistake of "import from..." and wouldn't delete them. kept coming back!) So, ideas folks? thanks!
  11. Perhaps if you told us which cargo ships are effected??? As there a numerous 3rd party add-on boats, that may or may not have been updated for SF2... or is it the stock cargo ship and/or tanker?? Important information for diagnosis
  12. Ah HA!!!! We've caught Spinner out on this one!!! The Trent Meteor was a real plane (tm); albeit a one-off, but it did exist and is not a what if!!! LOL!!! The only what-if part is that it didn't go into production and service. As for this Centaurs version ... yah, I'll concede it's a WI For a DAT bird, this one looks pretty good
  13. Wilches: Indeed!!! I'd LOVE to have that feature!!! Dialing in the cockpit positions for the crew is tiresome!! (at best)!!
  14. never had a problem with ground objects... just click the ini. pilots, the work as long as the ini and lod are present in their folder... weapons, they work most of the time; however you may need to click on the LOD itself for it to show (like in the AGM28 below)
  15. like this at Tourane? remember, there's still a humongous amount to work to be done
  16. well, the WW2 aircraft would be pretty useless without a terrain with "proper" targeting (meaning: dropping Vietminh and etc camps and such into the jungles. I'd be happy to release the aircraft if there's enough interest (includes some what-if VC birds too) Combining terrains, in my opinion, is a great idea. The entire map has to be reworked (in Menrva has a new height field), all the rail yards added and such like, plus the ports and corrected/added rivers (thing Mekong delta here)
  17. there's really something wrong with my eyes .... when I saw the thread header, I saw "Indian Submarine Swifts"..... must get help for that nice work, btw
  18. I have all the aircraft done (excepting using the P-39 as the not-available P-63, and Ju-52 Tucan version, and the PB4Y-2 Privateer -- waiting for Torno & Co. on that one). Reworking the map is a freeking nightmare!! I walked away from it due to major personal issues. I hope to return to the map next year. But it will be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNGGGGGGGGG project! (and lots of new, more accurate tiles, too!)
  19. Not to take away from this very clever upload, in the options.ini, in the SingleMission section has always been this: Simply change to TRUE, and off you go!! IIRC, it defaults to the A-4 cockpit, but has been around like, forever.
  20. didn't we used to have (in 1stGens) JUST the pylons for the AA-1s on Fresco???, that did not included the radar nose??? I seem to have a vague recollection of such a thing -- or I'm just getting old(er) Let me look around in the tombs and archives of the ancient modders ....
  21. Don't feel bad about the pylon issue -- TK's stock A-1 Skyraiders have it too. I've never been able to fix it. Just tell folks to ignore it.
  22. For Wolf's P-47D Razorback. The pylons were never mapped, so I did this... This should give you some idea .... no parts included, just "text". Ignore the "remove/hide" statements, as those are for the removal of the unmapped original pylons. You should be able to figure it out from there Also curious. WHICH airplane needs additional pylons??? And Why? kj-P-47D_DATA.ini
  23. here's the fixed fuselage bmp. Just drop this over the existing one in the /France folder. This is just a quickie fixie Fuselaje.bmp edit: New, corrected Full Version Download Pack (tm) uploaded and ready for use. thank you

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