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Everything posted by Wrench

  1. Version


    SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (66) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 2 3/15/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* Please note, this pack is set up for the F-104C_66 variant from the DLC pak (WITH refueling probe) =ONLY=!!! This pack contains skins/decals for the following units: 435th TFS, 479th TFW, as based at Udorn RTAFB (and attached to 8th TFW) Post-Vietnam: 198th FIS, Pureto Rico ANG The PRANG skin has a start date of 1969, and will automaticly switch. All aircraft are in standard SEA camo finish. All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE. 100% historical serial numbers (all 77, new decals) are included. Nose Art decals are included for the 435th Skin; the aircraft are 'named' in the numbers.lst. The PRANG skin, which only uses 26 numbers, are in the later (post-10 years operational) style. The inis included are: Data.ini (operable canopy, Standard Keystroke, Shift/0) Loadout ini main ini Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G) Loadout image (bmp) Avionics. ini (see "Notes" for more information) Cockpit.ini, (see "Notes" for more information) Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the F-104G's pit on your own. When in game, just to be sure, you'll see "F-104C Starfighter (66) (3W)". This will differentiate it from the 1stGen mods (see below, as an added safety precaution). When installing, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with the skin listing order, to make them more user friendly. Also included is my (patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main ini' for when the game engine ™ rewirtes it. Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104Cs ported over to SF2, you are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or remove them from your mods folder BEFORE installing this package. There is a distinct possibility that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely foul things up! *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. don't forget the LNG tanker, and the spherical storage tanks
  3. I know I did the SF2 GR.1. I don't think there's much difference in the mapping, other than perhaps the nose map? It might be adaptable?? EDIT: only the _6 map is different, as the GR1 doesn't have it. that must be the nose. all the other 5 are the same (checked against my templates here)
  4. Version


    SF2 DLC #28: F-104C (61) Starfighter Skins/Ini Pak, Part 1 3/15/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* The pack contains some remods of Daves skins/decals that were originally seen on Anjundair's F-104C. Now that we have a better model (DLC #28), it behooved me to update it. Please note, this pack is set up for the F-104C_61 variant from the DLC pak (WITH refueling probe). However, with a simple rename of the skin maps, it can be used on the standard or garden Variety F-104C included in DLC 28. It is NOT for use on the F-104C_66. That will be covered in another mod pak See "Notes" for more information on skin renaming. This pack contains skins/decals for the following units: 479th TFW, George AFB: 434th TFS 435th TFS 436th TFS 476th TFS (all in stateside full-color markings) and 476th TFS, as seen at Da Nang, RVN in 1964 (called 476_E, with tail TAC Badge) All aircraft are in 'Natural Metal' finish All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE. The inis included are: Data.ini (operable canopy, Standard Keystroke, Shift/0) Loadout ini main ini Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G) Loadout image (bmp) Avionics. ini (with non-historic audio-only RWR) Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil quantity gauges, ala F-104G) Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the F-104G's pit on your own. When in game, just to be sure, you'll see "F-104C Starfighter (61) (3W)". This will differentiate it from the 1stGen mods (see below, as an added safety precaution) When installing, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with the skin listing order, to make them more user friendly. Also included is my (patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main Ini' for when the game engine ™ rewirtes it. Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104Cs ported over to SF2, you are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or remove them from your mods folder BEFORE installing this package. There is a distinct possibility that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely foul things up! *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! Happy Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein
  5. all routes run in both directions. this in normal, and controlled by the game engine so, for instance your anti-shipping mission, the route runs from Cuxhaven to Hamburg. Sometimes the ships will run from Hamburg to Cuxhaven. Same with trucks. meaning: the start and end points are switched at random in single missions oh, and to answer the "how many routes can I have", iirc, it used to be up to 999 (!!!!), so there's no worries there :)
  6. their Zippers are coming soon, too --------- Hunting Charlie's trucks in '64 (btw, the 'plane jane' DLC 28 F-104C is incorrect for VN usage -- they'd have the AFR probes)
  7. Version


    SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter Skins Pak, Part 2 3/15/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* The pack contains some remods of Daves skins/decals that were originally seen on Anjundair's F-104A. Now that we have a better model (DLC #28), it behooved me to update it. Included are USAF and Air National Guard skins. USAF: 56th FIS (ADC) 83rd FIS (ADC) (1st unit to recieve them, Hamilton AFB) 151st FIS (TN ANG) 157th FIS (SC ANG) 197th FIS (AZ ANG) 319th FIS 538th FIS RJAF: No 9 Squadron. This skin replaces the stock 3W with 100% hisorical serials, but is still named the same (from my 1stGen mod of Ajundairs) All markings are decals, and decal Randomization is TRUE. The inis included are: Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0) Loadout ini main ini Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G) Loadout image (bmp) Avionics. ini Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G) User list with corrected RJAF date. Please note, the cockpit itself is =NOT= included -- you'll have to find the F-104G's pit on your own. (these inis will replace those in the PAF F-104A skin pak. Allow the overwrite) *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to access the aircraft's LOD.* For those that have the recently uploaded PAF A-Zipper, just allow the overwrite of the inis. I've fiddled with their order, to make them more user friendly. Also included is my (patent pending) 'One Click Restore Main ini' for when the game engine ™ rewirtes it. Also, if you have ANY of the original Ajundair F-104As ported over to SF2, you are ADIVSED to rename ALL the folders (aircraft and decals), back them up or remove them BEFORE installing this package. There is a distinct possibility that this mod may merge with them, and really and truely foul things up! The same is equally valid for the upcoming mods for the DLC F-104Cs, that are now 'in the hangar'. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  8. File Name: SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force File Submitter: Wrench File Submitted: 13 March 2014 File Category: F-104 SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force 3/10/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* A remod skin/decal set for the DLC F-104A, recreates the Starfighter as used by the PAF. The decals are re-used from my Indo-Pak Mod, that was based on Ajundair's old 1stGen A Zipper. Now, we're using the newest model (you all know how I hate to waste decals.... ). Included are 98.6% historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron, PAF. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections. The inis are: Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0) Loadout ini main ini Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G) Loadout image (bmp) Avionics. ini Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G) *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to have access to the aircraft's LOD.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein Click here to download this file
  9. thanks for posting that link to "High Flight". Some of our local TV stations used to play it. one of my fondest childhood memories, was seeing that version in the 1960s
  10. Malaysian Flight MH370 WTF?!

    damn strange Oceanic 815, anyone?
  11. right next to mine! that's what I thought too!!
  12. oh, so it's normal sized. Remember, ALL stock terrains a 63% of reality. Which is why I use 110 -120 %, like for the Norway map mountains can easily be drawn in after exportation of the height filed as bitmap.
  13. DLC= Down Loadable Content; purchasable from the 3rd Wire site (at a VERY reasonable price) there are currently 29 DLC modules. Hop on over to the 3rd Wire site, and browse to answer the other question,, the DLC Mirage III0 is also a 3rd Wire product (obviously, the Aussie Mirages). IIRC, 3 different versions and at least 4 skins
  14. yes, the close-in-weapons systems on ship (and also SAMs and other A-A misslies) can now target incoming missiles. Also, the Player can now target cruise missles (Phoenix vs AS-4, for example)
  15. having a look at the DLC Zipper Cs ... no sense in wasting Dave's decals, eh?? (gotta take a break for terrain and ww2 modding. you can only do so much..)
  16. no you'd need to physically make a new gauge in the cockpit meshes in 3ds MAX, thereby created an entirely new cockpit
  17. Version


    SF2 DLC #28: F-104A Starfighter, Pakistani Air Force 3/10/2014 = For SF2, Full-4/5 Merged, =WITH= DLC #28 (Full-5 Reccomended/Preferred) = *DLC #28 is REQUIRED for this mod!!* A remod skin/decal set for the DLC F-104A, recreates the Starfighter as used by the PAF. The decals are re-used from my Indo-Pak Mod, that was based on Ajundair's old 1stGen A Zipper. Now, we're using the newest model (you all know how I hate to waste decals.... ). Included are 98.6% historical serial numbers (albeit 2 are for 104Bs ...) as used by No. 9 Squadron, PAF. Decal randomization is set to TRUE. Also included are several inis with some additions and corrections. The inis are: Data.ini (operable canopy, standard keystrokes, Shift/0) Loadout ini main ini Hangar screen (an SF2 revamped version of the 1stGen's F-104G) Loadout image (bmp) Avionics. ini Cockpit.ini, (with working secondary ADI and oil pressure gauges, ala F-104G) *REMINDER!!! You =MUST= have DLC #28 to have access to the aircraft's LOD.* As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please -READ- them!! Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  18. FR.5, for SF2 only it may be convertible to 1stGens, but as almost no one mods for them anymore... http://combatace.com/files/file/13475-sf2-fairey-firefly-pak-post-ww2-korea-post-korea-by-simon-porter/
  19. yes although, sometimes the "defending" side doesn't move at all, and just waits for the 'attackers' to close. which is why, on some of the WW2 maps, I've put atry batteries nearby
  20. all routes are "there" all the time; unfortunately, you can't turn them on and off via a ActiveDate= (like in the targets ini). Wish we could! start and end points can be anywhere "near" anything, based on the radius of the closest target area you also want to keep them (end/start point) within 2 tiles of each other, otherwise the opposing forces won't have the necessary closure to engage each other (as artillery and tank guns seem to have an excessively limited range) for examples, look at the Kamchatka movements ini, in your example, you may need to have "something" on that island to define a point for whichever side (even the oilbarrel1 works, or just have a flag -- see the CubaOTC+ terrain for an example). AFAIK, you must have someplace to start/end from
  21. something that's one of my MAJOR pet peeves, is modders NOT arranging things that match the 3W folder structure, so the End User ™ just simply has to drag and drop their new toys into the appropriate Mods Folder. That, and vague and uninformative and confusing install instructions. The "KISS" principle should be the rule of thumb well, as long as you got it working, all's well in the end
  22. just upload the template to the downloads section - there should be a category for them; saves time and effort!!

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